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Zuora Revenue Release Notes


Zuora Revenue Release Notes

This article provides a summary of new features, enhancements, and resolved issues in Zuora Revenue version

New features and enhancements

The following new features and enhancements are available in this release. 

Billing to Revenue Data Completeness Report       

This enhancement is applicable only for the customers who use the Billing - Revenue Integration.

A new report called Billing to Revenue Data Completeness Report is added in the Transactions category. Use this report to check the completeness of the data from Zuora Billing to Zuora Revenue by comparing the total transactions and total amount between the two systems. This report can be run based on the specified time range and for all objects or for the rate plan charge object only. If the Multi-entity feature is enabled in your tenant, you also need to specify the entity to run this report. 

If you select the detailed layout to run this report, you cannot use the filter or sorting functions in the report result. The pagination and export functions are provided instead.

For more information, see Run Billing to Revenue Data Completeness report.

Revenue Sync job and improved UI usability 

This enhancement is applicable only for customers who use the Billing - Revenue Integration.

Previously, the Data Sync and Data Transformation jobs were provided to help you sync transaction data from Zuora Billing to Zuora Revenue. It was recommended to run these jobs on a daily basis so you had to schedule them separately. When you run the jobs, you had to select the appropriate Zuora Billing object to be synced and transformed.

From this release, the Data Sync and Data Transformation jobs are deprecated. A new job called Revenue Sync is provided as a replacement, which can load Zuora Billing object data to Zuora Revenue and then transform the data to Zuora Revenue fields in the Line Staging tables. This job is run based on default mapping templates for the supported transaction types. When the job is started, all objects contained in the default mapping templates will be synced and transformed. You no longer have to manually select the data objects to be synced. A new UI page is also designed to help you start or schedule the Revenue Sync job.

The Revenue Sync UI is important for the integration process. The following enhancements are delivered in this release to improve the usability of this UI:

  • The date format used in the Revenue Data Sync History table is changed to dd-mon-yyyy to be consistent with the date format used elsewhere. 
  • To avoid duplicate jobs to be submitted for starting revenue sync, the START REVENUE DATA SYNC button will be disabled after a revenue sync job is started successfully.
  • The messages displayed in the Details window for a revenue sync job are revised to avoid confusion or to provide more useful information especially when an error occurs.
  • The refresh icon in the Details window is clickable to refresh the number of processed items as the revenue sync job is running.
  • Some alignment issues in the UI are resolved in the Details window.
  • Miscellaneous issues are resolved for the Transaction Upload Template UI.

For more information, see Run Revenue Sync jobs.

Issues resolved in this release

Refer to Resolved_issues_in_37.002.02.00.csv to get a list of all issues that have been resolved in this release.