Zuora Revenue Release Notes
This article provides a summary of new features, enhancements, and resolved issues that have been delivered since version Zuora Revenue
New features and enhancements
The following new features and enhancements are available in this release.
UI enhancements to Revenue Workbench
The Revenue Contract Detail page in Revenue Workbench is being continuously enhanced to improve user experience. The following enhancements are delivered after
The following enhancements are made to the waterfall data presentation in Revenue Workbench. The enhancement of a toggle switch is specific to the Waterfall tab, and others are also applicable to the Line Detail window when you are viewing the waterfall data for a specific line from the Contracts/Orders tab.
- In the Waterfall tab, a toggle switch is added to switch the display between the table view and graph view, with the table view as the default display.
- In both the Waterfall tab and waterfall view of the Line Detail window, the previous icon for hiding and displaying the filter option has been removed, which can enable the user to always see the criteria that are applied to generate the Waterfall reports. Besides, the Manage Layout icon has been changed to
for improved usability.
The Release Hold window and the Apply Hold window are enhanced:
- In the Release Holds window, the editable fields, Release Reason and Release Comments, are moved to the front side of the table so that you can easily view them. The Release button is now enabled only when the release reason and release comments are provided.
- In the Apply Hold window, the save icon is replaced with a Save button. The Save and Cancel buttons are made to look more visually clear, which aligns with the Release Holds window.
The previous two actions, View POB Rule and View POB Template, are now combined into one action called POB Policies. The POB Policies window that opens is also enhanced.
The role privilege settings on the Setups > Security > Roles page remain unchanged for the two actions called View POB Rule and View POB Template.
- In the POB view of the Contracts/Orders tab, when you open this window by clicking POB Policies, the POB rule and the POB template will be displayed as two tabs in the POB Policies window. If the user doesn't have access to any of the menu actions (View POB Rule and View POB Template) in his or her role privileges, the relevant tab will not be displayed to the user. If the user doesn't have access to both actions, then the POB Policies option will not be displayed on the action menu at the POB Level.
- In the Line view of the Contracts/Orders tab, when you open this window by clicking POB Policies, the POB rule will be displayed in the window. If the user doesn't have access to the View POB Rule menu action in his or her role privileges, then the POB Policies option will not be displayed on the action menu at the Line level.
- ( or later) The hamburger icon that was previously used to manage the layout on all views and tabs in Revenue Workbench is replaced with the new icon
- ( or later) In the Revenue Summary tab, a toggle switch is added to switch the display between the table view and graph view, with the table view as the default display.
- ( or later) In the Overview tab, the Last Contract Mod Period field indicates the last period of the contract timeline, which is determined by the contract modification policy configuration. From this release, this field is renamed Contract Timeline Period Name to avoid confusion. For more information, see Contract Timeline Period Name in Workbench.
- ( or later) In the Overview tab, the RORD count information is added to display the number of RORD lines associated with the revenue contract.
- ( or later) When you export revenue contract data from the Workbench, the Overview option is now added to the Export RC window. Select this option to export data presented in the Overview tab.
Enhancement to Unified Invoicing support
This enhancement is applicable only if you use Billing - Revenue Integration.
As an enhancement to better support the Unified Invoicing feature in Zuora Billing, standalone invoice items created for Order Line Item (OLI) can be consumed by Zuora Revenue from this release. After the standalone invoice item is created for OLI, it will be synced and automatically transformed into invoice transaction lines by Zuora Revenue. A sales order line will be created to associate with the invoice line.
Note that only the initial phase of OLI booking and its respective billings can be supported. Any update or cancellation on the OLI will not be synced to Zuora Revenue.
For more information, see Unified Invoicing in Zuora Revenue.
Enhancement to contract impairment functionality
From this release, the Contract impairment function is enhanced to support two new impairment types:
- RETROSPECTIVE (Type 5) - When this type of contract impairment occurs, the revenue contract is reallocated in retrospective mode.
