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Accounts and Contacts - Data dictionary


Accounts and Contacts - Data dictionary

This article lists the fields associated with the Accounts and Contacts module in Zuora. Read more on Accounts and Contacts

Note: Fields with an asterisk mark indicate mandatory fields. 

Name Description Value 
Account Number A unique account number, up to 50 characters. If not provided it will be auto-generated Alphanumeric
Parent Account Number Parent custom account number up to 50 characters. Use this field if you have Customer Hierarchy enabled. Alphanumeric
Account Name* Account name, up to 255 characters. (Required field) Alphanumeric
CRM Account Id CRM account ID for the account, up to 100 characters. Alphanumeric(CRM12345678)

Organization Label

This field is only applicable in a Multi-Org environment.  

Label the Org units that need to be associated with Accounts.

All the associated transaction objects of the account being labeled will automatically inherit the org label of the Account.


Payment Term Payment terms configured for this account. A string of 100 characters. Due Upon Receipt, Net 30, Net 60, Net 90
Batch A string of 50 characters or less (Batch1 - Batch50)

Batch values

For example,

  • Batch1,
  • Batch2,
  • Batch3,
  • Batch4,
  • Batch5,
Bill Cycle Day* Specify any day of the month (1-31, where 31 = end-of-month), or 0 for auto-set.

Number = 0,3,31

Bill Cycle Day values

Invoice Delivery Prefs Email Whether the customer wants to receive invoices through email. TRUE,FALSE(Case insensitive boolean value)
Invoice Delivery Prefs Print Whether the customer wants to receive printed invoices, such as through postal mail. TRUE,FALSE(Case insensitive boolean value)
Invoice Template Id Invoice template ID, configured in Billing Settings in the Zuora UI(32 character identifier). Alphanumeric Id
Additional Email Addresses A list of additional email addresses to receive email notifications. Multiple email addresses can be provided by using pipe symbol | as a separator. Email =|
Communication Profile Name The name of the communication profile configured. A string of 70 characters. Alphanumeric 
Currency* A currency as defined in Billing Settings in the Zuora UI. A string of 3 characters(Required field)

Currency values

Sales Rep Name The name of the sales representative associated with this account. A string of 50 characters. Alphanumeric
Sequence Set Name The name of the billing document sequence set to assign to the customer account. A string of 32 characters Alphanumeric
Account Notes A string of up to 65,535 characters. Autogenerated Notes
Credit Memo Template Id The unique ID of the credit memo template, configured in Billing Settings(32 character identifier). Alphanumeric Id
Debit Memo Template Id The unique ID of the credit memo template, configured in Billing Settings(32 character identifier). Alphanumeric Id
SoldToSameAsBillTo Whether the sold-to contact and bill-to contact are the same entity. Boolean
TaxExempt Certificate Id ID of the customer tax exemption certificate. Alphanumeric Id
TaxExempt Certificate Type Type of tax exemption certificate that the customer holds. Alphanumeric
TaxExempt Description Description of the tax exemption certificate Alphanumeric
TaxExempt Issuing Jurisdiction Jurisdiction in which the customer tax exemption certificate was issued. Alphanumeric
TaxExempt Entity UseCode A unique entity use code Alphanumeric
TaxExempt Status Status of the account tax

TaxExempt Status values

  • Yes
  • No
  • PendingVerification
TaxCompany Code Unique code that identifies a company account in Avalara. Alphanumeric
TaxExempt Effective Date Date when the customer tax exemption starts. Date(yyyy-MM-dd)
TaxExempt ExemptExpirationDate Date when the customer tax exemption expires. Date(yyyy-MM-dd)
TaxExempt VATId Value Added Tax ID. Alphanumeric Id
Payment Gateway Name The name of the payment gateway instance. Alphanumeric
BillToContact.FirstName* A string of 100 characters Alphanumeric
BillToContact.LastName* A string of 100 characters Alphanumeric
BillToContact.WorkEmail Work email address Email(
BillToContact.PersonalEmail Personal email address Email(
BillToContact.WorkPhone Work phone number Alphanumeric - Accept characters like ()+-,spaces
BillToContact.Country Valid country name or abbreviation.
  • "Norway",
  • "Botswana"
BillToContact.Address1 A string of 255 characters Alphanumeric
BillToContact.Address2 A string of 255 characters


BillToContact.City City. A string of 40 characters Alphanumeric
BillToContact.State State. A string of 40 characters Alphanumeric
BillToContact.PostalCode Zip code. A string of 20 characters Alphanumeric
BillToContact.County County. A string of 32 characters Valid County Name
BillToContact.Fax Fax phone number Alphanumeric - Accept characters like ()+-,spaces
BillToContact.HomePhone Home phone number Alphanumeric - Accept characters like ()+-,spaces
BillToContact.MobilePhone Mobile phone number Alphanumeric - Accept characters like ()+-,spaces
BillToContact.NickName Nickname. A string of 100 characters Alphanumeric
BillToContact.OtherPhone Fax phone number Alphanumeric - Accept characters like ()+-,spaces
BillToContact.OtherPhoneType Type of other phone.


BillToContact.TaxRegion Tax region. A string of 32 characters Alphanumeric
BillToContact.Description A string of 100 characters Alphanumeric
salesRep The name of the sales representative associated with this account. Maximum of 50 characters. 


SoldToContact.FirstName* A string of 100 characters Alphanumeric
SoldToContact.LastName* A string of 100 characters Alphanumeric
SoldToContact.WorkEmail Work email address Email(
SoldToContact.PersonalEmail Personal email address Email(
SoldToContact.WorkPhone Work phone number Alphanumeric - Accept characters like ()+-,spaces
SoldToContact.Country Valid country name or abbreviation.


SoldToContact.Address1 A string of 255 characters Alphanumeric
SoldToContact.Address2 A string of 255 characters Alphanumeric
SoldToContact.City City. A string of 40 characters Alphanumeric
SoldToContact.State State. A string of 40 characters Alphanumeric
SoldToContact.PostalCode Zip code. A string of 20 characters Alphanumeric
SoldToContact.County County. A string of 32 characters Valid County Name
SoldToContact.Fax Fax phone number Alphanumeric - Accept characters like ()+-,spaces
SoldToContact.HomePhone Home phone number Alphanumeric - Accept characters like ()+-,spaces
SoldToContact.MobilePhone Mobile phone number Alphanumeric - Accept characters like ()+-,spaces
SoldToContact.NickName Nickname. A string of 100 characters Alphanumeric
SoldToContact.OtherPhone Fax phone number Alphanumeric - Accept characters like ()+-,spaces
SoldToContact.Country Valid country name or abbreviation

Country values

SoldToContact.TaxRegion Tax region. A string of 32 characters Alphanumeric
SoldToContact.Description A string of 100 characters Alphanumeric
summaryStatementTemplateId The summary statement template ID or null string