Configure automatic tasks of suspending subscriptions
You can filter subscriptions associated with overdue invoices and define a schedule to suspend these subscriptions automatically.
The overdue invoices are identified by the overdue criteria you defined. The criteria can be a threshold of the invoice overdue days, a threshold of the invoice outstanding balance, or both. If you have the Multiple Currencies feature enabled, you may have invoices that are generated in those currencies. In this case, you can define a threshold of the invoice outstanding balance for each currency.
To suspend subscriptions according to your defined overdue criteria:
- Navigate to Home to access the Zuora Business Automation Dashboard.
- In the Billing Ops/AR section, do one of the following:
For your first time, click the Add icon
on the Suspend Subscriptions By Overdue Invoices task.
Ensure the Show inactive jobs toggle is slid to the right; otherwise, you can’t see this task if this task wasn’t activated previously.
If it is not the first time, click the More options icon
and select Configure.
The Configure Auto Suspend Subscription page opens.
In the Filter Subscriptions For Auto Suspension section, select one or both of the following options to define an overdue criteria to identify overdue invoices:
- Invoice Overdue Days: After selecting this option, enter a threshold of the invoice overdue days in the Invoice Overdue Days Threshold field. Invoices with invoice overdue days greater than the threshold will be identified.
- Invoice Overdue Balance: After selecting this option, if USD is the active currency, it is displayed in the Invoice Overdue Balance Threshold section as the default currency; otherwise, the first active currency is displayed based on alphabetical order. You can click + Add Currency to add multiple currencies or click the delete icon to delete a currency. For each added currency, enter a threshold of the invoice outstanding balance in the Amount field. For invoices in different currencies, if the outstanding balances of some invoices are greater than the corresponding thresholds, these invoices will be identified.
The threshold amounts in different currencies are independent and do not have to follow the exchange rates of the currencies. For example, if the exchange rate between USD and AUD is 1:1.5, and you enter 100 as the exceeded amount for USD, you can also enter 200 as the exceeded amount for AUD.
- Click Save.
Since the Repeat Frequency in the Schedule Settings section is daily, and the Time of the Day is 00:00, Zuora filters subscriptions associated with overdue invoices starting from 00:00 every day in your time zone and then suspends these subscriptions.