- NEW POB IMMEDIATE (Type 6) - When this type of impairment occurs, the impairment amount is released immediately.
Besides, the Type 2 impairment name is changed from NEW POB to NEW POB RATABLE, which is to be distinguished from Type 6. At this moment, both values of NEW POB and NEW POB RATABLE can be accepted and consumed as the Type 2 impairment by the system. The value of NEW POB will be not accepted after two quarters from May 2022.
Enhancement to revenue booking reconciliations
This enhancement is applicable only if Billing - Revenue Integration is enabled.
As part of our continuous product improvements, we have recently introduced a system control to enhance the traceability and accuracy within the Zuora Platform by not allowing future period booking information into Zuora Revenue.
- The
field on the Subscription object in Zuora Billing is now mapped to the SUBSCRP_LAST_BOOK_DATE field in Zuora Revenue. Zuora Revenue will use this field to validate against the current open period during data collection. This validation is to prevent revenue recognition timing issues since future dated orders will be excluded from data collection in the current open period. -
A Soft Update flag is also introduced in Zuora Revenue to identify the subscription modification in Zuora Billing that impacts the existing line item. When any of these fields, Start Date, End Date, Ext List price, Ext Sell Price, Quantity, are updated on the existing line, the Soft Update flag is set to false (N). This flag is always set to false (N) for new lines. Otherwise, the Soft Update flag will be set to true (Y). This flag value will carry forward until the next subscription modification.
To ensure the completeness of data synced from Zuora Billing into Zuora Revenue in terms of booking, the time range for the booking reconciliation process is extended to support both the last updated date of the rate plan charge (RPC) and the last booking date of the sales order (SO). When you start the reconciliation process on the Billing to Revenue Booking Reconciliations page, you can specify a time range based on either Subscription Last Booking Date or RPC Updated Date. Use the profile called BOOKING_RECON_BY_RPC_UPDT_DT to choose the date you want the booking reconciliation to be based on.
- When the profile is set to Yes, the booking reconciliation process will run based on the last updated date of the rate plan charge.
- When this profile is set to No, the booking reconciliation process will run based on the last booking date of the subscription.
- When the profile is set to Yes, the booking reconciliation process will run based on the last updated date of the rate plan charge.
Bulk update or delete data on Staging
Previously, when any transaction line is stopped on Staging (also known as Inbound) due to data validation errors. You have to go to the Data Interface > Inbound Integration page and correct the problematic data by editing the transaction line one by one. There is no way to do a bulk update.
From this release, to facilitate the process of updating data in the Staging table, a new UI page called Manage Inbound is introduced with which you can do the following things:
- Bulk update or delete transaction lines in the Staging table.
- Bulk update or delete revenue events in a similar way as you manage the transaction lines.
For more information, see Manage transaction data on Staging.
Enhancement to the new MJE feature
In version, a new UI page was delivered to Sandbox environments for manually entering or uploading journal entries along with enhanced journal approval capabilities. These new features will be delivered to Sandbox and Production environments in version The capability of updating the reversal period for posted journal entries is also delivered as an enhancement. After the journal entries are posted, you can use the page to update the reversal period. Then, the journal reversal entry will be created in the reversal period.
In, the following enhancements are introduced to the new MJE page:
- A drop-down list is available for your selection in the Account Type and Currency columns.
- When you manually add JE lines directly from the UI, use the drop-down list to specify account type and currency for the JE lines. Previously, you had to type the values manually.
- If you upload the JE lines as a CSV file, after the upload is complete, any invalid values in these two columns will be highlighted in the UI. You can use the drop-down list to choose from the valid values for these two columns. You can save the uploaded JE lines only after the UI validation errors are fixed.
- The Error Message column is enhanced to display the specific errors on each line. If multiple errors happen to a line, hover over the line to check all the errors.
For more information about the new UI page, see MJE upload.
