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Objects and Their Supported Calls


Objects and Their Supported Calls

This SOAP API matrix maps Zuora objects to supported with SOAP API calls. See API Objects for detailed reference information about the individual objects. 

Create, Query, Update, Delete

Object Name Supported Calls
  create query update delete
Account Yes Yes Yes Yes
AccountingPeriod Yes Yes Yes  
Amendment Yes Yes Yes Yes only if the amendment has not been invoiced.
CommunicationProfile   Yes    
Contact Yes Yes Yes Yes
Import Yes Yes    
Invoice   Yes Yes, update of status. Yes, as of Version 11.0. Status must be set to Draft. To delete a Posted invoice, you must update the status to Draft first prior to deleting.
InvoiceAdjustment Yes, as of version 24.0 Yes Yes, as of version 24.0 Yes, as of version 24.0
InvoiceItem   Yes    
InvoiceItemAdjustment Yes, as of version 23.0 Yes, as of version 23.0 Yes, as of version 23.0 Yes, as of version 23.0
InvoicePayment Yes Yes    
Payment Yes Yes Yes  
PaymentMethod Yes Yes Yes Yes, but only if it is not set as the default payment method.
Product Yes, as of version 22.0. Yes Yes, as of version 16.0. Yes, as of version 16.0.
ProductRatePlan Yes, as of version 22.0. Yes Yes, as of version 16.0. Yes, as of version 16.0.
ProductRatePlanCharge Yes, as of version 22.0. Yes Yes Yes
ProductRatePlanChargeTier Yes, as of version 22.0. Yes Yes, price only.  
RatePlan Yes Yes    
RatePlanCharge Yes Yes Yes, but only when the charge belongs to a RatePlan that is currently being amended.  
RatePlanChargeTier Yes Yes    
RatePlanData1 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Refund Yes, as of version 21.0 of the API. Yes, as of version 21.0 of the API.    
Subscription No. Must create subscriptions using the subscribe() call. Yes Yes, but only for either meta-data fields such as Notes, or setting trigger dates. Other fields, such as term length and prices, must be changed with amendments. Yes, as of version 16.0 of the API. If the subscription has multiple versions (it has been amended), it will delete the current version provided none of the amended charges have been invoiced.
SubscriptionData1 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
TaxationItem Yes, but only for InvoiceItems that belong to Invoices in Draft status. Yes Yes Yes
Usage Yes Yes   Yes, but only for TaxationItems that are on invoices in draft status.

1. RatePlanData and SubscriptionData are special objects for use only by the subscribe call, so the create, query, update, and read calls do not apply to them.

Subscribe, Generate, Amend

Object Name Supported Calls
  subscribe1 generate amend
Account Yes    
Amendment     Yes, as of version 28.0.
Contact Yes    
Invoice   Yes  
PaymentMethod Yes    
RatePlanData Yes    
Subscription Yes    
SubscriptionData Yes    
  • 1 The subscribe call is an all-in-one wrapper call that can be used to create subscriptions.
  • 2 The subscribeWithExistingAccount call is a wrapper call that can be used to create subscriptions, similar to subscribe, but no account, payment method or contacts are created.