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Product and feature end of support plan

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Product and feature end of support plan

This article includes information about products and features that are deprecated in 2024, and approaching the end of support in the near years.

The following lists the deprecated features:

  • Subscribe and Amend
  • Invoice Adjustments, Invoice Item Adjustments, and Credit Balance Adjustments
  • Collections Window and Notes
  • Advanced Payment Manager
  • Payment Plans
  • Statement Generator
  • overageRatedQuantity and overageRatedAmount fields

The following deprecation information is excluded from this article:

  • For products and features deprecated prior to 2024, see deprecation information in Release Notes and relevant product and feature articles. 
  • CPQ continuously deprecates legacy versions, this article does not cover its end of support plan. For more information, see Zuora CPQ End of Support and Deprecation Policy.

Subscribe and Amend - Maintenance Mode 

The Subscribe and Amend object model and Subscribe and Amend APIs will remain in maintenance mode. While we encourage all customers to transition to the Orders object model and APIs across the Zuora ecosystem, we understand that this takes time and has meaningful impacts on your business. As such, the Subscribe and Amend objects will remain in maintenance mode indefinitely, as no end-of-support or end-of-life date has been set.

The Orders feature has been generally available since August 2020 in Zuora Billing Release 284. Orders are contractual agreements between merchants and customers. Customers can create multiple subscriptions and subscription amendments at once in a single order. Customers can also create order line items to support non-subscription-based business models. With Orders, you can access both existing functions for subscription and billing management and the new features on Zuora Billing.

Zuora has established the following maintenance mode timeline for the Subscribe and Amend features:

Maintenance Mode

Timeline Description
(no EOS or EOL date has been set)
Zuora will no longer actively develop or enhance the Subscribe and Amend related features. Only critical, revenue-impacting defects with no workarounds or alternatives may be fixed at Zuora’s discretion. There has been no material change to this policy, which has been in effect since 2020.

To support your transition to using Orders, Orders Harmonization has been enabled in your tenant. You can read the Orders migration guide for this transition. For more information about the impacted features as well as resources to support your transition to Orders, please reach out to your Zuora account team.

Invoice Adjustments, Invoice Item Adjustments,Credit Balance Adjustments, and Payment Objects - Maintenance Mode

Invoice Adjustments, Invoice Item Adjustments, Credit Balance Adjustments, and payment objects (Invoice Payment, Refund, Refund Invoice Payment) are approaching the end of support. All customers must transition to using the Invoice Settlement object model and APIs across the Zuora ecosystem and associated business processes as soon as possible.

The Invoice Settlement feature has been generally available since March 2021 in Zuora Billing Release 296. Invoice Settlement provides you with advanced payment management, credit and debit memos, and item level application.

  • With the Unapplied Payments feature, you can create unapplied payments, apply unapplied payments on invoices and debit memos, unapply applied payments, and transfer payments.
  • With the Credit and Debit Memos feature, you can issue memos to correct invoices and manage the balance due on a particular invoice or account.
  • With the Invoice Item Settlement feature, you can apply payments at the line-item level.

Zuora has established the following end of support timeline for the Invoice Adjustments, Invoice Item Adjustments, Credit Balance Adjustments, and Payment Object features:

Maintenance Mode

Timeline Description
(no EOS or EOL date has been set)
Zuora will no longer actively develop or enhance the Invoice Adjustments, Invoice Item Adjustments, Credit Balance Adjustments, and payment objects(Invoice Payment, Refund, Refund Invoice Payment) features. Only critical, revenue-impacting defects with no workarounds or alternatives may be fixed at Zuora’s discretion. There has been no material change to this policy, which has been in effect since 2021.

To support your transition to using Invoice Settlement, Invoice Settlement Harmonization has been made available to you. You can read the Invoice Settlement Harmonization migration guide for this transition. For more information about the impacted features and resources to support your transition to the new features, please reach out to your Zuora account team.

Collections Window and Notes end of support plan

The Collections Window and Notes features of Collections are entering end of support on June 3, 2024.

Zuora has established the following end of support timeline for the Collections Window and Notes feature:

End of Support Date 

Timeline Description
Entering June 03, 2024 Features will still be accessible in all Zuora environments, but no further product development. Any critical defects, bug fixes or security issues will be evaluated and fixed at Zuora's discretion.