Consistency for prior period value from Prior Period CA/CL Report
The Prior Period CA/CL Report now displays the appropriate values in the T Unbilled AR Billings YTD, T Ttl Rev Curr Yr CL, T Ttl Rev Curr Yr CA, and T Ttl Rev Prior Prd CL columns. Previously, the revenue from the Prior Period CA/CL report did not consider the in-period netted Unbilled Accounting entries, which caused incorrect amounts on the calculated fields.
New standard fields available
The following fields are widely used by revenue accounting operations for tax apportionment reporting and revenue analytics. From this release, to better satisfy the two purposes, these fields are added to Zuora Revenue as standard fields and listed on the Setups > Application > Labels page.
- Sold To City
- Sold To State
- Sold To Country
- Ship To City
- Ship To State
- Ship To Country
- Bill To City
- Bill To State
- Bill To Country
Enhancement to exchange rate data sync
This enhancement is applicable only if you use Billing - Revenue Integration.
Zuora Billing has exposed additional date fields on the Amendment, Rate Plan Charge, and Order Line Item objects to represent dates of subscription creation or amendment in the 2022.03.R3 release. The exchange rate-related fields of the Rate Plan Charge and Order Line Item objects have also been exposed by Zuora Billing in the 2022.03.R5 release. From this release, these Zuora Billing date fields will be mapped to SO Book Date on the SO transaction lines in Zuora Revenue to determine the exchange rate for the SO line. The corresponding exchange rate fields are automatically synced to Zuora Revenue to derive the exchange rate on SO Book Date for currency conversion. This enhancement can improve the visibility, audit ability, and traceability of data between Zuora Billing and Zuora Revenue. For information about the standard field mapping for SO transactions, see Sales order data mapping.
The existing process of syncing exchange rates for billing documents, such as invoices or credit memos, is not affected by this enhancement.
Data migration for existing customers will be managed by Zuora Global Support.
Secondary revenue contract grouping rule
Previously, only one revenue contract (RC) grouping rule can be configured in Zuora Revenue, which uses a single attribute for grouping contracts within the specified duration. However, in business practice, a contract modification to a contract might happen outside of the specified duration and is not referenced with the defined single grouping attribute. To align with the ASC 606 guidance, the existing sales order line and the contract modifying line must be grouped together as one contract.
To address this contract grouping need, the feature of the secondary contract grouping rule is introduced in this release. To use this feature, when creating the RC group template, you select a lookup attribute as the associated contract reference. When a contract modifying line is collected and you want the system to group it into an existing contract, you can use the associated contract reference to indicate how the system can identify the contract where the original sales order line resides. The contract modifying line will be grouped together with the original sales order line if they have the same value for the associated contract reference. A column called Contract Mod ID is introduced to indicate the associated contracts in the UI.
If multiple contracts are referenced by the contract modifying lines, you can choose one of the following options for contract grouping:
- Separately collect the contract modifying order lines with different associated contract references to the contracts where their respective associated order references are.
- Collect the contract modifying order lines with different associated contract references to the earliest revenue contract of the referenced contract group. If the earliest revenue contract is closed, the system will unfreeze the contract and then group all contract modifying lines to this earliest contract.
- Collect the contract modifying order lines with different associated contract references to the earliest open revenue contract of the referenced contract group. If the earliest revenue contract is closed, the system will skip to the next earliest contract that is still open, and then group the contract modifying lines to that contract.
For more information, see Create RC grouping template.
New validation rules introduced for RORD transactions
There is a scenario where the revenue start date or end date on the sales order (SO) line is changed either from the UI or through the manual deferral/release action. When a reduction order (RORD) line is collected with a different set of revenue dates, the netting of RORD and SO lines might not provide accurate revenue outcomes. To avoid the inaccurate revenue scenarios, data validation rules have been introduced to prevent the RORD line from being collected in the following circumstances:
- The revenue start or end date on the associated SO line has been updated from the UI or through the manual deferral/release action.
