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Create invoice groups for subscriptions or order line items


Create invoice groups for subscriptions or order line items

You can group subscriptions or order line items under the same account by invoice group numbers. When you bill your customer, invoices are generated for invoice groups indicated by the invoice group numbers. The invoice group number is your defined criteria, such as purchase order number or ship-to location, for grouping the invoices for subscriptions or order line items. 


Before specifying an invoice group number for subscriptions and order line items, keep in mind the following:

  • This feature is generally available and enabled in Sandbox environments. If you want to enable this feature in your Production environments, contact your Zuora account team for assistance.

  • Read the Restrictions and limitations.

General procedure

Depending on whether you want to group subscriptions or order line items, do one of the following: 

  • You can specify the same invoice group number for a group of subscriptions under the same account during the following order actions:
    • In the Create subscriptions task, you can specify the number in one of the following two phases:
      • On the Create Subscription page, specify the number in the Billing and Payment section.
      • After clicking Review Order, go to the Associated Subscriptions section on the Review Order page, select the Order Actions tab, click the edit icon to enter the edit mode, and specify the number in the Billing and Payment section.
    • In the Change terms and conditions of subscriptions task, you can specify the number in the Billing and Payment section on the Update Terms and Conditions page.
    • In the Renew subscriptions and upgrade products task, you can specify the number in the Billing and Payment section on the Renew subscription page.
  • You can specify the same invoice group number for a group of order line items under the same account during the following tasks: 

If you use API, specify the invoiceGroupNumber field during the preceding tasks.

After specifying the number for a group and generating invoices for the account, invoices are generated for the account as follows:

  • A consolidated invoice is generated for each group of subscriptions or order line items with the same invoice group number.
  • A separate invoice is generated for each subscription or order line item that is not specified with an invoice group number.

For the same group number under different accounts, Zuora will generate an invoice for this group number for each account. Therefore, the group number can be the same for different accounts.

The following examples show you the results of consolidating the invoices for the subscriptions and order line items into one invoice using the same invoice group number.

Example 1: Invoice Grouping for Subscriptions

In this example, invoice INV001 is a consolidated invoice for subscriptions S001 and S002 since the two subscriptions are specified with the same invoice group number,  PO#1. Invoice INV002 is generated for subscriptions S003 and S004, which are specified with the same invoice group number, PO #2.

Account Number: A001, Bill To Contact: Tom Lee, Payment Term: Due Upon Receipt


Generated Invoice

Subscription Number

Bill To Contact

Payment Term

Invoice Group Number

Invoice Number

Bill To Contact

Payment Term


Ray Lockman

Net 60

PO #1


Ray Lockman

Net 60


Ray Lockman

Net 60

PO #1


Ray Lockman

Net 60

PO #2


Ray Lockman

Net 60


Ray Lockman

Net 60

PO #2


Steve America

Net 30



Steve America

Net 30

S006       INV004 Tom Lee Due Upon Receipt

The bill-to contact and payment term of an account are used as the default values of the subscriptions.

Example 2: Invoice Grouping for Order Line Items

In this example, invoice INV001 is a consolidated invoice for order line items OL1 and OL2 since the two order line items are specified with the same invoice group number,  Group1. Invoice INV002 is generated for order line items OLI3 and OLI4, which are specified with the same invoice group number, Group2.

Account Number: A001, Bill To Contact: Tom Lee, Payment Term: Due Upon Receipt

Order Line Item

Generated Invoice

OLI Name

Bill To Contact

Sold To Contact

Invoice Group Number

Invoice Number

Bill To Contact

Payment Term


Ray Lockman

Sold To 1



Ray Lockman

Due Upon Receipt


Ray Lockman

Sold To 1



Ray Lockman

Sold To 2



Ray Lockman

Due Upon Receipt


Ray Lockman

Sold To 3



Ray Lockman

Sold To 3



Ray Lockman

Due Upon Receipt


Ray Lockman

Sold To 3



Ray Lockman

Due Upon Receipt

The bill-to contact and payment term of an account are used as the default values of the subscriptions.