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Payment Method Transaction Log Data Source


Payment Method Transaction Log Data Source


Use this data source to export payment method transaction log data.

Data Source

Navigation: Reporting > Data Sources and select Payment Method Transaction Log as the data source.

Data Source Detail

Base Object Description

Zuora Object Description

Payment Method Transaction Log

This is the base Zuora object for the Payment Method Transaction Log data source export and includes the following fields:

  • Gateway
    If Zuora Fraud Protection is enabled, the value Zuora_Fraud_Protection_MSDFP is also contained in this field, in addition to the name of the gateway integration. Results for fraud protection and gateway services are in separate rows for clarity. 
  • Gateway Response Code
    If Zuora Fraud Protection is enabled, the data screening result from the fraud protection service is also contained in this field, in addition to the response code from the gateway. Results for fraud protection and gateway services are in separate rows for clarity. 
  • Gateway Response Code Description 
    If Zuora Fraud Protection is enabled, the data screening message from the fraud protection service is also contained in this field, in addition to the response message from the gateway. Results for fraud protection and gateway services are in separate rows for clarity. 
  • Gateway Transaction ID
  • Gateway Transaction Type
    For ThreeDS2EnrollCheck transactions on BlueSnap, see Additional information about 3DS2 enroll check.
  •  IP Address
    This is an integer field. Convert the value to a string if required.
  • Request String
  • Response String
  • Transaction Date
  • Transaction Log ID
  • Device Id
    The fingerprinting device ID from the fraud protection service
  • Hosted Page Id
    The ID of the hosted payment method page
  • Service Type
    If Zuora Fraud Protection is enabled, the value is FraudService. Otherwise, the value is empty.
  • Created Date
    If Zuora Fraud Protection is enabled, the data screening date is also contained in this field, in addition to the transaction creation date. Results for fraud protection and gateway services are in separate rows for clarity.

Related Object Descriptions

Descriptions for related Zuora objects are listed in alphabetical order.

Object Description


The customer account information. Note this is the Invoice Owner account.

This object includes the following fields:

  • Account Number
  • Additional Email Addresses
  • Allow Invoice Editing
  • Auto Pay
  • Bill Cycle Day
  • Bill Cycle Day Setting Option
  • Billing Batch
  • CMRR​
  • CRM Account ID
  • CSR
  • CommunicationProfile ID
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Credit Balance
  • Currency
  • ID
  • Invoice Delivery Preferences Email
  • Invoice Delivery Preferences Print
  • Invoice Template ID
  • Last Invoice Date
  • Name
  • Notes
  • PO Number
  • Parent ID
  • Payment Gateway Name
  • Payment Term
  • Sales Rep
  • Status
  • Tax Exempt Certificate ID
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Type
  • Tax Exempt Description
  • Tax Exempt Effective Date
  • Tax Exempt Expiration Date
  • Tax Exempt Issuing Jurisdiction
  • Tax Exempt Status
  • Total Invoice Balance
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date

Bill To 

The contact associated with the account to whom your product or service is billed.

This object includes the following fields:

  • Account ID
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • Country
  • County
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Description
  • Fax
  • First Name
  • Home Phone
  • ID
  • Last Name
  • Mobile Phone
  • Nick Name
  • Other Phone
  • Other Phone Type
  • Personal Email
  • Postal Code
  • State/Province
  • Tax Region
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • Work Email
  • Work Phone

Default Payment Method

The default payment method used to make payments.

This object includes the following fields:

  • ACH ABA Code
  • ACH Account Name
  • ACH Account Number Mask
  • ACH Account Type
  • ACH Bank Name
  • Account ID
  • Active
  • Bank Branch Code
  • Bank Check Digit
  • Bank City
  • Bank Code
  • Bank Identification Number
  • Bank Name
  • Bank Postal Code
  • Bank Street Name
  • Bank Street Number
  • Bank Transfer Account Name
  • Bank Transfer Account Number Mask
  • Bank Transfer Account Type
  • Bank Transfer Type
  • Business Identification Code
  • City
  • Country
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Credit Card Address 1
  • Credit Card Address 2
  • Credit Card City
  • Credit Card Country
  • Credit Card Expiration Month
  • Credit Card Expiration Year
  • Credit Card Holder Name
  • Credit Card Mask Number
  • Credit Card Postal Code
  • Credit Card State
  • Credit Card Type
  • Device Session ID
  • Email
  • Existing Mandate
  • First Name
  • IBAN
  • ID
  • IP Address
  • Last Failed Sale Transaction Date
  • Last Name
  • Last Transaction Date
  • Last Transaction Status
  • Mandate Creation Date
  • Mandate ID
  • Mandate Received
  • Mandate Update Date
  • Max Consecutive Payment Failures
  • Name
  • Number of Consecutive Failures
  • Payment Method Status
  • Payment Retry Window
  • Paypal BAID
  • Paypal Email
  • Paypal Preapproval Key
  • Paypal Type
  • Phone
  • Postal Code
  • Second Token ID
  • State
  • Street Name
  • Street Number
  • Token ID
  • Total Number Of Error Payments
  • Total Number Of Processed Payments
  • Type
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • Use Default Retry Rule

