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Manage Your Profile


Manage Your Profile

To manage your user profile, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Admin User Settings icon
  2. Select the Manage your profile button

    The Profile screen displays.

  3. If you need to update your first name, edit the name in the First Name text box
  4. If you need to update your surname, edit the name in the Last Name text box
  5. If you need to update your role, select the role from the Job Role drop-down menu. The menu options are populated based on the configuration of your user roles

    Note: You must define the user roles as described in the Add a Role topic.

  6. If you need to update your goal, select the goal from the Primary Goal drop-down menu
  7. Select the Update button

Change your Password

You can change your password before signing in using the steps described in Forgotten Password.

To change your password after signing in, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Admin User Setting icon, which is located in the top right or every screen
  2. Select the Manage your profile button

    The Profile screen displays.

    Note: You can also change your first name, last name, job role and primary goal in this screen. For further information on changing the information in your profile, see the Manage Your Profile topic.

  3. Scroll to the Change Password section
  4. Enter your current password in the Old Password text box
  5. Enter the password you want to use in the New Password text box
  6. Enter the same password in the Confirm New Password text box
  7. Select the Update button

Reset your password

To reset your password if you forget your password, or want to change it before signing in, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Forgot your password link in the sign in page.

    The Password reset screen displays.

  2. Enter your email address in the Email Address text box
  3. Select the Continue button

    If the specified email address matches a Zephr account, email containing a link is sent to the specified email address.

  4. Select the link contained in the email

    The Create New Password screen displays.

  5. Enter the password you want to use in the New Password text box
  6. Enter the same password in the Confirm New Password text box
  7. Select the Save Change and Sign In button

Log Out of the Admin Console

To log out of the Admin Console, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Admin User Settings icon, which is located in the top right or every screen
  2. Select Logout

You are returned to the Sign In screen.