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Pass Gateway Parameters


Pass Gateway Parameters

Zuora allows you to pass in special gateway-specific parameters for payments that go through the following gateways: 

  • Adyen
  • Adyen Integration v2.0
  • BlueSnap
  • CyberSource
  • Merchant eSolutions
  • Moneris
  • Orbital (Chase Paymentech)
  • QValent
  • Vantiv
  • Vantiv (Now Worldpay)
  • Verifi

For each of these special parameters, you supply the name-value pair and Zuora passes it to the gateway. This allows you to add functionality that's supported by a specific gateway but currently not supported by Zuora.

The following sections provide code samples for this gateway option functionality.

Sample Client-Side Java Program

GatewayOption[] gatewayOptions = new GatewayOption[3]; // the length of GatewayOption array should not exceed 255 characters;
       GatewayOption gatewayOption0 = new GatewayOption(); = "MerchantDefinedField1"; // the length of name should not exceed 255 characters;
       gatewayOption0.value = "merchant defined field value first"; // the length of value should not exceed 255 characters;
       gatewayOptions[0] = gatewayOption0;
       GatewayOption gatewayOption1 = new GatewayOption(); = "MerchantDefinedField2";
       gatewayOption1.value = "merchant defined field value second";
       gatewayOptions[1] = gatewayOption1;
       GatewayOption gatewayOption2 = new GatewayOption(); = "IPAddress";
       gatewayOption2.value = "";
       gatewayOptions[2] = gatewayOption2;
       GatewayOptionsData gatewayOptionsData = new GatewayOptionsData();
       Payment payment = makeElectronicPayment();
       ID paymentID = create(payment);
       soap message:

Sample SOAP Message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="" standalone="no"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
  <ns1:SessionHeader xmlns:ns1="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0">
  <ns1:create xmlns:ns1="">
   <ns1:zObjects xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns2:Payment">
     <ns1:GatewayOption xsi:type="ns2:GatewayOption">
      <ns2:value>merchant defined field value first</ns2:value>
     <ns1:GatewayOption xsi:type="ns2:GatewayOption">
      <ns2:value>merchant defined field value second</ns2:value>
     <ns1:GatewayOption xsi:type="ns2:GatewayOption">