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Best-practice samples for common queries


Best-practice samples for common queries

See the following samples of best practices for some common use cases.

  • Get a list of Subscriptions and the associated Accounts whose custom field geographicregion__c is West
    FROM Subscription
    INNER JOIN account ON subscription.accountid =
    WHERE account.geographicregion__c = ‘West’
  • Get the Products updated since January 1, 2019
    SELECT *
    FROM Product
    WHERE updateddate >= timestamp '2019-01-01 -7:00'
  • Get the Accounts with Usage for the Products with specified SKUs
    SELECT a.accountnumber
    FROM Usage u, Account a, Product p
    WHERE a.accountnumber = u.accountnumber
    AND p.sku IN
    GROUP BY a.accountnumber 
  • Get Attachments for the object by specifying the associated object ID and associated object type in WHERE clause
    SELECT filename,
    FROM   attachment
    WHERE  associatedobjecttype = 'account'
           AND associatedobjectid = 'ff808081298c6e5401298c76f28b006c' 
  • Get a list of Invoices whose invoice due date is later than the date of current UTC in Los Angeles time zone.
    For more information about the date function, see Get the date value of a timestamp.
    SELECT *
    FROM   invoice
    WHERE  duedate >= date(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'America/Los_Angeles')