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The ChargeMetricsData object is used to pass complex data to amend() and subscribe() calls. This SOAP API reference describes this complex type including supported calls and field descriptions.

Supported Calls

You can use this object with the following calls:

Fields Description

All fields names are case sensitive

Name Required? Type Description
ChargeNumber No String The charge number of the rate plan charge being amended.
DMRR No Decimal

Delta in monthly recurring revenue between the original MRR and the latest MRR.

Only returned by the amend calls.

DTCV No Decimal

Delta in total contract value between the original TCV and the latest TCV.

Only returned by the amend calls.

MRR No Decimal

Monthly recurring revenue.

Only returned by the subscribe calls.

OriginalId No zns:ID

The origin rate plan charge ID. Only available for update subscription calls.

Only returned by the amend calls.​

OriginalRatePlanId No zns:ID

The original rate plan ID. Only available for update subscription calls.

Only returned by the amend calls.​

ProductRatePlanChargeId No zns:ID The product rate plan charge ID.
ProductRatePlanId No zns:ID The product rate plan ID.
TCV No decimal

Total contract value.

Only returned by the subscribe calls.