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Revenue Schedule Item Data Source


Revenue Schedule Item Data Source


Use this data source to export revenue schedule item data.

Accessing the Data Source

Navigation: Reporting > Data Sources and select Revenue Schedule Item as the data source.

Data Source Details

Data Source Diagram

This diagram illustrates the hierarchical association between the base Revenue Schedule Item object  and related (joined) Zuora objects.

Revenue Schedule Item Data Source

Base Object Description

Zuora Object Description

Revenue Schedule Item

Represents one revenue line item.

This is the base Zuora object for the Revenue Schedule Item data source export and includes the following fields:

  • Amount
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Currency
  • ID
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date

The Revenue Schedule Item data source is always associated to the original subscription and charge because there is only one charge revenue summary on the revenue side for one charge.

If the subscription has several versions and you want segment information of specific versions, for example, the Term Start Date and Term End Date of the second version of the subscription, you need to use the Revenue Schedule Item Invoice Item and Revenue Schedule Item Invoice Item Adjustment data sources to fetch the data.


Related Object Descriptions

Descriptions for related Zuora objects are listed in alphabetical order.

Object Description


The customer account information. Note this is the Subscription owner account.

Accounting Period

Periods of time that represents the financial calendar of your company. Used to assist with accounting close activities and financial reporting. Contains the following fields:

  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • End Date
  • Fiscal Quarter
  • Fiscal Year
  • ID
  • Name
  • Notes
  • Start Date
  • Status
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date


The amendment is tied to the rate plan charge, if applicable.

Bill To

The contact associated with the account to whom your product or service is billed.

Default Payment Method

The default payment method used to make payments.

Deferred Revenue Accounting Code

Accounting code for deferred revenue. Contains the following fields:

  • Category
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • GL Account Name
  • GL Account Number
  • ID
  • Name
  • Notes
  • Status
  • Type
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date

The entity that the data relates to. Part of the Multi-entity feature. Contains the following fields:

  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • Country
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Display Name
  • Email
  • ID
  • Name
  • Postal Code
  • State
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date

Parent Account

Refers to the parent account associated with the customer account, if applicable.


The product information. Contains the following fields:

  • AllowFeatureChanges
  • Category
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Description
  • Effective End Date
  • Effective Start Date
  • ID
  • Name
  • NetSuite Integration ID
  • NetSuite Integration Status
  • NetSuite Item Type
  • NetSuite Sync Date
  • SKU
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date

Product Rate Plan

The rate plan coming from the product catalog. Contains the following fields:

  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Description
  • Effective End Date
  • Effective Start Date
  • ExternalldSourceSystem
  • Grade
  • ID
  • Name
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date

Product Rate Plan Charge

The product rate plan charge information coming from the product catalog. Contains the following fields:

  • Accounting Code
  • Apply Discount To
  • Bill Cycle Day
  • Bill Cycle Type
  • Billing Period
  • Billing Period Alignment
  • Billing Timing
  • Charge Model
  • Charge Type
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Default Quantity
  • Deferred Revenue Account
  • Description
  • Discount Level
  • End Date Condition
  • ID
  • Included Units
  • Legacy Revenue Reporting
  • List Price Base
  • Max Quantity
  • Min Quantity
  • Name
  • Number Of Period
  • Overage Calculation Option
  • Overage Unused Units Credit Option
  • Price Change Option
  • Price Increase Percentage
  • Rating Group
  • Recognized Revenue Account
  • Revenue Recognition Code
  • Revenue Recognition Rule Name
  • Revenue Recognition Trigger
  • Smoothing Model
  • Specific Billing Period
  • Tax Code
  • Tax Mode
  • Taxable
  • Trigger Event
  • UOM
  • Up To How Many Periods
  • Up To Periods Type
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • Usage Records Rating Option
  • Use Discount Specific Accounting Code
  • Use Tenant Default For Price Change
  • Weekly Bill Cycle Day

Rate Plan

Refers to the rate plan or pricing plan information associated with the subscription. Contains the following fields:

