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Export and Import Zuora Rules


Export and Import Zuora Rules

Export or import rules and related objects in the Rules tab. For example, you can use the export and import features when you migrate rules between Salesforce orgs.

We recommend that you import no more than 400 rules in one import operation to minimize the risk of Apex CPU timeouts.

To import rules:

  1. In the Rules tab, click Migrate. If you do not see the Migrate button, click Go!, and the Migrate button will appear.
  2. Click Choose File in the Import Rules section.
  3. Select the file containing the rules and the related objects and click Open.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. In the Import Status section, click Import to complete the import.
  6. After the import, you need to map the Product Rate Plans used in the Add Product rules to the Product Rate Plans in this org. The Product Rate Plans in the target org have different Ids from the Product Rate Plan Ids in the import CSV file. Edit each rule imported, and update the Product Rate Plans used in the Add Product actions to the corresponding rate plans in this org.

We recommend that you export no more than 700 rules in one export operation to minimize the risk of Apex CPU timeouts.

To export rules

  1. In the Rules tab, click Migrate. If you do not see the Migrate button, click Go!, and the Migrate button will appear. If you still do not see the Migrate button, follow the steps below to add Migrate button to Rules List View.
    1. Navigate to Setup > Create > Objects Rule.
    2. In the Search Layouts section, click Edit next to Rules List View.
    3. In the Custom Buttons section, move Migrate from the Available Buttons list to Selected Buttons list.
    4. Click Save.
  2. After reviewing the records detail, click Export. All the rules and the related objects are exported to a CSV file named rule_export.csv.