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Field Mapping of Account and Related Objects


Field Mapping of Account and Related Objects

This article shows how the Zuora account and related objects and their fields are mapped and synchronized to Salesforce objects and fields in Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM. Each sync objects pair is marked as <Zuora object> : <Salesforce object>.

Any Zuora field marked as "internal" is a field that is not exposed in the Zuora SOAP API. However, these internal fields are synchronized between Zuora and Salesforce in Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM. 

The descriptions of the "internal" sync fields are provided in this article. For the descriptions of the standard fields, see  SOAP API Object Reference for more information.

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field
Account Zuora__PaymentTerm__c
  PaymentTerm Name   Name

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
Account Zuora__CustomerAccount__c  
  Account   Zuora__Account__c  
  Account Number   Zuora__AccountNumber__c  
  Additional Email Addresses   Zuora__AdditionalEmailAddresses__c  
  Allow Invoice Edit   Zuora__AllowInvoiceEdit__c  
  Auto Pay   Zuora__AutoPay__c  
  Batch   Zuora__Batch__c  
  Bcd Setting Option   Zuora__BcdSettingOption__c  
  Bill Cycle Day   Zuora__BillCycleDay__c  
  Bill To Account Balance   Zuora__Balance__c  
  CMRR   Zuora__MRR__c  
  Communication Profile Id   Zuora__Communication_Profile_Id__c  
  Credit Balance   Zuora__Credit_Balance__c  
  Currency   Zuora__Currency__c  
  CSR   Zuora__CustomerServiceRepName__c  
  Default Payment Method   Zuora__DefaultPaymentMethod__c  
  Default Payment Method   Zuora__Default_Payment_Method__c Holds a lookup reference to the Payment Method object.
  Entity ID    Zuora__EntityID__c  
  External Id  

Zuora__ External_Id__c 
(External ID) 


This unique key is used to determine whether to create a new account or update an existing account.

  Invoice Delivery Prefs Email   Zuora__InvoiceDeliveryPrefsEmail__c  
  Invoice Delivery Prefs Print   Zuora__InvoiceDeliveryPrefsPrint__c  
  Invoice Template Id   Zuora__InvoiceTemplateId__c  
  Is Crm Id Change Processed   Zuora__Is_Crm_Id_Change_Processed__c  
  Last Invoiced   Zuora__ LastInvoiceDate__c  
  Notes   Zuora__Notes__c  
  Parent   Zuora__Parent__c  
  Payment Gateway   Zuora__PaymentGateway__c  
  Payment Term   Zuora__PaymentTerm__c  
  Payment Term   Zuora__Payment_Term_Formula__c  
  Payment Term   Zuora__Payment_Term__c Holds a lookup reference to the Payment Term object.
  PO Number   Zuora__PurchaseOrderNumber__c  
  Sales Representative   Zuora__SalesRepName__c  
  Status   Zuora__Status__c  
  Tax Exempt Certificate ID   Zuora__TaxExemptCertificateID__c  
  Tax Exempt Certificate Type   Zuora__TaxExemptCertificateType__c  
  Tax Exempt Description   Zuora__TaxExemptDescription__c  
  Tax Exempt Effective Date   Zuora__TaxExemptEffectiveDate__c  
  Tax Exempt Expiration Date   Zuora__TaxExemptExpirationDate__c  
  Tax Exempt Issuing Jurisdiction   Zuora__TaxExemptIssuingJurisdiction__c  
  Tax Exempt Status   Zuora__TaxExemptStatus__c  
  Total Invoice Balance   Zuora__TotalInvoiceBalance__c  
  VAT Id   Zuora__VAT_Id__c  
  Zuora Id   Zuora__Zuora_Id__c  

Zuora Field Salesforce
Salesforce Field Comment
PaymentMethod (referenced through Zuora__CustomerAccount__c.
  Credit Card Expiration   Zuora__CreditCard_Expiration__c  
  Credit Card Number   Zuora__CreditCard_Number__c  
  Credit Card Type   Zuora__CreditCardType__c  
  Payment Method Type   Zuora__PaymentMethod_Type__c  