- The currency on the RORD line is different from that on the associated SO line.
- The start date of the RORD line is earlier than the start date of the SO line.
- The end date of the RORD line is later than the end date of the SO line.
- The absolute value of the Ext Sell Price on the RORD line is greater than the Net Sell Price on the SO line.
When the RORD line is stopped in Staging for any of the above validation errors, the revenue user must review the RORD data and correct the data before data collection. For more information, see Predefined validation rules.
Editable MJE header names
From this release, the manual journal header names, which are displayed in the MJE details and MJE template are made editable in the UI. You can navigate to Setups > Application > Labels to find these fields under the Manual Journal data category, and then change the name in the Display Label column. After that, the specified values in that column will be used as the journal header names in MJE details.
Unbilled account type in netting process
Previously, any line with the Right To Bill Flag being Y does not participate in the netting process. It is because accounting entries are created for the line as unbilled to Zuora Revenue.
Beginning from, Zuora Revenue provides the possibility of changing the account type for the line that has released revenue from Contract Liability to Unbilled Revenue. After the account type is changed to Unbilled Revenue, the line that previously participated in netting will be excluded from the netting process. A set of two fields called RTB and RTB Date are introduced to the Line Stage table. When the RTB field is set to Y on a line, the RTB Date is compared with the current period end date to determine the accounting behavior:
- Prior to the RTB Date period revenue is recognized from the Contract Liability account type and the line will be included in the netting process..
- After the RTB Date period (RTB Date < Current period end date), revenue is recognized from the Unbilled account type and the line will not be included in the netting process.
Connector for Microsoft Dynamic 365 Finance
Zuora Revenue now provides a pre-built connector to integrate with Dynamics 365 Finance. This connector will enable customers who use Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance as their enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to integrate with Zuora Revenue without the need for a separate third-party middleware. After this connector is enabled and configured, sales orders and invoices can automatically flow from Dynamics 365 to Zuora Revenue. The revenue journals created by Zuora Revenue can also be automatically transferred to Dynamics 365 general ledger (GL). The entire connector can be managed from UI in Zuora Revenue.
With this connector enabled for Dynamic 365 and Zuora Revenue, the manual work required either to upload transaction data from the upstream system to Zuora Revenue or to transfer accounting to GL is eliminated when Dynamics 365 Finance is used as your ERP software.
The Dynamic 365 connector is still in the Early Adopter phase. If you want to join this Early Adopter program, contact your Zuora account representative or Customer Success team.
Enhancements to restyled UI
The restyled UI has been continuously improved based on customer feedback. In this release, the following changes have been made for a better UI experience:
- The font and color theme are changed.
- White spaces in the UI are reduced.
- Tables are condensed to display more records.
- Table headers are made bold to have a distinguished look from the rest of the rows.
Support in Japanese language
Beginning from, Zuora Revenue can support the Japanese language and display the system-generated text in Japanese. This language setting can be configured at the tenant level. To switch the language between English and Japanese at the tenant level, navigate to Setups > Application > Profile and change the system level value for the Language profile. To be able to import files that contain non-English characters, enable the UPLOAD_NON_ENGLISH_CHARS profile as well.
A new column called Display Value is introduced to the Event Setup page. Across all UI pages, wherever the event is used, the specified value in the Display Value column will be displayed as the event name. It is recommended to always set the Name column in English for the event on the Event Setup page because it is a primary key and can help users that use different languages to identify the event.
Please be aware of the following limitations when you are working with the Japanese UI:
- Japanese translation does not include user inputs, numbers, database fields (for example, Ids), queries and data type, dates, accounting segments, organization names, and abbreviations.
- On the following UI pages, only column headers and field names are translated into Japanese. Other items remain in English.
- Previous Manual JE upload page (prior to
- Legacy Dashboard pages
- Migration
- The whole Revenue Analytics page will always display in English at this moment.
