Configure AQuA API Stateful Mode Time Offset
This article describes how to configure the time offset for AQuA queries in stateful mode. By default, stateful AQuA requests execute the queries against incremental data that were created or updated between the completion time of the previous AQuA session and the current time. Your company's Administrators can use the AQuA API Stateful Mode Time Offset setting to specify a time offset, to control the end time of this interval.
Configure AQuA API Stateful Mode Time Offset
Your company's Administrators can configure your AQuA API stateful mode time offset by navigating to Settings > Administration > AQuA API Stateful Mode Time Offset. From here, administrators can set the integer value of the time offset in seconds. The default value is zero. The maximum value is 3600.
For example, if you set AQuA API Stateful Mode Time Offset to 600 seconds and you submit a query in stateful mode at 2:00 AM, Zuora returns data that were created or updated between the completion time of the previous stateful query and 1:50 AM.
See Time Offset for AQuA Stateful Queries for more information.