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field
Contact Zuora__CustomerAccount__c
  Bill To Address City   Zuora__BillToCity__c
  Bill To Address Country   Zuora__BillToCountry__c
  Bill To Address Line 1   Zuora__BillToAddress1__c
  Bill To Address Line 2   Zuora__BillToAddress2__c
  Bill To Address State   Zuora__BillToState__c
  Bill To Address Zip Code   Zuora__BillToPostalCode__c
  Bill To Contact   Zuora__BillToContact__c
  Bill To Contact Id   Zuora__BillToId__c
  Bill To Fax   Zuora__BillToFax__c
  Bill To Name   Zuora__BillToName__c
  Bill To Work E-mail   Zuora__BillToWorkEmail__c
  Bill To Work Phone   Zuora__BillToWorkPhone__c
  Sold To Address1   Zuora__SoldToAddress1__c
  Sold To Address2   Zuora__SoldToAddress2__c
  Sold To City   Zuora__SoldToCity__c
  Sold To Contact   Zuora__SoldToContact__c
  Sold To Contact Id   Zuora__SoldToId__c
  Sold To Country   Zuora__SoldToCountry__c
  Sold To Fax   Zuora__SoldToFax__c
  Sold To Name   Zuora__SoldToName__c
  Sold To Postal Code   Zuora__SoldToPostalCode__c
  Sold To State   Zuora__SoldToState__c
  Sold To Work Email   Zuora__SoldToWorkEmail__c
  Sold To Work Phone   Zuora__SoldToWorkPhone__c

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments

Account (referenced through AccountId)

  CrmId   Zuora__Account__c A foreign key reference to Account

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
Account (referenced through Subscription's Customer Account) Zuora__SubscriptionProductCharge__c  
  CrmId   Zuora__Account__c A foreign key reference to Account

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field
Account (Referenced through Subscription's Customer Account) Zuora__SubscriptionProductFeature__c
  CrmId   Zuora__Account__c

To create features in the product catalog and use them in subscriptions and Zuora Quotes, you need to enable the following:

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
Invoice Zuora__ZInvoice__c  
  Account   Zuora__Account__c Holds a lookup reference to the Account object.
  Adjustment Amount   Zuora__AdjustmentAmount__c  
  Age Bucket   Zuora__Age_Bucket__c  
  Amount Without Tax   Zuora__AmountWithoutTax__c  
  Balance   Zuora__Balance2__c  
  Billing Account   Zuora__BillingAccount__c  
  Bill To Contact Id   Zuora__BillToId__c  
  Credit Balance Adjustment Amount   Zuora__CreditBalanceAdjustmentAmount__c  
  Due Date   Zuora__DueDate__c  
  Description   Zuora__Description__c  
  Invoice Date                                           Zuora__InvoiceDate__c  
  Invoice ID   Zuora__ZuoraId__c  
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c   
  Generated On Date   Zuora__Generated_Date__c In Zuora, this field is an internal field and is not available to users.
  Invoice Date   Zuora__InvoiceDate__c  
  Payment Amount   Zuora__PaymentAmount__c  
  Payment Term   Zuora__PaymentTerm__c  
  Payment Term   Zuora__Payment_Term__c Holds a lookup reference to the Payment Term object.
  Posted On Date   Zuora__PostedDate__c  
  Refunded Amount   Zuora__RefundedAmount__c  
  Sold To Contact Id   Zuora__SoldToId__c  
  Status   Zuora__Status__c  
  Target Date   Zuora__TargetDate__c  
  Tax Amount   Zuora__TaxAmount__c  
  Tax Exempt Amount   Zuora__TaxExemptAmount__c  
  Total Amount   Zuora__TotalAmount__c  
  Zuora Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c  
  Zuora Id   Zuora__Zuora_Id__c  
  Zuora Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c  
  WeeklyBillCycleDay   Zuora__WeeklyBillCycleDay__c  
The above fields of Zuora Invoice are synced in Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM. By default, invoices are synchronized with Salesforce only if they have a Posted status.

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
Invoice Item Zuora__InvoiceItem__c  
  Accounting Code   Zuora__AccountingCode__c  
  Applied To Invoice Item   Zuora__AppliedToInvoiceItem__c  
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c  
  Balance   Zuora__Invoice__Balance__Amount__c  
  Charge Amount   Zuora__Charge_Amount2__c
  Charge Date   Zuora__Charge_Date__c  
  Charge Name   Zuora__Charge_Name__c  
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c  
  Invoice   Zuora__Invoice__c  
  Processing Type   Zuora__ProcessingType__c  
  Quantity   Zuora__Quantity__c  
  Revenue Recognition Start Date   Zuora__RevRecStartDate__c  
  Service End Date   Zuora__ServiceEndDate__c  
  Service Start Date   Zuora__ServiceStartDate__c  
  SKU   Zuora__SKU__c  
  Subscription   Zuora__Subscription__c  
  Subscription History   Zuora__SubscriptionHistory__c  
  Subscription Rate Plan Charge   Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlanCharge__c  
  Subscription Rate Plan Charge History   Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlanChargeHistory__c  
  Tax Amount   Zuora__TaxAmount2__c  
  Tax Code   Zuora__TaxCode__c  
  Tax Exempt Amount   Zuora__TaxExemptAmount2__c  
  Tax Mode   Zuora__TaxMode__c  
  Unit Price   Zuora__UnitPrice2__c  
  Zuora Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c  
  Zuora Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c  

