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View omnichannel subscriptions


View omnichannel subscriptions

You can view information on omnichannel subscriptions through UI or API. This article introduces how to view information through UI. To retrieve information on omnichannel subscriptions through API, see Retrieve an omnichannel subscription.

View omnichannel subscriptions on account details page

In the Orders & Subscriptions section of the account details page, click the Omni-Channel Subscriptions tab. 

The following table lists information about the omnichannel subscription.



Zuora generated, or customer entered according to external system

Customer Account

The name of the customer account (also referred to as a billing account) that subscribes to your products or services.

Could be zuora generated, or customer entered

Subscription Number

The unique identifier for the subscription. It is also referred to as the subscription code. For example,A-S00000080.

Zuora generated


Product name. 

Customer entered

Rate Plan

Name of the rate plan in the product.

Zuora generated

Transaction ID

The original transaction ID of the notification. This must be unique in the tenant.

Customer entered

Source System

The source app store from which the channel subscription originated. For example, Apple, Google, Roku, Amazon.

Customer entered

Activation Date

When the external subscription was activated on the external platform. 

Customer entered

Next Renewal Date

The date when the subscription is scheduled to renew.

Customer entered


The status of an omnichannel subscription: Active, Cancelled, or Suspended.

Note that the corresponding API field is state.

Zuora generated

You cannot click Create Order in this tab to create an order for the omnichannel subscriptions.

View omnichannel subscriptions on Subscription page

The Source column on the Subscriptions page shows whether a subscription is a Standard or OminiChannel subscription. 

To add the Source column to the Subscriptions page, go to the UI Builder, and turn on the Source toggle in the Columns section. 

The following table lists information about the omnichannel subscription.



Zuora generated, or customer entered according to external system

Subscription Number

The unique identifier for the subscription. It is also referred to as the subscription code. For example,A-S00000080.

Zuora generated

Customer Name

The name of the customer account (also referred to as a billing account) that subscribes to your products or services.

Could be zuora generated, or customer entered

Contract Effective Date

The date on which your subscription, or contract, is effective.

Zuora generated


Whether the subscription is a standard or omnichannel subscription. 

Customer entered


The status of an omnichannel subscription: Active, Cancelled, or Suspended.

Note that the corresponding API field is state.

Zuora generated

View details of omnichannel subscriptions on subscription details page

On the subscription details page, next to the subscription number, the name of the external and source system, for example, Apple, is displayed. 

The subscription details page includes the Basic Information and Products sections.

The following table lists information about the omnichannel subscription in the Basic Information section.



Zuora generated, or customer entered according to external system

Customer Account

The name of the customer account (also referred to as a billing account) that subscribes to your products or services.

Could be zuora generated, or customer entered

Subscription Starts on

The date when the subscription term starts. This date is the same as the start date of the original term, which isn't necessarily the start date of the current or new term.

Customer entered

Subscription Ends on

The date when the subscription expires or is scheduled to expire.

Customer entered

External Application Id

Unique identifier of application associated with the subscription in the external system.

Customer entered

External Bundle Id

Unique identifier of the application bundle associated with the subscription in the external system.

Customer entered

External Subscriber Id

Unique identifier of the subscriber associated with the subscription in the external system.

Customer entered

External Subscription Id

Unique identifier of the subscription in the external system.

Customer entered

Original Purchase Date

The value of externalPurchaseDate when this external subscription was initially created. 

Customer entered

Replaced By Product Id

The product ID is going to replace the existing Product ID.

Customer entered

In-App Ownership Type

Such as purchased, family_shared.

Customer entered

Zuora Subscription Number

The unique identifier for the subscription. It is also referred to as the subscription code. For example,A-S00000080.

Zuora generated

The following table lists information about the omnichannel subscription in the Products section. 



Zuora generated, or customer entered according to external system

Product ID

The product ID in the external system.

Customer entered


The quantity for the charge in the external system. 

Customer entered


The price for the charge in the external system.

Customer entered


The total charge.

Zuora generated