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Signature Elite Support Terms


Signature Elite Support Terms

The Signature Elite Support Services described below are in addition to the support services provided under, and subject to, Customer’s master subscription agreement. Unless stated otherwise below, all Signature Elite Support will be provided remotely. Zuora will provide Customer with Signature Support Services, as specified on the applicable Order Form.  The Services provided with Signature Elite Support Services ar


1.1  Named Account Support Engineer

Zuora will assign one (or more, depending on the Zuora Services purchased under the Agreement) Named Account Support Engineer ("NASE") to act as Customer's designated technical support liaison during their Signature Elite Support term. The NASE will be notified of all Customer's reported support issues and will track and monitor the work in progress through the support life cycle, engaging with Zuora support specialists as needed. Customer's NASE serves as Customer's primary point of contact for any inquiries related to Customer's technical support issues. The NASE will provide reasonable assistance in putting action plans in place and facilitating effective communications. The NASE will work during business hours as mutually agreed with Customer. The NASE will proactively monitor the release of new Zuora Service patches and work with Customer to identify potential issues with Customer's Zuora environment, review these with Customer and help put an appropriate action plan in place.

Initial Kick-off meeting: For those Customers purchasing Signature Elite Support for the first time, NASE will host at a mutually agreeable time an initial kick-off meeting to define the delivery of Signature Elite Support. During the kick-off meeting, the NASE may meet key personnel within Customer's organization and collect specific account information that will be used to create a written account support plan that defines the support process and the personnel involved in support and escalation procedures. Customer will receive detailed information about Signature Elite Support deliverables, including the communication protocol with the NASE.

Remote Reviews: Customer's NASE in coordination with the Zuora account team provides regular remote reviews to proactively monitor Zuora Service needs at least monthly, and no more than once a week.

1.2  Technical Support Review

As part of Signature Elite Support Services, Zuora will provide Customer with technical support review sessions with the NASE quarterly.  The technical support review sessions include a detailed review of all Customer's proactive and reactive support related activities related to Signature Elite Support. Support case data is analyzed to help identify trends and identify action plans to reduce risk and recurrence of support incidents. Customer and Zuora will use good faith efforts to schedule the technical support review sessions at mutually agreeable times.

1.3  Enterprise Solution Architect

Signature Elite Support services include an Enterprise Solution Architect ("ESA") services as described in Enterprise Solution Architect Services page

1.4  Zuora Billing Key Event Support / Zuora Revenue EOQ

Zuora support specialists will work with Customer to identify certain key events with potentially greater than normal support needs (a "Key Event"), such as the "Go-Live" of the Zuora Service, or marketing events that may result in a spike in activity in Customer's Zuora tenant. Zuora will use commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate potential disruptions in Zuora Services during Key Events by assisting Customer in planning the Key Event and taking proactive, precautionary support measures such as configuring Zuora Services as appropriate. Key Event support is limited to one (1) Key Event per calendar quarter for up to ten (10) hours per Key Event. If no Key Events are identified in any particular calendar quarter, Customer may request that Zuora alternatively use these support hours to provide Customer with general support services in that applicable quarter. Unused hours in a given quarter will not be credited to subsequent quarters and are non-refundable. Zuora makes no guarantees that any disruption will be avoided during Key Events.

2  General

Zuora is not responsible or liable for delay or failure of performance caused by delay or failure of Customer to perform any of its obligations under the master subscription agreement or these terms. Zuora will retain all right, title, and interest in and to any materials provided to Customer in connection with Signature Elite Support, including all intellectual property rights. Except where expressly stated, Signature Elite Support is advisory in nature and expressly excludes configuration, implementation, software development, customization development, code-level API support, data migration or similar services of a professional services nature. Resolution of and responding to general support issues are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Support and Service Level Agreement:

Except as otherwise stated, any unused hours or onsite meetings will not be credited towards future months, quarters or service terms and are non-refundable.