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Aggregate Query API (AQuA) dashboard


Aggregate Query API (AQuA) dashboard

Zuora System Health dashboard for Aggregate Query API (Aggregate Query API dashboard) collects and displays data about usage, failures, performance, processing jobs, and top executed queries of the Aggregate Query API (AQuA) service in near real time. It enables you to view all the AQuA query jobs in your Zuora tenant within the last seven days. You can leverage this dashboard to identify and troubleshoot query issues.

For more information about the System Health feature, see Zuora System Health.


For more information, see Zuora System Health prerequisites.

Access the Aggregate Query API (AQuA) dashboard

To access the Aggregate Query API (AQuA) dashboard, navigate to Administration > System Health > Aggregate Query API (AQuA) in the left navigation menu.

AQuA metrics

The following table provides descriptions of the AQuA metrics:

Metric Description
AQuA Usage The number and detailed information of processed AQuA query jobs within a specified time range, including jobs with the following status types:
  • Completed: query jobs that are processed successfully.
  • Error: query jobs that failed before being processed. For example, the ones with validation errors.
  • Aborted: query jobs that failed during the processing.
  • Cancelled: query jobs that are canceled by users.

When hovering over each time interval bar, you can view the breakdown data of that time range.

The table below the chart presents the following metrics for each query job:

  • Job ID: the ID of this query job.
  • Mode: the execution mode of this query job, Stateless or Stateful.
  • Status: the status of this query job, such as Completed or Error.
  • Total Tasks: the number of query tasks in this query job.
  • Job Execution Time: the execution time of this query job.
AQuA Failures The number and detailed information of failed AQuA query jobs within a specified time range, including jobs with the following status types:
  • Error: query jobs that failed before being processed. For example, the ones with validation errors.
  • Aborted: query jobs that failed during the processing.

When hovering over each time interval bar, you can view the breakdown data of that time range.

The table below the chart presents the following metrics for each failed query job:

  • Job ID: the ID of this query job.
  • Mode: the execution mode of this query job, Stateless or Stateful.
  • Status: the status of this query job, such as Error or Aborted.
  • Total Tasks: the number of query tasks in this query job.
  • Error Message: the error message that describes the reason for failure.
AQuA Performance The execution time and detailed information of processed AQuA query jobs within a specified time range, including jobs with the following status types:
  • Completed: query jobs that are processed successfully.
  • Error: query jobs that failed before being processed. For example, the ones with validation errors.

When hovering over each time interval bar, you can view the breakdown data of that time range.

The table below the chart presents the following metrics for each query job:

  • Job ID: the ID of this query job.
  • Mode: the execution mode of this query job, Stateless or Stateful.
  • Status: the status of this query job, such as Completed or Error.
  • Total Tasks: the number of query tasks in this query job.
  • Job Execution Time: the execution time of this query job.
Processing Jobs The detailed information of AQuA query jobs that are pending or being processed:
  • Submitted: query jobs that are submitted successfully and not being processed yet.
  • Executing: query jobs that are being processed.
The table presents the following metrics for each query job:
  • Job ID: the ID of this query job.
  • Mode: the execution mode of this query job, Stateless or Stateful.
  • Status: the status of this query job, such as Completed or Error.
  • Total Tasks: the number of query tasks in this query job.
  • Job Execution Time: the execution time of this query job.
Top Executed Queries

The detailed information of the top ten executed queries within a specified time range.

The table presents the following metrics for each query:

  • Execution Count: the number of executions of this query.
  • Percentage: the percentage of execution count of this query compared to the total number of queries executed.
  • Query: the query expression that is used by query jobs to export data.

View data in the AQuA dashboard

The AQuA dashboard is located under the Administration > System Health section in the left navigation menu. The dashboard contains a Data Summary section and five tabs that display the usage, failures, performance, processing jobs, and top executed queries data separately.

The Data Summary section provides an overview of the AQuA query data within the last seven days and the change percentage compared to the previous interval.

After you open a tab in the dashboard, take the following steps to view the data:

Configure filters

You can customize the data to be displayed by using the filters.

  • In the upper right of the dashboard, click the Filters icon.
  • Use the Timeframe, Start Time, and End Time fields to specify the time range.
    These fields are available only on the Overview, Failures, Performance, and Top Executed Queries tabs.
  • Use the Job Status field to specify the query job status.
    This field is available only on the Overview, Failures, Performance, and Processing Jobs tabs.
  • Use the Job ID field to filter a specific query job.
    This field is available only on the Overview, Failures, Performance, and Processing Jobs tabs.
  • Use the Mode field to filter a specific execution mode.
    This field is available only on the Overview and Failures tabs.
  • Use the Execution Time Range field to specify the execution time.
    This field is available only on the Performance tab.
  • Use the Query field to specify the query expression.
    This field is available only on the Top Executed Queries tab.
  • Click Apply to apply the filter or click Reset to go back to the default filter configuration.

View the trend chart

  • Select the time interval of the charts by using the interval radio buttons in the upper right of the chart.
    Note that available interval options vary based on the length of the selected time range.
  • Each bar in the chart represents query jobs issued in that time interval. The bar might be divided into multiple colored segments based on a subcategory that varies depending on the tab. The subcategory values can be seen at the bottom of the chart. You can click the subcategory values to filter query jobs as needed.
    The following table describes details of the trend chart on different tabs:
    Tab name Value in each bar Subcategory Available subcategory values
    Overview Processed AQuA query jobs Job status
    • Completed
    • Error
    • Aborted
    • Cancelled
    Failures Failed AQuA query jobs Job status
    • Error
    • Aborted
    Performance Processed AQuA query jobs Execution time range
    • < 10 mins
    • 10 - 30 mins
    • 30 - 60 mins
    • 60 - 180 mins
    • >= 180 mins
  • When hovering over each bar, you can view the breakdown data of that time range, which contains the change percentage compared to the previous interval.
  • The Processing Jobs and Top Executed Queries tabs do not provide a trend chart.
  • Use the table below the trend chart to view detailed data within the selected time range.
    • By default, the table displays all the items within the specified time range. To narrow down the scope to a specific interval, click a bar in the chart. To go back to the global time-range set in the filter, click Reset next to the specific time range displayed above the chart.
    • Click the ID in the Job ID column to view the detail page of a specific query job.
    • Click the number in the Execution Count column of the table on the Top Executed Queries tab to view all query jobs based on a specific query expression.
    • Click the download icon download.png to download the table as a CSV file.
    • Click a header field to sort the data.