Account Field Mappings: Zuora to NetSuite Sync
This reference describes the mappings of the account information sync from Zuora to NetSuite.
In some cases, the Source and Destination fields are associated with different objects.
Account Field Mappings
The Destination column lists the default names for the fields in NetSuite. Your fields may have been modified from the default values.
Source Field | Destination Field | Notes |
Account.AccountNumber Account.Name |
Customer ID (entityId) |
Whether this field is updated for subsequent updates is determined by the Z-Suite preferences Customer Account Sync Behavior and Customer Account Number Update Behavior. Note: Avoid using double quotation mark ( |
Account.AccountNumber | Zuora Account Number | |
Account.AutoPay | AutoPay custentityzuoraautopay |
boolean |
Account.Batch | Batch custentityzuorabatch |
Account.BillCycleDay | BillCycleDay custentityzuorabillcycleday |
Cross-reference to translate Zuora API value back to Zuora label |
Account.CreatedDate | Zuora Created Date | Text field |
Account.CrmId | Zuora CRM ID | |
Account.Currency | Currency | Lookup to match Zuora Alphabetic Code to the NetSuite Symbol |
Account.CustomerServiceRepName | Zuora Customer Service Rep Name | |
Account.Id | Zuora ID | |
Account.Mrr | AccountMRR | |
Account.Name | companyname | |
Account.Notes | comments | |
Account.PaymentTerm | terms | Standard field in NetSuite. |
Account.PaymentTerm | Zuora Payment Term | |
Account.PurchaseOrderNumber | Zuora Purchase Order Number | |
Account.SalesRepName | Zuora Sales Rep | |
Account.Status | isInactive | If the Status is "Canceled", set this to "true." |
Account.TaxExemptCertificateID | Zuora Tax Exempt Certificate ID | |
Account.TaxExemptCertificateID | Tax Reg. Number (vatRegNumber) | Only mapped if Z-Suite Advanced Setting Use Standard Invoice Sync is No. Otherwise no value is mapped. |
Account.TaxExemptStatus | Zuora Tax Exempt Status | |
Account.TaxExemptStatus | Taxable (isTaxable) | Only mapped if Z-Suite Advanced Setting Use Standard Invoice Sync is No. Otherwise no value is explicitly mapped. |
Account.UpdatedDate | Zuora Updated Date | |
Account.IntegrationId__NS | internalId | Update Zuora with the NetSuite Internal ID after create/link only. |
Account.IntegrationStatus__NS | n/a | Update Zuora with "Sync Complete" after create/link only. See Integration Status and Error Recovery for more information. |
Account.SyncDate__NS | n/a | Update Zuora with current timestamp after create/link only. |
Account.CustomerType__NS | Type (isPerson) | |
BillToContact.Address1 | addressbookList.addr1 | Where defaultBilling=true |
BillToContact.Address2 | addressbookList.addr2 | Where defaultBilling=true |
BillToContact.City | | Where defaultBilling=true |
BillToContact.Country | | Where defaultBilling=true
static xref |
BillToContact.Fax | fax | |
BillToContact.FirstName BillToContact.LastName |
addressbookList.addressee | If defaultBilling=true , concatenate the values. |
BillToContact.FirstName BillToContact.LastName |
firstName lastName |
Only mapped if CustomerType__NS is "individual." |
BillToContact.Id | Zuora Bill To ID | |
BillToContact.PostalCode | | Where defaultBilling=true |
BillToContact.State | addressbookList.state | Where defaultBilling=true |
BillToContact.TaxRegion | Zuora Bill To Tax Region | |
BillToContact.WorkEmail | Zuora Bill To Work Email | There is no field for email on the addressbook list, so this is added to the custom header. |
BillToContact.WorkEmail | | Standard field |
BillToContact.WorkPhone | phone | |
BillToContact.WorkPhone | | Where defaultBilling=true |
DefaultPaymentMethod.Type | Zuora Default Payment Method | |
SoldToContact.Address1 | addressbookList.addr1 | Where defaultShipping=true |
SoldToContact.Address2 | addressbookList.addr2 | Where defaultShipping=true |
SoldToContact.City | | Where defaultShipping=true |
SoldToContact.Country | | Where defaultShipping=true |
SoldToContact.FirstName SoldToContact.LastName |
addressbookList.addressee | Where defaultShipping=true
Concatenate the values |
SoldToContact.Id | Zuora Sold To ID | |
SoldToContact.PostalCode | | Where defaultShipping=true |
SoldToContact.State | addressbookList.state | Where defaultShipping=true |
SoldToContact.WorkEmail | Zuora Sold To Work Email | There is no field for email on the addressbook list, so this is added to the custom header. |
SoldToContact.WorkPhone | | Where defaultShipping=true |
n/a | Zuora Sync Date | Current timestamp |
n/a | entityStatus | Defaulted by NetSuite. For example, "Customer Closed Won". |
n/a | addressbookList.replaceAll |
If syncing an existing record and Z-Suite preference Customer Sync Behavior is Sync New and Modified Record, map "true". All existing NetSuite address entries will be removed and replaced with the address(es) from the Zuora Account Contact(s). |
Account.Subsidiary__NS | Subsidiary |
Lookup by Full Name to retrieve internalId. The Account.Subsidiary__NS must be the fully-qualified hierarchy name. For example, This is available only in NetSuite OneWorld edition |
n/a | addressbookList.label | "Zuora Bill To Address" or "Zuora Sold To Address" |
n/a | Tax Item | Mapped from Z-Suite preference NetSuite Default Tax Code if populated. |