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Define payment terms


Define payment terms

Use the Define Payment Terms page to define when customers pay for their goods and services. It is common for such terms to be included in a customer’s license or services contract (the contract that governs the subscription).

No limit exists on the number of payment terms that can be created in a tenant.

The following payment term options are available:

  • Net Payment Term.  For this option, the payment interval between the invoice date and the due date is a fixed number of days that you determine. The default payment term is Due Upon Receipt, which means the due date is the day the invoice is received.
  • Prox Payment Term. This option lets you define the day of the month for the invoice to be sent, the payment interval before the due date (in months), and the day of the month on which the due date occurs.

Create a Payment Term

To create a payment term:

  1. In Billing Settings, click Payment Terms.
  2. Click add new payment terms and select the option you want (Net Payment Term or Prox Payment Term).
  3. Complete the fields that appear for the option selected. 
  1. Click save.
  2. To activate the payment term so that it is available, locate the payment term on the Customize Payment Terms list page and click Activate.

If the invoice date or payment due date is greater than the maximum number of days in a given month, these dates default to the end of the month value.

Net Payment Term Examples

Invoice Date Number of Days Due Date
August 1 30 August 31
August 1 15 August 16

Prox Payment Term Examples

Invoice Date Invoice Cutoff Date Number of Months Payment Due Day Due Date
August 10 The 12th of the month 1 The 20th of the month September 20
August 15 The 12th of the month 1 The 20th of the month October 20
August 21 The 12th of the month 1 The 20th of the month October 20
August 10 The 20th of the month 1 The 12th of the month September 12
August 15 The 20th of the month 1 The 12th of the month September 12
August 21 The 20th of the month 1 The 12th of the month October 12
August 21 The 20th of the month 3 The 12th of the month December 12
August 15 End of month 1 End of Month September 30
January 1 The 5th of the month 1 The 30th of the month February 28


Track Payment Terms Setting Changes Through Audit Trail

You can use Audit Trail to track changes on the Payment Terms setting. Use Data Query to run a report against the auditsettingchangeevent Audit Trail table to retrieve the records.

To retrieve the setting changes records, submit a data query through UI or API with the following SQL query: 

SELECT username      AS UpdatedBy,
       action        AS Action,
       settingtype   AS SettingType,
       attributename AS Attribute,
       oldvalue      AS OldValue,
       newvalue      AS NewValue,
       timestamp     AS Timestamp,
FROM   auditsettingchangeevent
WHERE  namespace <> 'UserManagement'
AND    settingtype = 'PaymentTerm'
ORDER  BY timestamp DESC
LIMIT  100000