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Resume suspended subscriptions of paid-off invoices


Resume suspended subscriptions of paid-off invoices

If overdue invoices are paid off according to the resuming schedule, you can resume subscriptions that were suspended through the Suspend Subscriptions By Overdue Invoices task.

To resume subscriptions:

  1. Navigate to Home to access the Zuora Business Automation Dashboard.
  2. In the Billing Ops/AR section, do one of the following: 
    • For your first time, click the Add icon icon-add.png on the Resume the Suspended Subscriptions of Paid Invoices task. The Configure Auto Resume Subscription page opens.

      Ensure the Show inactive jobs toggle is slid to the right; otherwise, you can’t see this task if this task wasn’t activated previously.

    • If it is not the first time, click the More options icon  icon-more-options-white-background.png  and select Configure.

  3. In the Extend Term section, slide the Extend the current term by the number of days suspended toggle to the right.
  4. Click Save.