Zuora 360+ Overview
Zuora 360+ automatically synchronizes record changes in Zuora to Salesforce in near real time. Zuora 360+ enables you to:
- Sync high data volumes in a reliable and timely manner. Zuora 360+ is built on a scalable architecture that supports greater concurrency and reduced latency for high sync volumes.
- Configure what is synced at an object and record level.
- View each data change event and errors during a sync process.
- Retry sync if an error occurs.
- Sync data on a variety of objects:
- Account
- Contact
- Feature
- Invoice
- Invoice Payment
- Payment
- Payment Method
- Rate Plan
- Rate Plan Charge
- Rate Plan Charge Tier
- Refund
- Refund Invoice Payment
- Subscription
- Invoice Item
- Taxation Item
- Credit Memo
- Credit Memo Item
- Credit Memo Part
- Debit Memo
- Debit Memo Item
- Payment Part
- Refund Part
- Subscriptions History
- Subscription Rate Plan History
- Subscription Product & Charge History
- Subscription Charge Tier History
- Product Catalog objects, including:
To sync product catalog data, you must have the Zuora Quotes managed package installed for your Salesforce org. For more information, see Zuora Quotes.
- Product
- Product Features
- Product Rate Plan
- Product Rate Plan Charge
- Product Rate Plan Charge Tier
Note: If Zuora 360+ was enabled for your tenant before January 2021, draft invoices are synced. If Zuora 360+ was enabled after January 2021, only posted invoices can be synced, which aligns with the behavior of Zuora 360.
For the detailed object and field mapping information for Zuora 360+, see the following articles:
- Sync Field Mapping of Account and Related Objects for Zuora 360+
- Sync Field Mapping of Product Catalog and Related Objects for Zuora 360+
- Sync Field Mapping of Subscription and Related Objects for Zuora 360+
If you are already on Zuora 360 and want to enable Zuora 360+, see the following articles to understand the object mapping differences between Zuora 360 and Zuora 360+: