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BaseQuoteWizardController Class


BaseQuoteWizardController Class


This article describes the properties and global methods in the BaseQuoteWizardController class.

The BaseQuoteWizardController class handles navigation and provides virtual methods that developers can override to insert custom business logic in the quote wizard. 

See Creating Custom Quote Wizard Pages for resources, templates, and sample code needed to create custom quote wizard pages.

BaseQuoteWizardController Class Properties

The BaseQuoteWizardController class includes the following global properties.

Property Type Description
thisQuote zqu__Quote__c The SObject of the quote referenced in a specific instance of the quote wizard
quoteId Id The ID of thisQuote as inserted into database

BaseQuoteWizardController Class Methods

The BaseQuoteWizardController calss includes the following methods.

Method Return Type Description
cancel System.PageReference Called if user clicks "Yes" to cancel quote wizard warning
navigateBack System.PageReference Returns to the previous page that the processBackAction method determines.
navigateNext System.PageReference Returns to the next page that the processNextAction method determines.
processBackAction() Map<String, String> 

A virtual method that allows the plugin of custom action for the Back button.

Call this method before the NavigateBack method. The map returned is added to the URL parameters of the previous page.

The BaseQuoteWizardController class does not add the quote ID to the URL parameters by default. You must set the Id key in the returned map if necessary. This value must be set to the ID of zqu__Quote__c object.

processCancelAction() String

Returns to the Quote Detail page for the opportunity.

If the opportunity cannot be determined from the URL parameters or by querying the database, it redirects to the quote list page.

Call this method before the Cancel method when canceling the quote wizard from the modal warning popup dialog box.

processNextAction() Map<String, String>

A virtual method that allows the plugin of custom action for the Next button.

Call this method before the NavigateNext method. The map returned is added to the URL parameters of the next page.

The BaseQuoteWizardController class does not add the quote ID to the URL parameters by default. You must set  the Id key in the returned map if necessary. This value must be set to the ID of a zqu__Quote__c object.

This method can be used for upserting the current quote record or other business logic.