For more information about the end of support reach out to your Zuora account team.

Advanced Payment Manager end of support plan

Advanced Payment Manager is entering the end of support on June 3, 2024. All customers must transition to using the Payment Profiles functionality and APIs across the Zuora ecosystem and associated business processes.

Payment Profiles enable payment flexibility for subscribers by allowing payment methods to be associated with specific subscriptions. Additionally, payment profiles will allow subscriptions to indicate the gateway to be used for electronic payment processing.

Zuora has established the following end of support timeline for the Advanced Payment Manager feature:

End of Support Date

Timeline Description
Entering June 03, 2024 Zuora will no longer actively develop or enhance Advanced Payment Manager features. Only critical, revenue-impacting defects with no workarounds or alternatives may be fixed at Zuora’s discretion. Customers should be transitioned to using the Payment Profiles module and APIs prior to this date to avoid any potential impact.

For more information about the new Payment Profiles module, please refer to the Zuora Knowledge Center or reach out to your Zuora account team.

Payment Plans end of support plan

Payment Plans feature is entering the end of support on June 3, 2024. All customers must transition to using the Payment Schedules functionality and APIs across the Zuora ecosystem and associated business processes as soon as possible.

Payment schedules provides you complete control over the exact date, time, amount, currency, payment gateway, and payment method to capture and process payments.

Zuora has established the following end of support timeline for the Payment Plans feature:

End of Support Date

Timeline Description
Through January 31, 2025 Zuora will no longer actively develop or enhance Payment Plans feature. Only critical, revenue-impacting defects with no workarounds or alternatives may be fixed at Zuora’s discretion. Customers should be transitioned to using the Payment Schedules module and APIs prior to this date to avoid any potential impact.

End of Life Date

Timeline Description
February 01, 2025 Zuora will no longer allow access to the service.

To support your transition to Payment Schedules, the module has been enabled in your tenant. For more information about the new Payment Schedules module, please refer to the Zuora Knowledge Center or reach out to your Zuora account team.

Statement Generator end of support plan

Statement Generator feature is deprecated and approaching the end of support. All customers must transition to using the Account Summary Statement functionality and APIs across the Zuora ecosystem and associated business processes as soon as possible.

Using Summary Statements, you can access periodic reports summarizing account transaction activities, including outstanding invoices, credit memos, and payments within customizable timeframes — typically a month, quarter, year, or another customized interval. These reports facilitate swift communication of a customer’s status, highlighting whether payments are up-to-date or if there are any outstanding invoices.

Zuora has established the following end of support timeline for the Statement Generator feature:

End of Support Date

Timeline Description
Entering June 03, 2024 Zuora will no longer actively develop or enhance Statement Generator feature. Only critical, revenue-impacting defects with no workarounds or alternatives may be fixed at Zuora’s discretion. Customers should be transitioned to using the Account Summary Statement module and APIs prior to this date to avoid any potential impact.

For more information about the new Account Summary Statement module, please refer to the Zuora Knowledge Center or reach out to your Zuora account team.

overageRatedQuantity and overageRatedAmount fields end of support plan

The overageRatedQuantity and overageRatedAmount fields of the Validity Period Summary object in Data Query and in the following REST API operations are approaching the end of support on February 01, 2025. Customers with the Unbilled Usage feature enabled can access the overage amount through the rating result of the drawdown charge.

Zuora has established the following end of support timeline for the overageRatedQuantity and overageRatedAmount fields in the Validity Period Summary object:

Deprecation Period

Timeline Description
Through January 31, 2025 Zuora will no longer actively develop or enhance the functions related to the overageRatedQuantity and overageRatedAmount fields. Only critical, revenue-impacting defects with no workarounds or alternatives may be fixed at Zuora’s discretion. Customers should start planning for the required changes and begin the transition process to Unbilled Usage.

End of Support Date

Timeline Description
February 01, 2025 Zuora will no longer feed valid values to the overageRatedQuantity and overageRatedAmount fields.

End of Life Date

Timeline Description
March 06, 2025 Zuora will remove the overageRatedQuantity and overageRatedAmount fields.