For more information, see Multi-language support.
Workbench enhancement for manual POB deferral or release
From this release, the Revenue Contract Detail page has been enhanced to improve the user experience for manual POB deferral and release.
After the Release/Defer POB operation is performed either at the revenue contract level or POB level, the corresponding line will be displayed in blue color in the Contracts/Orders tab to indicate the line has been manually deferred or released.
When you click Line Details > Revenue Actions to review the revenue actions for a specific line, the Line Details window will display the revenue actions sorted by Release ID in descending order so that the latest action is listed on the top.
Simplified UI language switch
The UI language switch is introduced to the Zuora Revenue profile menu and is applicable at the user level. Previously, you had to switch between languages by navigating to Setups > Application > Profiles and changing the Language profile value. This setting was applicable at the tenant level. From this release, this configuration is simplified by adding the Change Language option to the user profile menu. To quickly switch to the desired language, open the user profile menu by clicking your username on the top right corner and then select the language from the Change Language option as shown in the following graphic.
Note that the user's language selection will override the selection that is made at the tenant level. The language selection persists for the consecutive logins of the same user.
Enhancements to Close Process dashboard
From this release, several enhancements are delivered for the Close Process dashboard.
- In the Bookings & Billings tab, if the data source is Zuora Billing, links are provided in the Variance column to view the data variance summary and details. This enhancement is applicable only if you have Billing - Revenue Integration enabled.
- Click Summary to open a popup window that displays the variance in total and the reason causing the variance.
The variance numbers presented in the summary window are generated by the system-triggered reconciliation job, which runs on a daily basis. In the above graphic, the variance number of (-1080) is generated on June 29, 2022, which is indicated by the Last Updated timestamp.
- Click Details to navigate to another UI page with separate tabs displaying the booking data variance and billing data variance in detail, where you can see the subscriptions that cause the variance.
- Click Summary to open a popup window that displays the variance in total and the reason causing the variance.
- In the Accounting Analysis, Trend Analysis, and Trial Balance tabs, the search and export capabilities are introduced to facilitate viewing data on these tabs.
Previously, immediate POBs were released upon data collection for the Close Process dashboard. This could be an issue when you want to manually control the release of immediate POBs after factoring in any update to the expiry date based POBs. From, a new profile called DISABLE_AUTO_TRIGGER_IMMEDIATE_POB is introduced to provide the ability to exclude the Immediate POB Release program from the data collection process for the dashboard. When this profile is set to Yes, the immediate POBs will not get released during data collection. The default value is No.
Enhancement to transfer accounting
If you use the Transfer Accounting functionality to transfer unposted journal entries from Zuora Revenue to the downstream system, the following fields are now available to be enabled for the general ledger interface mapping.
- Schd Dr R Amount (SCHD_DR_R_AMOUNT): The debit amount in the Reporting currency.
- Schd Cr R Amount (SCHD_CR_R_AMOUNT): The credit amount in the Reporting currency.
After you set up the GL interface mapping for these fields, their values will be populated for the selected fields in the RPRO_GL_INT_STAGE table and then posted to the general ledger during the accounting transfer process. For information about the GL interface mapping configuration, see Interface mapping.
Enhancements to sandbox refresh
From this release, the following enhancements are delivered to improve the user experience when you navigate to Setups > Refresh Sandbox to submit a refresh request:
- The release sandbox indicated by a suffix of (Release) in the name on the sandbox selection list. If a release sandbox is selected for a refresh request, a warning message will be displayed in the UI to confirm the current request. This enhancement applies to both the scheduled and ad-hoc refresh requests that are submitted for the release sandbox environment only.
- A field called Refresh Type is introduced on the Refresh Sandbox page. When you submit a sandbox refresh request, you can select Now for this field to start an instant refresh, or select Schedule to schedule a refresh for a later time. Previously, only instant refresh requests can be submitted. Within the scheduled refresh request, you can set the desired date and time to start the refresh. The date and time are by the eastern standard time (EST) zone only. When a scheduled refresh request is submitted, the status is displayed as Scheduled in the request table.
