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Booking Transaction data source


Booking Transaction data source

Use the booking transaction data source to report on information for a given booking transaction. See Booking Transaction for more information about the booking transaction object.

The following objects are available in the data source.

Object Description
Booking Transaction

Information about the booking transaction.

This is the base object for the booking transaction Data Source Export. Contains the following fields:

  • Adjustment Liability Account Name
  • Adjustment Liability Account Number
  • Adjustment Liability GL Account Name
  • Adjustment Revenue Account Name
  • Adjustment Revenue Account Number
  • Adjustment Revenue GL Account Name
  • Amended By Order On
  • Amendment Create Date
  • Amendment Number
  • Amendment Reason
  • Amendment Type
  • Billing Rule
  • Business Type
  • Charge Model
  • Charge Number
  • Charge Segment
  • Charge Through Date
  • Charge Type
  • Charge/OLI Create Date
  • Charge/OLI Update Date
  • Company Code
  • Contract Asset Account Name
  • Contract Asset Account Number
  • Contract Asset GL Account Name
  • Contract Liability Account Name
  • Contract Liability Account Number
  • Contract Liability GL Account Name
  • Contract Recognized Revenue Account Name
  • Contract Recognized Revenue Account Number
  • Contract Recognized Revenue GL Account Name
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Currency Code
  • Current CCV
  • Current ELP
  • Current End Date
  • Current Quantity
  • Current Start Date
  • Customer ID
  • Customer Name
  • Customer Number
  • Delta CCV
  • Delta ELP
  • Delta Quantity
  • Delta Term Duration
  • Discount Applied To Adjustment Liability Account Number
  • Discount Applied To Adjustment Revenue Account Number
  • Discount Applied To Contract Asset Account Number
  • Discount Applied To Contract Liability Account Number
  • Discount Applied To Contract Recognized Revenue Account Number
  • Discount Applied To Rate Plan Charge End Date
  • Discount Applied To Rate Plan Charge Name
  • Discount Applied To Rate Plan Charge Number
  • Discount Applied To Rate Plan Charge Segment
  • Discount Applied To Rate Plan Charge Start Date
  • Discount Applied To Unbilled Receivables Account Number
  • Discount Level
  • Discount Percentage
  • Exclude Item Billing From Revenue Accounting
  • Exclude Item Booking From Revenue Accounting
  • Fx Rate
  • Global Fx Rate
  • Home Currency Code
  • ID
  • Inline Discount Amount
  • Is Done Flag
  • Item Name
  • List price
  • Order Line Item
  • Order Line Item Category
  • Order Number
  • Organization Name
  • Original Charge Create Date
  • Original Charge Segment Create Date
  • Original Order Date
  • Original Rate Plan Charge ID
  • Original Sales Order Line Item ID
  • Original Subscription ID
  • Original Term Start Date
  • Previous CCV
  • Previous ELP
  • Previous End Date
  • Previous Quantity
  • Previous Start Date
  • Product Name
  • Product Rate Plan Charge Name
  • Product Rate Plan Name
  • Product SKU
  • Ramp ID
  • Rate Plan Charge Version
  • Revenue Recognition Timing
  • Revenue Amortization Method
  • Sales Order Line ID
  • Sales Order Line Number
  • Sales Order Number
  • Sell Price
  • Subscription Creator Account ID
  • Subscription Invoice Owner Account Name
  • Subscription Invoice Owner Account Number
  • Subscription Last Booking Date
  • Subscription Number
  • Subscription Owner Account Name
  • Subscription Start Date
  • Subscription End Date
  • Subscription Status
  • Subscription Term Start Date
  • Subscription Term End Date
  • Subscription Version
  • Term Number
  • Term Type
  • Transaction Date
  • Transaction Sub Type
  • Transaction Type
  • Trigger Event
  • Unbilled Receivables Account Name
  • Unbilled Receivables Account Number
  • Unbilled Receivables GL Account Name
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date

The change made to subscription. Contains the following fields:

  • Auto Renew
  • Code
  • Contract Effective Date
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Current Term
  • Current Term Period Type
  • Customer Acceptance Date
  • Description
  • Effective Date
  • ID
  • Name
  • Renewal Setting
  • Renewal Term
  • Renewal Term Period Type
  • Resume Date
  • Service Activation Date
  • Specific Update Date
  • Status
  • Subscription ID
  • Suspend Date
  • Term Start Date
  • Term Type
  • Type
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
Bill To

The contact associated with the account to whom your product or service is billed.

Default Payment Method

The default payment method used to make payments.

