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Notes on the Zuora Billing extension


Notes on the Zuora Billing extension

This topic contains notes on behaviour of the Billing extension and troubleshooting tips.

Courtesy Grant Duration

After an end user makes a purchase through a payment form, Zephr will attach a “courtesy grant” for your specified duration. This gives the end user access to the features provided by that product until card details can be charged.

Once card details are successfully charged, Zuora will issue a callout notification to Zephr; Zephr will call Zuora to confirm the period for which the user has been charged and assign a product grant for that period. The courtesy grant will then be removed.

Subscription Cancellation

If end users cancel their subscriptions, Zuora will issue a callout notification to Zephr. Zephr will call Zuora to find the “chargedThrough” date relating to the subscription and will make sure the user has a Zephr product grant for that period.

Troubleshoot: User grants are not updated appropriately

Issue: User grants do not appear to be being updated in Zephr as expected,

Solution: You can look in the Callout Notification history in Zuora to start debugging.

  • If you see a 401 or 403 error code, this likely means that the auth values for Zuora Callout notifications differ from the details added to the Webhook Security settings entered in the Billing extension configuration. You can also check the domain and path that you added in the Base URL section of the Callout Notification settings.
  • If you see any other error codes, or continue to receive the 401, 403 or 404 codes, please contact support for help.