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Subscription Change Forms


Subscription Change Forms

You can set up Subscription Change forms for the paid users to allow them to upgrade plans.

When end users complete the checkout, the current plan will be terminated, and the new plan will start immediately.

Upon checkout, end users will be charged a prorated subscription fee for their consumed service period. The rest of the fee they paid for the terminating plan will be deducted from the new subscription fee. The following formula demonstrates the amount that needs to be paid:

Checkout Amount = New Subscription Fee – (Terminating Subscription Fee – Prorated Charge Fee)

When configuring the Subscription Change form, you can choose which plans to be displayed depending on the plan the end user is currently with.

For Stripe and Zuora Billing, you can display new plans with either longer service periods, higher prices, or a combination of both. For Braintree, you can ONLY select plans with the same frequency as the current plan.

Pay attention to the following when using the Subscription Change forms:

  • Subscription Change forms are designed for upgrade use only. It should not be displayed for anonymous or registered users.
  • Subscription Change forms only support recurring payment options. You cannot add one-off payment options to a Subscription Change form.
  • When being displayed with a subscription change form, the end user can close the form by clicking the cross icon on the upper right corner of the form.


To set up a Subscription Change form in your feature rules, take the following steps:

  1. On the Add an Outcome screen, click + Add A New Form Or Custom Component Block under Components
  2. Click the Add button under Subscription Change Form
  3. Enter a title and optionally a description for the new Subscription Change form
  4. Click Products and Payment Plans to select. Take the following steps to select payment options and configure how the options are displayed:
    1. Enter a title for the payment option selection form
    2. Under Payment Options, click Add a payment option to add a new payment option.
    3. On the Add a Payment Option window, enter or edit the information about the payment option. Note that you can add images in the description by clicking the Image icon in the editor bar. Optionally, select whether to highlight the payment option by switching between the Highlight Plan toggle button. Save the configuration when you are done.
    4. In the Payment Options section, expand the newly added payment option to specify which current plans if the end users have this new plan will be displayed to them.

Note: You need to make sure no options that are shorter or with a lower price than the current plan are displayed to the users.

  1. Repeat the above steps to add more options.
  2. Specify a string as the name for the conversion data for analytics under Report.
  3. Complete Step 3: Complete Purchase following the procedures documented in Define the Payment Information.
  4. Add any customised CSS you want to apply to the form on the Additional Settings screen.