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field
Taxation Item Zuora__TaxationItem__c
  AccountingCode   Zuora__AccountingCode__c
  CreatedById   Zuora__CreatedById__c
  CreatedDate   Zuora__CreatedDate__c
  ExemptAmount   Zuora__ExemptAmount__c
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id_Unique__c
  Invoice Item   Zuora__Invoice_Item__c
  Jurisdiction   Zuora__Jurisdiction__c
  LocationCode   Zuora__LocationCode__c
  TaxAmount   Zuora__TaxAmount__c
  TaxCode   Zuora__TaxCode__c
  TaxCodeDescription   Zuora__TaxCodeDescription__c
  TaxDate   Zuora__TaxDate__c
  TaxRate   Zuora__TaxRate__c
  TaxRateDescription   Zuora__TaxRateDescription__c
  TaxRateType   Zuora__TaxRateType__c
  UpdatedById   Zuora__UpdatedById__c
  UpdatedDate   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field
Credit Memo Zuora__CreditMemo__c
  Credit Memo Number   Name
  Applied Amount   Zuora__AppliedAmount__c
  Balance   Zuora__Balance__c
  Billing Account   Zuora__BillingAccount__c
  Cancelled By Id   Zuora__CancelledById__c
  Cancelled On   Zuora__CancelledOn__c
  Comments   Zuora__Comments__c
  Credit Memo Date   Zuora__MemoDate__c
  Discount Amount   Zuora__DiscountAmount__c
  ExchangeRateDate   Zuora__CurrencyFX__c
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c
  Invoice   Zuora__Invoice__c
  Posted By ID   Zuora__PostedById__c
  Posted On   Zuora__PostedOn__c
  Reason Code   Zuora__ReasonCode__c
  Refund Amount   Zuora__RefundAmount__c
  Source   Zuora__Source__c
  Status   Zuora__Status__c
  Target Date   Zuora__TargetDate__c
  Tax Amount   Zuora__TaxAmount__c
  Total Amount   Zuora__TotalAmount__c
  Total Amount Without Tax   Zuora__TotalAmountWithoutTax__c
  Total Tax Exempt Amount   Zuora__TotalTaxExemptAmount__c
  Transferred To Accounting   Zuora__TransferredToAccounting__c
  Zuora Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c
  Zuora Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field
Credit Memo Item Zuora__CreditMemoItem__c
  Amount Without Tax   Zuora__AmountWithoutTax__c
  Applied To Others Amount   Zuora__AppliedToOthersAmount__c
  Be Applied By Others Amount   Zuora__BeAppliedByOthersAmount__c
  Charge Date   Zuora__ChargeDate__c
  Credit Memo   Zuora__CreditMemo__c
  Description   Zuora__Description__c
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c
  Invoice Item   Zuora__InvoiceItem__c
  Processing Type   Zuora__ProcessingType__c
  Quantity   Zuora__Quantity__c
  Service End Date   Zuora__ServiceEndDate__c
  Service Start Date   Zuora__ServiceStartDate__c
  SKU   Zuora__Sku__c
  Tax Amount   Zuora__TaxAmount__c
  Tax Code Name   Zuora__TaxCodeName__c
  Tax Exempt Amount   Zuora__TaxExemptAmount__c
  Tax Mode   Zuora__TaxMode__c
  Unit Of Measure   Zuora__UnitOfMeasure__c
  Unit Price   Zuora__UnitPrice__c
  Zuora Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c
  Zuora Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field  
Credit Memo Part Zuora__CreditMemoPart__c  
  Amount   Zuora__Amount__c  
  Credit Memo   Zuora__CreditMemo__c  
  Debit Memo   Zuora__DebitMemo__c  
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c  
  Invoice   Zuora__Invoice__c  
  Zuora Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c  
  Zuora Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c  

