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Tenant-level Limits


Tenant-level Limits

Zuora is a true multi-tenant SaaS based application. As such, Zuora enforces a number of tenant-level limits to ensure that no one tenant monopolizes shared resources. This article describes these tenant-level limits.

Zuora Internal Documentation. This article is intended for Zuora only. Do not share or distribute publicly.


Need higher thresholds?

If your business requires higher thresholds, please contact Zuora Global Support. We can work with you to evaluate your specific requirements.

Amendments per Subscription

Zuora recommends that you create no more than 100 amendments on a subscription to ensure high performance of the subscriptions. The limit of amendments allowed on a subscription is 1000. However, if you create more than 100 amendments, the performance may be severely degraded, depending on the products and charges set up in your subscription. 

The limit of subscriptions allowed on an account is by default 12,000. However, if you have overridden the value of this limit for your tenant, the value will remain per your configuration.

If the renewal term period of the latest version of the subscription is Day or Week, the limit of amendments allowed on a subscription is 100.

User Interface

Type Description More Information

Customer Hierarchy

Five levels are allowed in a customer hierarchy.

Customer Account Basic Information

URL Length on Callouts

Configuring Callout  Notifications


Type Description More Information
Object Threshold per Call


The number of amendments supported in a single amend call are:

  • For WSDL versions 69+: Up to ten amendments
  • For WSDL versions 42.0 through 68: Up to three amendments
  • For WSDL versions 29.0 through 41.0: Only one amendment





50 objects are supported in a single call.

WHERE Clause Threshold in Queries

Number of Conditions

A maximum of 200 conditions are allowed in a WHERE clause of a query() call. For example, you can have up to 200 distinct AND or OR clauses.

Zuora Object Query Language

Data Source ZOQL

Type Description More Information

Number of Characters 

Export ZOQL

Bill Runs

Type Description More Information

Number of Charges

20,000 charges are allowed per invoice on a bill run. 

Bill Runs

Subscription Optimization and Performance Guidelines

Invoice Presentment

Type Description

Number of Items

An invoice can display up to 20,000 items on the invoice PDF. The number of items includes invoice items, tax items, and usage records.

Zuora Objects

Zuora Object Type Description More Information


Number of Subscriptions

The default maximum number of subscriptions allowed on an account is 12,000. However, if you have overridden the value of this limit for your tenant, the value will remain according to your configuration.

Zuora can increase the limit of subscriptions per account upon request. To increase the limit, see Zuora’s Performance Booster and Performance Booster Elite offerings.

Note that the method that Zuora uses to calculate the number of existing subscriptions on an account is explained as below.

When you create a new subscription on an account, the start and end dates of the subscription determine a time frame. When calculating the number of existing subscriptions on the account, Zuora only counts in those existing subscriptions that have a time frame that overlaps with the new subscription to be created. The time frame of an existing subscription is also determined by the start and end dates of the existing subscription. For an evergreen subscription, this time frame is without an end date.



Number of Contacts

100 contacts are allowed for each customer account.



Up To Period

Number greater than 0 and less than 65,536 is allowed on a discount charge model.

Creating and Changing Discount Charges

ProductRatePlanCharge Product Discount Apply Detail Data One discount product rate plan charge can be applied to no more than 1,000 product rate plans or product rate plan charges.  

Import / Upload

Type Description More Information

File Size

 4 MB (i.e., 4,94304 bytes or 4096 KB) is allowed on the import file size.

Using the Zuora API to Import Mass Usage Records


Type Description More Information

Number of Records

200,000 records are allowed on an Export Mass Order Entry file. This large file contains every subscription and amendment that has been created for your Zuora tenant. 

Zuora recommends uploading up to 400 records per file for improved processing. 

Using Mass Order Entry to Create Subscriptions

File Size

The maximum export file size is 2047MB. If you have large data requests that go over this limit, you will get the following 403 HTTP response code from Zuora:

Submit a request at Zuora Global Support if you require additional assistance.

We can work with you to determine if large file optimization is an option for you.

Generate a Data Source

Export ZOQL

Export SOAP Object

Get Files REST API

Quotes Document REST API

Accounting Period Revenue Detail


Type Description More Information

API-based Sync

For Salesforce Professional and Enterprise, each organization has a limit of 1,000 API calls per user license per day. Review the limits for your Salesforce edition in Salesforce API Limit.

