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Pre-Built Connectors


Pre-Built Connectors

This page lists the available Zuora data connectors, payment gateway integration services, and tax integration apps. You can use the following connectors to enable data flow between Zuora and other software or platforms.

Check our Partners page if you are interested to learn more about Zuora's partner ecosystem.

CRM / Commerce Connectors



Zuora Billing Connector for Salesforce CRM

A single directional sync from Zuora to Salesforce CRM in near real-time

Zuora Billing Connector for Hubspot

A bi-directional sync of a selection of data between Zuora Billing and  Hubspot 

AppStore Connectors



Zuora Billing Connector for Apple App Store

A single directional sync from Apple App store subscriber data with associated subscription events to Zuora with near real-time push notifications

Zuora Billing Connector for Google Play Store

A single directional sync  from Google App store subscriber data with associated subscription events to Zuora with near real-time push notifications

CPQ Connectors



Zuora Billing Connector for Salesforce CPQ

A single directional sync of a selection of data from Salesforce CPQ into Zuora 

ERP Connectors (with Zuora Billing)



Zuora Billing Connector for Netsuite GL

A bi-directional sync of a selection of data between Zuora and Netsuite ERP

Zuora Billing - Summary Level for Netsuite GL

A single directional sync of journal entry summary data from Zuora Z-Finance to Netsuite (flat file based connector)

ERP Connectors (with Zuora Revenue)



Zuora Revenue Connector for Microsoft Dyn.

A bi-directional sync between Microsoft Dynamics 365 Financials and Zuora Revenue

Zuora Revenue Connector for Netsuite GL

A sync between Zuora Revenue and Netsuite GL

Data Warehouse Connectors (BYOW)



Zuora Secure Share for Snowflake

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to Cloud Warehouse including over 100 base objects spanning the entire Order To Revenue process

Zuora Connector for AWS Redshift 

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to AWS Redshift

Zuora Connector for BigQuery 

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to BigQuery

Zuora Connector for Databricks

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to Databricks

Zuora Connector for AWS RDS Postgres

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to AWS RDS 

Zuora Connector for AWS Aurora Postgres

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to AWS Aurora 

Zuora Connector for GCP Postgres 

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to GCP Postgres 

Zuora Connector for Generic MySQL 

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to Generic MySQL 

Zuora Connector for Aurora MySQL 

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to Aurora MySQL 

Zuora Connector for SQL Server

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to SQL Server

Zuora Connector for AWS S3 

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to AWS S3 

Zuora Connector for Google Cloud Storage 

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to Google Cloud Storage 

Zuora Connector for Azure Blob Storage 

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to Azure Blob Storage 

Zuora Connector for AWS Athena 

A unidirectional sync from Zuora to AWS Athena 

Zuora Snowflake BYOW Option (Coming soon)

Initiate queries from the following Zuora applications against data in your Cloud Warehouse:

  • Zuora Workflow

  • Zuora Reporting 

  • Zuora Data Query 

Payment Gateway Connectors

Zuora offers connectivity to over 40 payment gateway providers. For details, see Supported payment gateways.

Tax apps

The Tax apps offer integrations with various tax vendors. The following Tax apps are available in Zuora Marketplace: