Orders UI use cases
The Flexible Billing Attributes feature is generally available and has been enabled for all customers in Sandbox environments. If you want to enable this feature in your Production environments, contact your Zuora account team for assistance.
The following use cases are presented to showcase how you can use Flexible Billing Attributes through the Orders UI.
Case 1: Create subscriptions with specific bill-to contacts and payment terms
In this use case, assume that you want to create a subscription with a specific bill-to contact and a specific payment term.
To create such a subscription, perform the following steps:
- On the Orders page, click Create New Order.
- In the Order Overview section, search for an account by name or account number in the Account field, and choose one account from the displayed search results.
- In the Associated Subscriptions section, click Create Subscription.
- On the displayed Create Subscription page, configure the following information:
- In the Billing and Payment section, select a specific bill-to contact from the Bill To Contact list and a specific payment term from the Payment Term list.
- Optional: If you want to see the contact information or payment term information, click View Detail next to the corresponding field.
- Click Continue on the lower right corner of the page.
- On the displayed Products and Charges section, select a product rate plan and click Add Product.
- Click Review Order.
- Optional: On the displayed Review Order page, view the bill-to contact and payment term:
- In the Associated Subscriptions section, click the Terms tab.
- In the Billing and Payment subsection, click View Detail next to the corresponding field to see detailed information.
- Click Activate to create the order.
A subscription is created with a specific bill-to contact and payment term.
Case 2: Create subscriptions with accounts’ default bill-to contacts and payment terms
If you want to create a subscription with the default bill-to contact and payment term of an account, perform the similar steps described in Create subscriptions with specific bill-to contacts and payment terms.
The only differences are in step 4 where you have to:
- Select Default Contact from Account from the Bill To Contact list.
- Select Default Term from Account from the Payment Term list.
When selecting the default option, you can also click View Detail to view detailed information. The displayed information is the bill-to contact and payment term of the account.
Case 3: Update bill-to contacts and payment terms during renewal of subscriptions
In this use case, assume that you have an existing subscription and want to update its bill-to contact and payment term when you renew it.
To make such a change, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to Customers > Orders.
- On the Orders page, click Create New Order.
- In the Order Overview section, search for an account by name or account number in the Account field, and choose one account for the displayed search results.
- In the Associated Subscriptions section, click Amend Subscription.
- In the Select an existing subscription section, select the existing subscription you want to renew and click Select.
- On the displayed Review Order page, click Renew Subscription in the Associated Subscriptions section.
- In the displayed subscription details window, update the original option of each of the following billing attributes:
- Bill To Contact
- Payment Term
- Click Continue to confirm your change.
- Click Activate to complete the update.
The bill-to contact and payment term of the subscription are updated during the subscription renewal.
Case 4: Update bill-to contacts and payment terms by updating terms and conditions of subscriptions
If you want to update the bill-to contact and payment term of your subscription by updating its terms and conditions, perform the following steps:
- Go through steps 1 to 5 described in Update bill-to contacts and payment terms during renewal of subscriptions.
- On the displayed Review Order page, click Update Terms and Conditions in the Associated Subscriptions section.
- In the displayed Update Terms and Conditions window, update the original option of each of the following billing attributes:
- Bill To Contact
- Payment Term
- Click Apply to confirm your change.
- Click Activate to complete the update.
The bill-to contact and payment term of the subscription are updated by updating its terms and conditions.
Case 5: Update bill-to contacts and payment terms by editing order actions
With Flexible Billing Attributes, you can also update bill-to contacts and payment terms during the subscription creation, subscription renewal, and terms and conditions update.
If you want to update the bill-to contact and payment term by editing order actions during the subscription creation, perform the following steps:
- Go through steps 1 to 12 described in Create a Subscription to create a subscription.
- On the displayed Review Order page, click the Order Actions tab in the Associated Subscriptions section.
- Find the row for the order action of Create Subscription, and click the edit icon
in the row.
- In the displayed order action details window, update the original option of each of the following billing attributes in the Billing and Payment section:
- Bill To Contact
- Payment Term
- Click Save to apply the change.
- Click Activate to complete the update.
If you want to update the bill-to contact and payment term by editing order actions during the subscription renewal, perform the following steps:
- Go through steps 1 to 9 described in Renew a Subscription to renew a subscription.
- On the displayed Review Order page, click the Order Actions tab in the Associated Subscriptions section.
- Find the row for the order action of Subscription Renewal, and click the edit icon
in the row.
- In the displayed order action details window, update the original option of each of the following billing attributes in the Billing and Payment section:
- Bill To Contact
- Payment Term
- Click Save to apply the change.
- Click Activate to complete the update.
If you want to update the bill-to contact and payment term by editing order actions during the terms and conditions update, perform the following steps:
- Go through steps 1 to 8 in Change the Terms and Conditions of a Subscription to change the terms and conditions.
- On the displayed Review Order page, click the Order Actions tab in the Associated Subscriptions section.
- Find the row for the order action of Update Terms and Conditions, and click the edit icon
in the row.
- In the displayed order action details window, update the original option of each of the following billing attributes in the Billing and Payment section:
- Bill To Contact
- Payment Term
- Click Save to apply the change.
- Click Activate to complete the update.
The bill-to contact and payment term of the subscription are updated by editing order actions during the subscription creation, subscription renewal, and terms and conditions update.
Case 6: Invoice owner transfers are not allowed if bill-to contacts are specified for subscriptions
If you perform the following steps, you are not allowed to transfer the invoice owner because the bill-to contact is specified for the subscription:
- Navigate to Customers > Orders.
- On the Orders page, click Create New Order.
- In the Order Overview section, search for an account by name or account number in the Account field, and choose one account for the displayed search results.
- In the Associated Subscriptions section, click Amend Subscription.
- In the Select an existing subscription section, select the existing subscription you want to renew and click Select.
- On the displayed Review Order page, click More Order Actions and then click Owner Transfer in the Associated Subscriptions section.
In the displayed subscription details window, the Invoice Owner field is read-only indicating that you cannot transfer the invoice owner.
Although invoice owners cannot be transferred in this use case, you can still change the subscription owner by searching for and selecting an account.
You can also switch to the Terms tab to view the current bill-to contact in the Billing and Payment section.