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Customize Error Messages for Payment Pages 2.0


Customize Error Messages for Payment Pages 2.0

This article describes how to customize error messages for Payment Pages 2.0. Error message customization is an optional step in implementing Payment Pages 2.0, but offers these benefits:

  • An error handling function gives you an easier mechanism to handle server-side error messages that are not handled in Zuora.
  • Using a custom error handling function, you can display the error messages in the Payment Page form in context to the user.

For security considerations, it is not recommended that you alert users to your security setting details, such as the number of attempts to reach the error limit and the timeframe between submissions.

Customize Error Handling

You can customize error message handling in Payment Pages 2.0 in the following steps:

  1. Use the 1.3.1 or later version of zuora.js or zuora-min.js.
  2. Define a function to customize error handling using the Z.sendErrorMessageToHpm function.
  3. Render your Payment Page using the Z.renderWithErrorHandler function.
  4. If implementing an inline Payment Page with an external submit button, see Customize Error Messages in Advanced Integration for one additional step.

Define Custom Error Message Handling Function

In your error message handling function, define a custom error message that you want to display in your Payment Pages form, and pass that message to Payment Pages 2.0. Your custom error message handling function should take the following four input parameters:

  • key
    • If the error happened in client side validation, a Payment Pages form field name will be returned. See Payment Pages 2.0 Form Fields for the field names used in Payment Pages. 
    • If the error happened in server side validation, error will be returned as key.
  • code: Error code returned when the client-side credit card validation fails or the CAPTCHA challenge is not resolved.
    • 001: The required field is not completed.
    • 002: The card number is invalid.
    • 003: The card type is invalid.
    • 004: The CVV number is invalid.
    • 007: The end-user doesn't resolve the challenge of Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise Interactive Test version.
    • unknown: All client-side errors other than the five above.
  • message: The error message returned from Zuora.
  • rawGatewayInfo: Detailed raw gateway response information. See Raw Gateway Info Configuration for how to enable returning raw gateway information.

This information is only available for the server-side error when gateway communication was involved. The available response details are presented in plain JavaScript object format containing the following information.

Property Description
type Gateway type, such as Orbital
version Zuora gateway integration version, such as 1, 2 or 3
responseCode Raw gateway response code
responseMessage Raw gateway error message
additionalInfo An plain JavaScript object containing additional gateway response information if available, such as AVS/CVS results for Orbital gateway

In your error message handling function, call the Z.sendErrorMessageToHpm function to send your custom error message to Payment Pages 2.0. The syntax for Z.sendErrorMessageToHpm is:

Z.sendErrorMessageToHpm(key, errorMessage);

The function takes the following input parameters:

  • key: The input parameter to your custom error message handling function as described above.
  • errorMessage: Customized error message to display in Payment Page. Note that this error message will not be localized in Payment Pages 2.0 form.

Here is an example for the implementation of custom error message handling:

var errorMessageCallback = function(key, code, message) {
    var errorMessage = message;
    switch(key) {
        case "creditCardNumber":
            if(code == '001') {
                errorMessage = 'Card number required. Please input firstly.';
Z.sendErrorMessageToHpm(key, errorMessage);

In the above example, one error message is customized. You can follow similar code logic by adding more if and case statements to the switch block to customize as many messages as you need. The following is another example for customizing multiple error messages.

var​ errorMessageCallback = ​function​(key, code, message, rawGatewayInfo) { ​
    var​ errorMessage = message;
    ​if​ (key != ​"error"​) {
        ​switch​ (key) {
​           // Overwrite error messages generated by client-side validation. ​
            case​ ​"creditCardNumber"​:
                ​if​ (code == ​'001'​) {
                    errorMessage = ​'Card number required. Please input the card number first.'​;
            } ​else​ ​if​ (code == ​'002'​) {
                errorMessage = ​'Number does not match credit card. Please try again.'​;
​            break​;
​           case​ ​"cardSecurityCode"​:
​            break​;
​           case​ ​"creditCardExpirationYear"​:
​            break​;
​           case​ ​"creditCardExpirationMonth"​:
​            break​;
​           case​ ​"creditCardType"​:
​            break​;
​           // check more keys if any. ​
           // case ...
    } ​​else​ {
​       if​ (code == ​"unknown"​ && rawGatewayInfo) {
​           // Customize the error message based on the rawGatewayInfo
           errorMessage = customizeMessage(rawGatewayInfo.type, rawGatewayInfo.version, rawGatewayInfo.responseCode); 
        } else if (code == "007") {
          // Customize the error message if the end-user doesn't resolve the challenge of Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise Interactive Test version
          errorMessage = "your customized message";
      } ​else​ {
          errorMessage = ​"Validation failed on server-side, Please check your input values."​;
​// Use this function to show customized error message based on the key of the given field. 
​//Z.sendErrorMessageToHpm(key, errorMessage);
​// Or display message on your page. 
displayMessage(errorMessage); ​

Render Payment Pages 2.0 with Custom Error Handling

Use the alternate render function, Z.renderWithErrorHandler, instead of the Z.render function, to render your Payment Page with custom form size, error messages, and callback logic.

The Z.renderWithErrorHandler function takes the same input parameter as the Z.render function and several additional parameters. The syntax for Z.renderWithErrorHandler is:

Z.renderWithErrorHandler(params, prepopulateFields, callback, clientErrorMessageCallback, width, height, additionalFunction);

The clientErrorMessageCallback function is a custom error handling function. The last three parameters are optional. You can simply use the following function for your Payment Page:

Z.renderWithErrorHandler (params, prepopulateFields, callback, errorMessageCallback); 

To support strong customer authentication (SCA), we strongly recommend that you do not use overlays to block end-users' submission. It is because overlays can potentially prevent the challenge form from being properly displayed.

If you have to use overlays, you can pass a function that removes possible overlays as the last parameter while rendering Payment Pages. In this case, you should also specify the width and height parameters. Use null for both parameters if the form needs to be resized automatically.

For example, define the removeModalLayer function to be passed in the following Payment Page render function:

Z.renderWithErrorHandler(params, prepopulateFields, callback, clientErrorMessageCallback, null, null, removeModalLayer);

After getting the response from the issuing bank, Zuora will call the removeModalLayer function to remove the overlay and display the challenge form.