View subscriptions that are suspended or resumed through automatic tasks
After the Suspend Subscriptions By Overdue Invoices or Resume the Suspended Subscriptions of Paid Invoices task is activated, you can view subscriptions that are suspended or resumed through this automatic task.
To view suspended or resumed subscriptions:
- Navigate to Home to access the Zuora Business Automation Dashboard.
- In the Billing Ops/AR section, click the Suspend Subscriptions By Overdue Invoices or Resume the Suspended Subscriptions of Paid Invoices task. A History table is expanded, listing all execution histories. For each execution history, the information of the ID, Execution Date, Completion Date, Impacted Objects, and Status are listed. You can click the refresh icon
to refresh the list.
- In each execution history entry, the numbers of orders and subscriptions in the Impacted Objects column indicate the number of orders that are created in the execution to suspend or resume subscriptions and the number of subscriptions that have been suspended or resumed.
- The status can be one of the following:
- Running: All suspension or resuming task-relevant jobs are running. For example, a relevant job may be querying subscriptions.
- Completed With Error: All suspension or resuming task-relevant jobs are completed but with errors. For example, some of the subscriptions are not successfully suspended or resumed.
- Completed: The suspension or resuming task is completed. This status indicates that subscriptions have been suspended or resumed successfully or that no subscriptions need to be suspended or resumed.
- For a specific execution history, you can click the View Details link to view the impacted subscriptions, orders, and errors with details:
- Click the Subscription tab, you can view the subscription information, including the Task Name, Subscription Number, Customer name, CMRR, Current Term, Renewal Term, Contract Effective Date, and subscription Status.
- Click the Order tab, you can view the order information, including the Task Name, Order Number, Customer Name, Order Date, Category, Updated Date, and order Status.
- If an execution is in the Completed With Error status, you can click the Error tab and view the error information, including Task Name, Input Data, and Error.
- You can click the download icon
to download the above details.