Update Contact - Data dictionary
This article details the various fields associated with the Contact data dictionary. For more information. see Customer Accounts.
Note: Fields with an asterisk mark indicate mandatory fields.
Name | Description | Value |
Id* | The ID of the contact that you want to update. | string |
Address1 | The first line of the contact's address, which is often a street address or business name. | string <= 255 characters |
Address2 | The second line of the contact's address. | string <= 255 characters |
City | The city of the contact's address. | string <= 40 characters |
ContactDescription | A description for the contact. | string <= 100 characters |
Country | The country of the contact's address. | string <= 64 characters |
County | The county. May optionally be used by Zuora Tax to calculate county tax. | string <= 32 characters |
Fax | The contact's fax number. | string <= 40 characters |
FirstName | The contact's first name. | string <= 100 characters |
HomePhone | The contact's home phone number. | string <= 40 characters |
LastName | The contact's last name. | string <= 100 characters |
MobilePhone | The mobile phone number of the contact. | string <= 100 characters |
NickName | A nickname for the contact. | string <= 100 characters |
OtherPhone | An additional phone number for the contact. | string <= 40 characters |
OtherPhoneType | The type of the additional phone number. Enum: "Work" "Mobile" "Home" "Other" |
string |
PersonalEmail | The contact's personal email address. | string <= 74 characters |
PostalCode | The state or province of the contact's address. | string <= 40 characters |
State | The state or province of the contact's address. | string <= 40 characters |
TaxRegion | If using Zuora Tax, a region string as optionally defined in your tax rules. Not required. | string <= 32 characters |
WorkEmail | The contact's business email address. | string <= 74 characters |
WorkPhone | The contact's business phone number. | string <= 40 characters |