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Configure e-invoicing service providers


Configure e-invoicing service providers

To integrate with a third-party e-invoicing service provider, you must set it up as your e-invoicing service provider through the Zuora UI or REST API. For example, to connect with Sovos, you must obtain authentication keys from Sovos, and then set up Sovos as your e-invoicing service provider.

To configure and manage your e-invoicing service providers through the REST API, use the following operations:

Set up your e-invoicing service provider through the Zuora UI

To set up your e-invoicing service provider through the Zuora UI, perform the following steps:

  1. Click your avatar in the upper right and click Settings > Billing.
  2. On the Billing Settings page, click E-Invoice.
  3. On the E-Invoice Settings page, click + Add in the Service Providers section.
  4. In the displayed Add Service Provider dialog, configure the following settings:
    1. In the Name field, specify the name of the e-invoicing service provider.
    2. From the Provider list, select an e-invoicing service provider:
      • Sovos: Provides e-invoice compliance solutions in countries such as India, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and others.
        You must follow Sovos' configuration steps to set up e-invoicing configurations on the Sovos side. The result fields might be different by country. For more information, see Manage country-specific configurations.
      • PEPPOL: Provides PEPPOL-compliant e-invoice files for countries utilizing the PEPPOL standard or its derivatives. For more information, see E-invoicing with PEPPOL.
      • Avalara: Provides e-invoice compliance solutions in the following countries:
        • Countries as part of the Peppol network, such as Australia.
        • Countries not part of the Peppol network but follow country-specific invoice clearance processes, such as Mexico.
    3. Specify additional service provider information for Sovos or Avalara service provider:
      • API Key and Secret Key: Request the API key and secret key from Sovos or Avalara and specify them.
      • Certificate and Certificate Password: Request the certificate file and certificate password from Sovos. Upload the certificate file to the Certificate field, and specify the password.
    4. Optional: Select the Test Environment check box.
    5. For Avalara, click Test Connection to verify the connection with the Avalara service provider.
      • If the connection fails, update the API Key and Secret Key fields with correct credentials and click Test Connection. Repeat this step until the connection succeeds.
      • If the connection succeeds, perform the next step.
  5. Click Save to save the settings.

Your e-invoicing service provider is set up.

To update information about your e-invoicing service provider, click the Edit icon in the upper right of the corresponding service provider section.

What's next

You are now ready to configure a business region for your e-invoicing service provider. For more information, see Configure e-invoicing business regions.