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Credit Memo Field Mappings: NetSuite to Zuora Sync


Credit Memo Field Mappings: NetSuite to Zuora Sync

This reference describes the mappings of the Credit Memo information sync from NetSuite to Zuora.

In some cases, the Source and Destination fields are associated with different objects.

Credit Memo Mappings

The Destination column lists the default names for the fields in NetSuite. Your fields may have been modified from the default values.

Source Field Destination Field
(Invoice Payment)
ZuoraCustomerIDSales AccountId  
tranDate AdjustmentDate  
applyTo.amount Amount  
invoice.ZuoraId InvoiceId  
internalId ReferenceId  
n/a TransferredToAccounting "Yes" when completed. 
n/a Type "Credit"
IntegrationStatus n/a "Creating Invoice Adjustment...," while processing, and "Sync Complete" when completed. 
ZuoraId n/a Update with the new Zuora ID when completed. 
SyncDate n/a Update with the current timestamp when completed. 
memo Comment  
internalId IntegrationId__NS For negative invoices, this can also include the internalId of the applied-to Zuora invoice: <CM.internalId>_<INV.internalId>
n/a Origin__NS "NETSUITE"
n/a SyncDate__NS The current datetime. 
tranId Transaction__NS For negative invoices, this can also include the internalId of the applied-to Zuora invoice: <CM.tranId>_<INV.tranId>