  • Amendment Type: Note that a filter on this field using the unequal operator cannot return those Rate Plan records with a blank Amendment Type field. 
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Externally Managed Plan ID: a text field. This field indicates the unique identifier of a rate plan purchased on a third-party store.
  • ID
  • Invoice Owner ID: the invoice owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan
  • Name
  • Original Rate Plan ID: the original ID of the subscription rate plan, which is the ID of the subscription rate plan in the version-1 subscription
  • Subscription Owner ID: the subscription owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan
  • Subscription Rate Plan Number
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date

Rate Plan Charge

The charge information associated with the subscription. Contains the following fields:

  • Accounting Code
  • Apply Discount To
  • Bill Cycle Day
  • Bill Cycle Type
  • Billing Period
  • Billing Period Alignment
  • Billing Timing
  • Charge Model
  • Charge Number
  • Charge Type
  • Charged Through Date
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • DMRC
  • DTCV
  • Description
  • Discount Level
  • Effective End Date
  • Effective Start Date
  • End Date Condition
  • ID
  • Invoice Owner ID: the invoice owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
  • Is Last Segment
  • Is Processed
  • List Price Base
  • MRR
  • Name
  • Number of Periods
  • Original ID
  • Overage Calculation Option
  • Overage Unused Units Credit Option
  • Price Change Option
  • Price Increase Percentage
  • Processed Through Date
  • Quantity
  • Rating Group
  • Revenue Recognition Code
  • Revenue Recognition Rule Name
  • Revenue Recognition Trigger Condition
  • Segment
  • Specific Billing Period
  • Specific End Date
  • Subscription Id: the ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
  • Subscription Owner ID: the subscription owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
  • TCV
  • Trigger Date
  • Trigger Event
  • Unit of Measure
  • Up To Periods
  • Up To Periods Type
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • Version
  • Weekly Bill Cycle Day

Recognized Revenue Accounting Code

Accounting code for recognized revenue. Contains the following fields:

  • Category
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • GL Account Name
  • GL Account Number
  • ID
  • Name
  • Notes
  • Status
  • Type
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date

Revenue Charge Summary

Revenue summary for the subscription charge. Contains the following fields:

  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Currency
  • ID
  • Notes
  • Revenue Summary Charge Number
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date

Revenue Schedule


The distribution of revenue amounts over a number of accounting periods. A revenue schedule represents how revenue is recognized over time.

This object contains the following fields:

  • Amount
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Currency
  • Exchange Rate Date (only available if you have the Currency Conversion feature enabled)
  • FieldLabel
  • ID
  • Linked Transaction Date
  • Linked Transaction ID
  • Linked Transaction Number
  • Linked Transaction Type
  • Notes
  • Recognition Rule Name
  • Reference Id
  • Revenue Schedule Date
  • Revenue Schedule Number
  • Revenue Schedule Recognition End
  • Revenue Schedule Recognition Start
  • Undistributed Unrecognized Revenue
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
Revenue Schedule Item FX Data

Contains Home Currency and Reporting Currency information.

To enable this option, submit a request at Zuora Global Support.

Sold To 

The contact associated with the account to whom your product or service is sold.


The subscription to which the rate plan is associated. Contains the following fields:

  • Auto Renew
  • Cancelled Date
  • Contract Acceptance Date
  • Contract Effective Date
  • Cpq Bundle Json ID
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Creator Account ID
  • Creator Invoice Owner ID
  • Current Term
  • Current Term Period Type
  • ID
  • Initial Term
  • Initial Term Period Type
  • Invoice Owner ID
  • Invoice Separate
  • Name
  • Notes
  • Opportunity Close Date
  • Opportunity Name
  • Original Created Date
  • Original ID
  • Previous Subscription ID
  • Quote Business Type
  • Quote Number
  • Quote Type
  • Renewal Setting
  • Renewal Term
  • Renewal Term Period Type
  • Service Activation Date
  • Status
  • Subscription End Date
  • Subscription Start Date
  • Term End Date
  • Term Start Date
  • Term Type
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • Version