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Gateway Options Fields Supported by Orbital Gateway Integration


Gateway Options Fields Supported by Orbital Gateway Integration

You can submit additional information to the Chase Orbital gateway using gateway options.

Supported fields

Currently, the Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway API v7.0.1 and Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway integrations in Zuora support the following Gateway Options fields. All Gateway Options fields are string fields.

  • AVSDestzip
  • AVSDestaddress1
  • AVSDestaddress2
  • AVSDestcity
  • AVSDeststate
  • AVSDestphoneNum
  • AVSDestname
  • AVSDestcountryCode
  • AVSPhoneType
  • AVSDestPhoneType
  • CashValueOfFencibleItems
  • Comments
  • CustomerBrowserName
  • CustomerIpAddress
  • CustomerAni
  • CustomerDOB
  • CustomerGender
  • CustomerDriverLicense
  • CustomerID
  • CustomerIDCreationTime
  • DestCountryCd
  • EmailAddressSubtype
  • ExtraPostalCode
  • GatewayOrderId
  • InvoiceDiscount
  • KaptchaSessionID
  • KTTVersionNumber
  • KTTDataLength
  • KTTDataString
  • ShippingMethod 
  • ShipFromZip                     
  • TaxSum
  • InvoiceNum
  • TaxExempt
  • WebsiteShortName
  • IndustryType (available for Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway only)
  • TxnSurchargeAmt (available on Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway only)
    Note that passing in the surcharge amount information will not increase the payment amount. It is for informational purposes only.

These fields can be used in Payment Pages 2.0 and the REST API operations that support gateway options fields.

Here are examples of how to specify the parameters.

Through Payment Pages 2.0:

"param_gwOptions_TaxSum" : "20";
"param_gwOptions_TxnSurchargeAmt" : "8"

Through the Create a payment API operation:

"gatewayOptions": {

Additional information of IndustryType

For authorization and payment transactions using Credit Card or Google Pay payment methods, the Industry Type field is populated by using the following prioritized sources:

  1. Gateway Options: The Industry Type value in the gatewayOptions field takes precedence.
  2. Gateway configuration setting: If no value is available in the gatewayOptions field, the Industry Type value specified on the gateway instance configuration page is used.
  3. The RC value: If neither of the preceding sources provides the Industry Type value, RC is used.