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Invoice fields supported by Custom Logic


Invoice fields supported by Custom Logic

The following table describes the Invoice fields supported by Custom Logic.

For more information about conditions and mutations in custom logic, see Objects and fields supported by Custom Logic.

Field name Field type Supported for condition Supported for mutation
AccountId String Yes No
AdjustmentAmount Decimal Yes No
Amount Decimal Yes No
AmountWithoutTax Decimal Yes No
AutoPay Boolean Yes No
Balance Decimal Yes No
BillToContactId String Yes No
BillToContactSnapshotId String Yes No
Comments String Yes Yes
CreatedById String No No
CreatedDate DateTime Yes No
CreditBalanceAdjustmentAmount Decimal Yes No
CreditMemoAmount Decimal Yes No
Currency String Yes No
DueDate Date Yes Yes
EInvoiceErrorCode String Yes No
EInvoiceErrorMessage String Yes No
EInvoiceFileId String Yes No
EInvoiceStatus String Yes No
Id String No No
IncludesOneTime Boolean Yes No
IncludesRecurring Boolean Yes No
IncludesUsage Boolean Yes No
InvoiceDate Date Yes No
InvoiceNumber String Yes No
LastEmailSentDate DateTime Yes No
PaymentAmount Decimal Yes No
PostedBy String Yes No
PostedDate DateTime Yes No
RefundAmount Decimal Yes No
Reversed Boolean Yes No
SequenceSetId String Yes No
SoldToContactId String Yes No
SoldToContactSnapshotId String Yes No
Source String Yes No
SourceId String Yes No
SourceType String Yes No
Status String Yes No
TargetDate Date Yes No
TaxAmount Decimal Yes No
TaxExemptAmount Decimal Yes No
TaxMessage String Yes No
TaxStatus String Yes No
TemplateId String Yes No
TransferredToAccounting String Yes Yes
UpdatedById String No No
UpdatedDate DateTime Yes No