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Merge fields supported in IF fields on invoice templates


Merge fields supported in IF fields on invoice templates

Merge Fields Supported in IF Fields

The table below lists the supported merge fields. The Can be Used to Conditionally Display... column specifies the type of information that an IF field can hide or display when the corresponding merge field is used in its test condition.

See Conditional Logic (IF Fields) for information about IF fields, examples of their usage, and the types of information they can display.

Merge fields not listed in the table below may still work in IF fields, but Zuora does not officially support them.

Merge Fields Supported in IF Fields

Merge Field Can be Used to Conditionally Display...
Account.Autopay Text, merge fields, tables
Account.NewBalance Text, merge fields, tables
Account.Currency Text, merge fields, tables
Account.DefaultPaymentMethod Text, merge fields, tables
BillToContact.Address1 Text, merge fields, tables
BillToContact.Address2 Text, merge fields, tables
BillToContact.Country Text, merge fields, tables
BillToContact.PostalCode Text, merge fields, tables
BillToContact.State Text, merge fields, tables
SoldToContact.Address1 Text, merge fields, tables
SoldToContact.Address2 Text, merge fields, tables
SoldToContact.Country Text, merge fields, tables
SoldToContact.PostalCode Text, merge fields, tables
SoldToContact.State Text, merge fields, tables
Invoice.AmountWithoutTax Text, merge fields, tables
Invoice.Balance Text, merge fields, tables
Invoice.CreditBalanceAdjustmentAmount Text, merge fields, tables
Invoice.Discount Text, merge fields, tables
Invoice.DueDate Text, merge fields, tables
Invoice.InvoiceDate Text, merge fields, tables
Invoice.PaymentAmount Text, merge fields, tables
Invoice.Tax Text, merge fields, tables
Invoice.Total Text, merge fields, tables
Invoice.RefundAmount Text, merge fields, tables
Invoice.TotalUsageChargeAmount Text, merge fields, tables
InvoiceItem.AmountWithoutTax Text, merge fields
InvoiceItem.ChargeDate Text, merge fields
InvoiceItem.ChargeType Text, merge fields
InvoiceItem.ExtendedPrice Text, merge fields
InvoiceItem.Quantity Text, merge fields
InvoiceItem.Name Text, merge fields
InvoiceItem.ProductName Text, merge fields
InvoiceItem.RatePlanName Text, merge fields
InvoiceItem.ServicePeriod Text, merge fields
InvoiceItem.TaxAmount Text, merge fields
InvoiceItem.UnitOfMeasureDisplayedAs Text, merge fields
Subscription.Autorenew Text, merge fields
Subscription.AmountWithoutTax Text, merge fields
Subscription.ExtendedPrice Text, merge fields
Subscription.Product.Name Text, merge fields
Subscription.RatePlan.Name Text, merge fields
Subscription.TaxAmount Text, merge fields
UsageSummary.AmountWithoutTax Text, merge fields
UsageSummary.ChargeName Text, merge fields
UsageSummary.ExtendedPrice Text, merge fields
UsageSummary.ProductName Text, merge fields
UsageSummary.RatePlanName Text, merge fields
UsageSummary.TaxAmount Text, merge fields
UsageSummary.UOMDisplayedAs Text, merge fields
UsageSummary.UsagePeriod Text, merge fields
Usage.ChargeName Text, merge fields
Usage.ChargeNumber Text, merge fields
TaxSummary.TaxName Text, merge fields
TaxSummary.TaxRate Text, merge fields
TaxSummary.TaxRateType Text, merge fields
TaxItem.ChargeName Text, merge fields
TaxItem.TaxCode Text, merge fields
TaxItem.TaxRate Text, merge fields
TaxItem.TaxRateType Text, merge fields
Transaction.TransactionType Text, merge fields
AdjustmentTable.Size Text, merge fields, tables
InvoiceItemTable.Size Text, merge fields, tables
PaymentTable.Size Text, merge fields, tables
SubscriptionTable.Size Text, merge fields, tables
TaxItemTable.Size Text, merge fields, tables
TaxSummaryTable.Size Text, merge fields, tables
TransactionTable.Size Text, merge fields, tables
UsageSummaryTable.Size Text, merge fields, tables
UsageTable.Size Text, merge fields, tables