Discount Applied to Rate Plan Charge

The discount applied to the rate plan charge. Contains the following fields:

  • Accounting Code
  • Amended By Order On
  • Apply Discount To
  • Bill Cycle Day
  • Bill Cycle Type
  • Billing Period
  • Billing Period Alignment
  • Billing Timing
  • Charge Model
  • Charge Number
  • Charge Type
  • Charged Through Date
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Credit Option
  • DMRC
  • DTCV
  • Description
  • Discount Level
  • Drawdown Rate
  • Drawdown Uom
  • Effective End Date
  • Effective Start Date
  • End Date Condition
  • Exclude Item Billing From Revenue Accounting
  • Exclude Item Booking From Revenue Accounting
  • ID
  • Invoice Owner ID: the invoice owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
  • Is Last Segment
  • Is Prepaid
  • Is Processed
  • List Price Base
  • MRR
  • Name
  • Number of Periods
  • Original ID
  • Original Order Date
  • Overage Calculation Option
  • Overage Unused Units Credit Option
  • Payment Terms Snapshot
  • Prepaid Operation Type
  • Prepaid Quantity
  • Prepaid Total Quantity
  • Prepaid UOM
  • Price Change Option
  • Price Increase Percentage
  • Processed Through Date
  • Quantity
  • RP_CF_1
  • RP_CF_2
  • RP_CF_3
  • RP_CF_4
  • RP_CF_5
  • RP_CF_6
  • Rating Group
  • Revenue Recognition Code
  • Revenue Recognition Rule Name
  • Revenue Recognition Trigger Condition
  • Segment
  • Specific Billing Period
  • Specific End Date
  • Subscription Id: the ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
  • Subscription Owner ID: the subscription owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
  • TCV
  • Trigger Date
  • Trigger Event
  • Unit of Measure
  • Up To Periods
  • Up To Periods Type
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • Version
  • Weekly Bill Cycle Day
Discount Applied to Subscription Plan Charge

 The discount applied to the subscription plan charge. Contains the following fields:

  • Amendment Type
  • Created By ID
  • Created date
  • Externally Managed Plan ID
  • ID
  • Invoice Owner ID
  • Name
  • RP_CF_1
  • RP_CF_2
  • RP_CF_3
  • RP_CF_4
  • RP_CF_5
  • RP_CF_6
  • RP_CF_7
  • RP_CF_8
  • RP_CF_9
  • Subscription Owner ID
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • picklist

The entity that the data relates to. Part of the Multi-entity feature. Contains the following fields:

  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • Country
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Display Name
  • Email
  • ID
  • Name
  • Postal Code
  • State
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
Invoice Owner

The owner of the invoice of the booking transaction. Contains the following fields:

  • Account Balance
  • Account Number
  • Additional Email Addresses
  • Allow Invoice Editing
  • Auto Pay
  • Bill Cycle Day
  • Bill Cycle Day Setting Option
  • Billing Batch
  • CMRR
  • CRM Account ID
  • CSR
  • CommunicationProfile ID
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Credit Balance
  • Currency
  • Default Payment Method ID
  • ID
  • Invoice Delivery Preferences Email
  • Invoice Delivery Preferences Print
  • Invoice Template ID
  • Last Invoice Date
  • Name
  • Notes
  • PO Number
  • Parent ID
  • Payment Gateway Name
  • Payment Term
  • Sales Rep
  • Sequence Set ID
  • Status
  • Tax Company Code
  • Tax Exempt Certificate ID
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Type
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Description
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Effective Date
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Entity/Use Code
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Expiration Date
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Issuing Jurisdiction
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Status
  • Total Debit Memo Balance
  • Total Invoice Balance
  • Unapplied Balance
  • Unapplied Credit Memo Amount
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • VAT ID
  • account_index_a_picklist
Order The order that contains the booking transaction.
Parent Account

Refers to the parent account associated with the customer account, if applicable.