The entity that the data relates to. Part of the Multi-entity feature. Contains the following fields:

  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • Country
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Display Name
  • Email
  • ID
  • Name
  • Postal Code
  • State
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date

Parent Account

Refers to the parent account associated with the customer account, if applicable.

This object includes the following fields:

  • Account Balance
  • Account Number
  • Additional Email Addresses
  • Allow Invoice Editing
  • Auto Pay
  • Bill Cycle Day
  • Bill Cycle Day Setting Option
  • Billing Batch
  • CMRR
  • CRM Account ID
  • CSR
  • CommunicationProfile ID
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Credit Balance
  • Currency
  • ID
  • Invoice Delivery Preferences Email
  • Invoice Delivery Preferences Print
  • Invoice Template ID
  • Last Invoice Date
  • Name
  • Notes
  • PO Number
  • Parent ID
  • Payment Gateway Name
  • Payment Term
  • Sales Rep
  • Status
  • Tax Exempt Certificate ID
  • Tax Exempt Certificate Type
  • Tax Exempt Description
  • Tax Exempt Effective Date
  • Tax Exempt Expiration Date
  • Tax Exempt Issuing Jurisdiction
  • Tax Exempt Status
  • Total Invoice Balance
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date

Payment Method

Stores information about payment method, such as a credit card, ACH or PayPal.

This object includes the following fields:

  • ACH ABA Code
  • ACH Account Name
  • ACH Account Number Mask
  • ACH Account Type
  • ACH Bank Name
  • Account ID
  • Active
  • Bank Branch Code
  • Bank Check Digit
  • Bank City
  • Bank Code
  • Bank Identification Number
  • Bank Name
  • Bank Postal Code
  • Bank Street Name
  • Bank Street Number
  • Bank Transfer Account Name
  • Bank Transfer Account Number Mask
  • Bank Transfer Account Type
  • Bank Transfer Type
  • Business Identification Code
  • City
  • Country
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Credit Card Address 1
  • Credit Card Address 2
  • Credit Card City
  • Credit Card Country
  • Credit Card Expiration Month
  • Credit Card Expiration Year
  • Credit Card Holder Name
  • Credit Card Mask Number
  • Credit Card Postal Code
  • Credit Card State
  • Credit Card Type
  • Device Session ID
  • Email
  • Existing Mandate
  • First Name
  • IBAN
  • ID
  • IP Address
  • Last Failed Sale Transaction Date
  • Last Name
  • Last Transaction Date
  • Last Transaction Status
  • Mandate Creation Date
  • Mandate ID
  • Mandate Received
  • Mandate Update Date
  • Max Consecutive Payment Failures
  • Name
  • Number of Consecutive Failures
  • Payment Method Status
  • Payment Retry Window
  • Paypal BAID
  • Paypal Email
  • Paypal Preapproval Key
  • Paypal Type
  • Phone
  • Postal Code
  • Second Token ID
  • State
  • Street Name
  • Street Number
  • Token ID
  • Total Number Of Error Payments
  • Total Number Of Processed Payments
  • Type
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • Use Default Retry Rule

Sold To 

The contact associated with the account to whom your product or service is sold.

This object includes the following fields:


  • Account ID
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City<
  • Country
  • County
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Description
  • Fax
  • First Name
  • Home Phone
  • ID
  • Last Name
  • Mobile Phone
  • Nick Name
  • Other Phone
  • Other Phone Type
  • Personal Email
  • Postal Code
  • State/Province
  • Tax Region
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • Work Email
  • Work Phone