- In the request table of the page, the Actions column can be used to cancel a refresh request only if the request is in Scheduled or Queued status.
- A new column called Scheduled Date & Time is introduced to display the date and time for the scheduled requests.
- The Job ID column is renamed Request ID, and the Date column is renamed Request Submission Date & Time.
- ( or later) A field called Select the backup is introduced to refresh the sandbox from the stored production backups. You can select from a list of the last 30 stored backups. This option becomes visible only if the refresh type is selected as Now. The file naming convention for the backups is "DDMonYYYY HH:MM:SS EST(Close)" for a closed period backup, and is "DDMonYYYY HH:MM:SS EST" for the other backup type.
Note that the date and time on the Refresh Sandbox page are based on the EST time zone. For more information, see Refresh Zuora Revenue sandbox by yourself.
Timeout issues resolved for large contracts in Workbench
Previously, when you viewed a large amount of data in the UI, the data was not loading correctly, and a timeout error was experienced when accessing the below listed UI. This timeout issue has been fixed, and the data will load properly on the UI.
- Workbench > Revenue Contracts > Revenue Contract Detail
- Accounting > LT/ST Reclass > LTST Schedules
- Reports > Data Query Utility
- Data Interface > Inbound > Unprocessed Transactions
- Reports > Schedule Jobs > Schedule Jobs Logs
Note that this enhancement is applicable only if you enabled unified authentication for Zuora Revenue.
Enhancements to Consumption functionality ( or later)
The Consumption functionality was first delivered in version as an Early Adopter program for standalone Revenue customers. From this release, the following enhancements are delivered for this functionality as the continuation of
New UI pages introduced as quick entries to related operational tasks
To help you quickly locate the UI pages to complete various operational tasks required by the Consumption functionality, the main menu is updated to add the following options:
- Policies > Consumption: This page is used to configure the usage to revenue conversion frequency. Based on the configuration, the job called RevPro3.0 Process Usage to Revenue Conversion will be scheduled to convert uploaded or synced usage data to consumption revenue on a regular basis.
- File Upload > Consumption: This page provides a predefined template for you to upload usage data directly to Zuora Revenue.
- Visualize consumption usage data and revenue action in Workbench
- In the Contracts/Orders tab, you can view consumption history at the SO line level by clicking Line Details > Consumption History on the line.
You can view the usage records that are associated with the selected line in the current period by clicking the number in the Usage column in the Consumption History window. It opens the Usage History window. If the usage record is manually uploaded to Zuora Revenue and the status is being tracked or yet to be recognized, you can also cancel the record directly from the Usage History window.
At the POB level, you can use the Revenue Action window to view usage POB revenue events. You can follow how much and when the usage revenue is released from a POB level as the revenue contract progresses through the lifecycle.
- Support usage data in Zuora Billing
This enhancement is applicable only if Billing - Revenue Integration is enabled.
With Billing - Revenue Integration enabled, the usage data uploaded in Zuora Billing can be automatically summarized and synced to Zuora Revenue on a daily basis. A UI page called Usage Sync is introduced for you to start an ad-hoc job to sync the usage data from Zuora Billing to Zuora Revenue whenever you want. The usage data based on the pricing model of Prepaid with Drawdown can also be supported by the Consumption functionality.
This functionality is still in the Early Adopter phase. If you want to join this program, contact your Zuora account representative or Customer Success team.
Enhancement to distributing Contract Liability ( or later)
Previously, whenever an amendment happens to a line in a prospective contract, if no other lines have the remaining balance (which is eligible for the relative allocation process), the remaining carve amount was not distributed to other lines in the same contract. The remaining carve amount was also not released on the existing line. It caused a mismatch between the initial allocation entry and the allocation schedules.