Salesforce Limits and Zuora 360 Syncs

Turbo Sync

Salesforce allows 5,000 Bulk API batches per user license per day. 

Each Turbo Sync, such as Manual Sync or Scheduled Sync, session consumes:

  • 1 Bulk API batch per every 9000 records of each object type to be DELETED
  • 1 Bulk API batch per every 9000 records of each object type to be UPSERTED

Salesforce Bulk API Limits

Salesforce Limits and Zuora 360 Syncs


Zuora Quotes General governors and limits apply to the use of Zuora Quotes in your Salesforce organization. Salesforce Governor and Limits

Concurrent Requests

Zuora employs a number of concurrent request limits to maximize the stability of its service. If the Multi-entity feature is enabled in your tenant, the concurrent request limits apply at the entity level. Otherwise, the concurrent request limits apply at the tenant level.

Concurrent request limit types

Zuora applies different request limits to different types of requests. The request limits are:

  • Total Request limit - 40 concurrent requests by default.
    Most UI and API requests are counted towards your Total Request limit.
    Some requests require a large amount of processing or data transfer. The following additional concurrent limits apply to such requests:

    • Big Process Request limit - 20 concurrent requests by default. All big process requests are also counted towards your Total Request limit. The requests that require heavy database operations are big process requests. For example, requests for retrieving payments for a specified account. See the Big Process Requests table below for more information.

    • Big Data Request limit - 20 concurrent requests by default. All big data requests are also counted towards your Total Request limit.

  • Custom Request limit - 200 concurrent requests by default. Custom requests are NOT counted towards your Total Request limit.

See the following table for the concurrent request limits that apply to different product areas.

Product Area Operations Total Request Limit Big Data Request Limit Big Process Request Limit Custom Request Limit


Subscribe and amend REST method calls:

Subscribe and amend SOAP calls, and the corresponding Action calls in the Zuora API Reference:



  • Preview order
  • Create order


  • All requests except Preview order and Create order
Login Login Requests:
  • Login API calls (REST and SOAP) 
  • UI login requests

(No applicable concurrent limit for Login requests)


Hosted Payment Method Pages:

CPQ Zuora 360 Order Builder (includes APEX wrappers for SOAP APIs) checkmarkGreen_xsm.png      
Zuora for Salesforce
  • 360 Sync
  • Zuora Quotes

(No applicable concurrent limit)

AQuA AQuA API requests
  • Post query
  • Get job results
  • Get results files
AQuA results files download checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png    

Usage request

  • Post usage
checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png    

Usage request

  • Check import status
Data Source Export Data source file download checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png    


  • Get payments
checkmarkGreen_xsm.png   checkmarkGreen_xsm.png  

Big process requests

SOAP API calls on some objects are handled as Big Process Requests. See the following table for details. The corresponding REST API Actions are also handled as big process requests.

SOAP API Calls Objects
Create invoice
Generate invoice



















Errors when reaching concurrent request limits

You will encounter the following error codes, error messages, or HTTP status codes:

Request Type Error Code Error Message HTTP Status Code - Response Header
User Interface N/A "The total number of concurrent requests has exceeded the limit allowed by the system. Please resubmit your request later."


REST API 50000070 "The total number of concurrent requests has exceeded the limit allowed by the system. Please resubmit your request later."

HTTP Status:429

Response Header:  “Retry-After:120"

SOAP API, version 51.0 and later


The total number of concurrent requests has exceeded the limit allowed by the system. Please resubmit your request later.

HTTP Status:429

Response Header:  “Retry-After:120"

SOAP API, versions prior to 51.0

UNKNOWN_ERROR </fns:FaultCode>

The total number of concurrent requests has exceeded the limit allowed by the system. Please resubmit your request later.

HTTP Status:429

Response Header:  “Retry-After:120"

File Download API N/A "The total number of concurrent requests has exceeded the limit allowed by the system. Please resubmit your request later."

HTTP Status:429

Response Header:  “Retry-After:120"

Zuora recommends that you retry sending the request after 120 seconds.

We recommend that you test your integration in Zuora Sandbox and make sure you do not hit the concurrent request limits. Contact Zuora Global Support if you require additional assistance.