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Query syntax of custom object records


Query syntax of custom object records

You can use the Query custom object records API call to query custom object records. You can define your query through the q query parameter of this operation.

See the following query syntax for the q parameter.

Simple Query

Field Existence

Check existence of a field by querying with _exists_:[FieldName].

  • Search for custom fields data where the title field has non-null value (the field exists and the value of it is not null).


Field Equality

Check whether the value of a field equals to a certain value by querying with [FieldName]:[ExpectedValue]

  • Search for custom fields data with field status is active.

  • Search for custom fields data with field author identical to phrase "john smith".

      author:"John Smith"


Ranges can be specified for date and numeric fields. See the following statement syntax:

  • Less than: [FieldName]:<[Upperbound]

  • Less than or equal to: [FieldName]:<=[Upperbound]

  • Greater than: [FieldName]:>[Lowerbound]

  • Greater than or equal to: [FieldName]:>=[Lowerbound]


  • Search for custom fields data with field age less than 5.



When you query with ranges for date fields, you must use the \ (backslash) as an escape character for every colon (\:) in the date bounds as colon (:) is an operator in the query syntax.

  • Search for custom fields data with field activeDate less than 2018-01-01T00:00:00.001Z.

  • Search for custom fields data with field activeDate less than 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z.

  • Search for custom fields data with field activeDate less than 2018-01-01T00:00:00-08:00.

  • Search for custom fields data with field activeDate less than 2018-01-01.

  • Search for custom fields data with field activeDate less than 2018-01 (same as 2018-01-01).

  • Search for custom fields data with field activeDate less than 2018 (same as 2018-01-01).

  • Search for custom fields data with field activeDate less than 1514764800000 (2018-01-01 in milliseconds).



  • Range query by a number on a date field compares field values as a timestamp in milliseconds except that the number is a 4-digit number. In that case, the field values will be considered as the value of a year.

    • activeDate:<1 will return custom fields data with activeDate less than 1970-01-01T00:00:00.001Z (0000000000001).

    • activeDate:<2001 will return custom fields data with activeDate less than 2001-01-01.

  • Range query by date only (without time) on date field with full date (with time) compares only their date part.

    • activeDate:>2018 will not return custom fields data with activeDate has value 2018-01-01T23:59:59Z since their dates are equal. But it will return custom fields data with activeDate is 2018-01-02.
  • Range query by year only works the same as by the first day of that year. Range query by year-month works the same as by the first day of the month.

    • activeDate:>2018 works the same as activeDate:>2018-01-01.

    • activeDate:>2018-05 works the same as activeDate:>2018-05-01.

  • Range query by full date (with time) on date field with date only (without time) will assume the time of the date field is 00:00:00.000Z.

    • activeDate:<2018-01-01T00\:00\:00.001Z will return custom fields data with activeDate value as 2018-01-01.

Complex Query Using Boolean Operators

Custom object query currently supports the AND (&&)OR (||)and NOT (!) operators. Note that the operators are case-sensitive. You must use uppercase.


  • Search for custom fields data whose status is active and activeDate is less than 2018.

      status:active AND activeDate:<2018


      status:active && activeDate:<2018


  • Search for custom fields data whose status is active or activeDate is less than 2018.

      status:active OR activeDate:<2018


      status:active || activeDate:<2018


  • Search for custom fields data whose status is missing or status has a null value.



    NOT _exists_:status
  • Search for custom fields data whose status is not active (status is either missing or null).



      NOT status:active 

    Note: To search for custom fields data where status exists and its value not equal to active, use _exists_:status AND !status:active.

  • Search for custom fields data with field activeDate no less than 2018 (including activeDate is missing or null).



      NOT activeDate:<2018 

    Note: To search for custom fields data where activeDate exists and its value is no less than 2018, use _exists_:activeDate AND !activeDate:<2018.

Deal with the null value

The null value fields cannot be distinguished from the missing fields. Therefore, when querying by the existence of a field, it only returns the records that contain the field and the field value is not null. Query by the non-existence of one field will return the records that either miss this field or have a null value in this field.