From this release, the system behavior is enhanced. Whenever full or partial cancellation or return happens to a carve-in line and this line is the only line left in the contract, the canceled carve amount gets distributed to all the other CV eligible lines in the same contract based on the latest allocatable extended price no matter whether the other lines in the contract have been fully recognized.
RC Workbench Timeline report changes ( or later)
Beginning from, the RC Workbench Timeline report has been enhanced to improve the user experience.
- The Action filter has a new option called ALL. Use this filter option to run the report against all types of manual actions.
- The Line Creation Period filter is made optional in the standard layout so that the user can create custom layout.
R and R within SSP contract impairment enhancement ( or later)
The Impairment Type flag on the canceled line (that is RORD line) determines how Zuora Revenue will handle the revenue accounting for the impairment amount. Zuora Revenue supports multiple types of contract impairment. From this release, the system treatment for the R and R within SSP (Type 4) contract impairment is updated as follows:
- If the RORD line with the Impairment Type flag being Contract Impairment (Type 1) or Null (Type 3) is collected and revenue has been posted before the RORD line with the Impairment Type flag being R and R within SSP (Type 4) in the same period, the RORD line of Type 4 can now be collected instead of being stopped in staging. The system will freeze allocation based on the posted amount upon collection of the line, and set the R&R Flag to R. The R&R Flag is visible in the Overview tab on the Revenue Contract Detail page and takes one of the following values:
- R: The RORD line with Impairment Type flag being R and R within SSP is collected. The revenue contract is frozen.
- N: This is a normal revenue contract.
- Y: The RORD line with Impairment Type flag being R and R within SSP is collected. The revenue contract is frozen by the system and then unfrozen by the end-user. It is a normal contract now.
- Previously, when a revenue contract entered R&R impairment mode, no new POB was allowed to join the contract. However, if a new POB is not eligible for allocation (CV Eligible Flag = N), the system still allows it to join the R&R impaired revenue contract. If the new POB is eligible for allocation (CV Eligible Flag = Y), the system will not allow it but group it into the orphan RC.
From this release, this system behavior is changed to disallow any new POB joining the R&R impaired revenue contract. In addition, to reduce the managing of new POB sitting in an orphan RC, new POB that falls out from the R&R impaired revenue contract will be collected into a new RC. Meanwhile, new POBs with the same bundle ID will be collected into the same RC.
Enhancement to RORD validation ( or later)
In Zuora Revenue, some stage validation rules are predefined to validate the dates on the reduction order (RORD) line and by default disabled. If you enable these validations, the following error codes will be returned when the validation fails. To resolve the validation errors, you need to review the RORD line to ensure revenue recognition can be triggered accordingly.
- RPRO-00353: The start date of the RORD line is earlier than the start date of the SO line, or the end date of the RORD line is later than the end date of the SO line.
- RPRO-00356: The revenue start or end date on the associated SO line has been updated from the UI or through the manual deferral/release action.
From this release, a flag called RORD Review Completed is introduced to the Inbound Integration UI for you to skip this validation after you have completed the review on the RORD line. Whenever the RORD line is stopped in Stage due to the above validation errors, you can navigate to Data Interface > Inbound and change this flag on the RORD line to Y. Then, during the next data collection, the system will skip the date validation for the RORD line.
For more information, see Reduction order transactions and Predefined validation rules.
New options available for bundle template definition ( or later)
Prior to version, when you upload the bundle definition file to Zuora Revenue, the line sequence in the file and the Split Type columns are used to determine the parent line and children lines. The line with the Split Type value specified is considered as the parent line and it always comes first, followed by the children lines. Beginning with, the line sequence is no longer considered by the system. Instead, the bundle criteria fields and the Parent Item Num value are used to identify the parent line and its children lines.
From this release, both options are available when you want to create a bundle template and then upload the bundle definition. You can specify how the system should identify the parent line and children lines in the uploaded file by choosing one of the methods:
- The presentation of Parent Line followed by related Children Line(s) identifies the Parent/Children Line(s) relationship.
