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You can use this object to query detailed application information about specific product rate plan charges that use the discount charge model. 

The ProductDiscountApplyDetail object is associated with the ProductRatePlanCharge object.

Supported calls

You can use this object with the query() call. 

Field Descriptions

All field names are case sensitive. Check enumerated values in descriptions to confirm capitalization and spacing. See Field Types for additional information.

Name Required? Allowed Operations Description
Id optional


The ID of the ProductDiscountApplyDetail object.

Type: zns:ID
Character limit: 32
Version notes: WSDL 85.0+
Values: automatically generated 

CreatedById optional Query

The ID of the Zuora user who created the ProductDiscountApplyDetail object.

Type: string
Character limit: 32
Version notes: WSDL 85.0+
Values: automatically generated

CreatedDate optional Query

The date and time when the ProductDiscountApplyDetail object was created.

Type: dateTime
Character limit: 29
Version notes: WSDL 85.0+
Values: a valid dateTime format in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD 

UpdatedById optional Query

The ID of the Zuora user who updated the ProductDiscountApplyDetail object.

Type: string 
Character limit: 32
Version notes: WSDL 85.0+
Values: automatically generated

UpdatedDate optional Query

The date and time when the ProductDiscountApplyDetail object was last updated.

Type: dateTime
Character limit: 29
Version notes: WSDL 85.0+
Values: a valid dateTime format in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD

ProductRatePlanChargeId optional Query

The ID of the discount product rate plan charge associated with the ProductDiscountApplyDetail object.

Type: zns:ID
Character limit: 32
Version notes: WSDL 85.0+
Values: a string of 32 characters or fewer

AppliedProductRatePlanId optional Query

The ID of the product rate plan that the discount product rate plan charge applies to.

Type: zns:ID
Character limit: 32
Version notes: WSDL 85.0+
Values: a string of 32 characters or fewer

AppliedProductRatePlanChargeId optional Query

The ID of the product rate plan charge that the discount product rate plan charge applies to.

Type: zns:ID
Character limit: 32
Version notes: WSDL 85.0+
Values: a string of 32 characters or fewer

Code Examples

The following is an example query on the ProductDiscountApplyDetail object.

select id, createdDate,createdById,updatedDate,updatedById,productrateplanchargeid, AppliedProductRatePlanId,AppliedProductRatePlanChargeId from ProductDiscountApplyDetail where productrateplanchargeid='402881ec599b65c901599c74e70c0016'

The following is the example response of the preceding query.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <ns1:queryResponse xmlns:ns1="">
            <ns1:queryLocator xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="1" />
            <ns1:records xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns2:ProductDiscountApplyDetail">
            <ns1:records xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns2:ProductDiscountApplyDetail">
            <ns1:records xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns2:ProductDiscountApplyDetail">