The product information. Contains the following fields:

  • AllowFeatureChanges
  • Category
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Description
  • Effective End Date
  • Effective Start Date
  • ID
  • Name
  • NetSuite Integration ID
  • NetSuite Integration Status
  • NetSuite Item Type
  • NetSuite Sync Date
  • SKU
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
Product Rate Plan

The rate plan coming from the product catalog. Contains the following fields:

  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Description
  • Effective End Date
  • Effective Start Date
  • ID
  • Name
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
Product Rate Plan Charge Charge information from the product catalog.
Rate Plan

Refers to the rate plan or pricing plan information associated the subscription. Contains the following fields:

  • Amendment Type: Note that a filter on this field using the unequal operator cannot return those Rate Plan records with a blank Amendment Type field. 
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Externally Managed Plan ID: a text field. This field indicates the unique identifier of a rate plan purchased on a third-party store.
  • ID
  • Invoice Owner ID: the invoice owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan
  • Name
  • Subscription Owner ID: the subscription owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
Rate Plan Charge

The charge information associated with the subscription. Contains the following fields:

  • Accounting Code
  • Apply Discount To
  • Bill Cycle Day
  • Bill Cycle Type
  • Billing Period
  • Billing Period Alignment
  • Billing Timing
  • Charge Model
  • Charge Number
  • Charge Type
  • Charged Through Date
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • DMRC
  • DTCV
  • Description
  • Discount Level
  • Effective End Date
  • Effective Start Date
  • End Date Condition
  • ID
  • Invoice Owner ID: the invoice owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
  • Is Last Segment
  • Is Processed
  • List Price Base
  • MRR
  • Name
  • Number of Periods
  • Original ID
  • Overage Calculation Option
  • Overage Unused Units Credit Option
  • Price Change Option
  • Price Increase Percentage
  • Processed Through Date
  • Quantity
  • Rating Group
  • Revenue Recognition Code
  • Revenue Recognition Rule Name
  • Revenue Recognition Trigger Condition
  • Segment
  • Specific Billing Period
  • Specific End Date
  • Subscription Id: the ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
  • Subscription Owner ID: the subscription owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
  • TCV
  • Trigger Date
  • Trigger Event
  • Unit of Measure
  • Up To Periods
  • Up To Periods Type
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • Version
  • Weekly Bill Cycle Day
Sold To

The contact associated with the account to whom your product or service is sold.


The subscription to which the rate plan is associated. Contains the following fields:

  • Auto Renew
  • Cancelled Date
  • Contract Acceptance Date
  • Contract Effective Date
  • Cpq Bundle Json ID
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Creator Account ID
  • Creator Invoice Owner ID
  • Current Term
  • Current Term Period Type
  • ID
  • Initial Term
  • Initial Term Period Type
  • Invoice Owner ID
  • Invoice Separate
  • Name
  • Notes
  • Opportunity Close Date
  • Opportunity Name
  • Original Created Date
  • Original ID
  • Previous Subscription ID
  • Quote Business Type
  • Quote Number
  • Quote Type
  • Renewal Setting
  • Renewal Term
  • Renewal Term Period Type
  • Service Activation Date
  • Status
  • Subscription End Date
  • Subscription Start Date
  • Term End Date
  • Term Start Date
  • Term Type
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • Version
Subscription Owner

The owner of the subscription to which the rate plan is associated. Contains the following fields:

  • Account Balance
  • Account Number
  • Additional Email Addresses
  • Alllow Invoice Editing
  • Auto Pay
  • Bill Cycle Day Setting Option
  • Billing Batch
  • CMRR
  • CRM Account ID
  • CSR
  • CommunicationProfile ID
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Credit Balance
  • Currency
  • Default Payment Method ID
  • ID
  • Invoice Delivery Preferences Email
  • Invoice Delivery Preferences Print
  • Invoice Template ID
  • Last Invoice Date
  • Name
  • Notes
  • PO Number
  • Parent ID
  • Payment Gateway Name
  • Payment Term
  • Sales Rep
  • Sequence Set ID
  • Status
  • Tax Company Code
  • Tax Exempt Certificate ID
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Type
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Description
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Effective Date
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Entity/Use Code
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Expiration Date
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Issuing Jurisdiction
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Status
  • Total Debit Memo Balance
  • Total Invoice Balance
  • Unapplied Balance
  • Unapplied Credit Memo Amount
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • VAT ID
  • account_index_a_picklist
Subscription Rate Plan

The rate plan of the subscription. Contains the following fields:

  • Amendment Type
  • Created By ID
  • Created date
  • Externally Managed Plan ID
  • ID
  • Invoice Owner ID
  • Name
  • RP_CF_1
  • RP_CF_2
  • RP_CF_3
  • RP_CF_4
  • RP_CF_5
  • RP_CF_6
  • RP_CF_7
  • RP_CF_8
  • RP_CF_9
  • Subscription Owner ID
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • picklist
Subscription Status History

The status history of the subscription. Contains the following fields:

  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • End Date
  • ID
  • Sort Order
  • Start Date
  • Status
  • Subscription Number
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date