- The combination of bundle criteria AND reference to the Parent Item Num identifies the Parent/Children Line(s) relationship.
Based on your selection, the system will use either of the methods to identify the parent line and children lines in the uploaded file. For more information, see Bundle upload.
Consumption Revenue functionality available as EA program ( or later)
The Consumption Revenue functionality is now available to both Billing - Revenue Integration environments and standalone Zuora Revenue environments. This functionality is still in the Early Adopter (EA) phase. If you want to join this EA program, contact your Zuora account representative or Customer Success team.
For more information about this functionality, see Consumption revenue recognition.
UI enhancements to Consumption in the Revenue Workbench ( or later)
The following enhancements have been added to the Revenue Contract Workbench to improve the user experience:
In the Usage History window, which is opened by clicking the usage amount in the Consumption History view of the Line Details window, the usage history of each line item is now made editable. Upon clicking the edit icon on a specific line in the Usage History window, a pop-up window opens to display the editable fields based on the selected layout of the Usage History window.
The edit history is available by clicking the audit trail icon on a specific line in the Usage History window. You can export the change history from the audit trail window.
- In the Consumption History window, you can open the Revenue Actions view of the corresponding POB line by clicking the total amount in the Revenue Amount column. The Revenue Actions view opens in a new tab.
Revenue Comparison feature available in RC Workbench ( or later)
In the Revenue Summary tab, the Revenue Comparison option becomes enabled only if multiple books are associated with the RC. Previously, this option was available for single book and multiple book association.
New LT/ST Report available in standard reporting framework ( or later)
LT/ST report is now a part of the standard reporting framework. Users can access this report by navigating to Reports > Run Reports from the main menu. Running the LT/ST report in this way has the following advantages:
- Large data volume export
- Custom filters
- Custom layout and fields
- Asynchronous report run (scheduling reports)
Issues resolved in this release
Refer to Resolved_issues_in_37.010.00.00_37.010.01.00_37.010.02.00_37.010.03_37.010.04.00_37.010.05.00.xlsx to get a complete list of all issues that have been resolved in this release. The allocation-related issues are listed in the following table.
When the release notes are first published, not all resolved issues are included in the attached spreadsheet. The attached spreadsheet will be continuously updated bi-weekly for the subsequent sandbox releases until the next quarterly release.
Engineering tracking ID | Support tracking ID | Fixed version | Summary |
ZR-13752 | 349489 |, | Data collection error Oracle internal error |
ZR-14976 | 352851 | | CM-R cancel line the Ext SSP Price calculated wrongly |
ZR-15328 | 357325 | | Multi-currency RC the Unschd adj calculated wrongly and special allocation entries rounding issue. |
ZR-13768 | 349176 |, | Schedules deleted from rpro_rc_schd_g table and not inserting in rpro_rc_schd_del_g table |
ZR-15626 | 351371 | | System released carve amount incorrectly |
ZR-13360 | 338880 | | Negative total revenue due to adjustment revenue |
ZR-14896 | 355009 | | CUM CV amount is greater than the ALCTBL_XT_PRC |
ZR-12275 | 341185 | | Incorrect EXT fv price and carves for line with $0 ESP |
ZR-17410 | 370393 | | Eligible for CV flag Null line reallocate the RC |
Documentation updates
The following documentation is updated or published for this release:
- MJE upload (updated for the new UI)
- Manage transaction data on Staging (published for the enhancement in
- Contract impairment (added an example for Type 6 contract impairment)
- Create RC grouping template (updated for secondary grouping rules)
- Predefined validation rules (updated for new RORD validation rules)
- Multi-language support (published for Japanese UI)
- Timeline for contract modification (added explanation for Last Contract Mod Period)
- Data Query Utility (published)
- Refresh Zuora Revenue sandbox by yourself (updated)