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field
Debit Memo Zuora__DebitMemo__c
  Debit Memo Number   Name
  Balance   Zuora__Balance__c
  Billing Account   Zuora__BillingAccount__c
  Cancelled By Id   Zuora__CancelledById__c
  Cancelled On   Zuora__CancelledOn__c
  Comments   Zuora__Comments__c
  Debit Memo Date   Zuora__MemoDate__c
  Discount Amount   Zuora__DiscountAmount__c
  Due Date   Zuora__DueDate__c
  Exchange Rate Date   Zuora__CurrencyFX__c
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c
  Invoice   Zuora__Invoice__c
  Posted By ID   Zuora__PostedByID__c
  Posted On   Zuora__PostedOn__c
  Reason Code   Zuora__ReasonCode__c
  Source   Zuora__Source__c
  Status   Zuora__Status__c
  Target Date   Zuora__TargetDate__c
  Tax Amount   Zuora__TaxAmount__c
  Total Amount   Zuora__TotalAmount__c
  Total Amount Without Tax   Zuora__TotalAmountWithoutTax__c
  Total Tax Exempt Amount   Zuora__TotalTaxExemptAmount__c
  Transferred To Accounting   Zuora__TransferredToAccounting__c
  Zuora Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c
  Zuora Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field
Debit Memo Item Zuora__DebitMemoItem__c
  Debit Memo Item Name   Name
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c
  Amount Without Tax   Zuora__AmountWithoutTax__c
  Applied To Others Amount   Zuora__AppliedToOthersAmount__c
  Be Applied By Others Amount   Zuora__BeAppliedByOthersAmount__c
  Charge Date   Zuora__ChargeDate__c
  Debit Memo   Zuora__DebitMemo__c
  Description   Zuora__Description__c
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c
  Invoice Item   Zuora__InvoiceItem__c
  Processing Type   Zuora__ProcessingType__c
  Quantity   Zuora__Quantity__c
  Service End Date   Zuora__ServiceEndDate__c
  Service Start Date   Zuora__ServiceStartDate__c
  SKU   Zuora__Sku__c
  Tax Amount   Zuora__TaxAmount__c
  Tax Code Name   Zuora__TaxCodeName__c
  Tax Exempt Amount   Zuora__TaxExemptAmount__c
  Tax Mode   Zuora__TaxMode__c
  Unit Of Measure   Zuora__UnitOfMeasure__c
  Unit Price   Zuora__UnitPrice__c
  Zuora Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c
  Zuora Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field
Payment Part Zuora__PaymentPart__c
  Amount   Zuora__Amount__c
  Debit Memo   Zuora__DebitMemo__c
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c
  Invoice   Zuora__Invoice__c
  Payment   Zuora__Payment__c
  Zuora Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c
  Zuora Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field
Refund Part Zuora__RefundPart__c
  Credit Memo   Zuora__CreditMemo__c
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c
  Payment   Zuora__Payment__c
  Refund   Zuora__Refund__c
  Refund Amount   Zuora__RefundAmount__c
  Zuora Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c
  Zuora Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c

Zuora Object Zuora Field   Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
Payment   Zuora__Payment__c  
  Account     Zuora__Account__c  
  Accounting Code     Zuora__AccountingCode__c  
  Amount     Zuora__Amount__c  
  Applied Amount     Zuora__AppliedAmount__c  
  Applied Credit Balance Amount     Zuora__AppliedCreditBalanceAmount__c  
  Applied Invoice Amount     Zuora__AppliedInvoiceAmount__c The value of this field is calculated from the invoice payment.
  Auth Transaction ID     Zuora__AuthTransactionId__c  
  Bank Identification Number     Zuora__BankIdentificationNumber__c  
  Billing Account     Zuora__BillingAccount__c  
  Cancelled On     Zuora__CancelledOn__c  
  Comment     Zuora__Comment__c  
  Created By ID     Zuora__CreatedById__c


  Created Date     Zuora__CreatedDate__c      
  Effective Date     Zuora__Effective_Date__c  
  Gateway Order ID     Zuora__GatewayOrderId__c  
  Gateway Response     Zuora__GatewayResponse__c  
  Gateway Response Code     Zuora__GatewayResponseCode__c  
  Gateway State     Zuora__GatewayStatus__c  
  Invoice Number     Zuora__InvoiceNumber__c  
  Unique External Id     Zuora__EXT_ID__c  
  Marked For Submission On     Zuora__MarkedForSubmissionOn__c  
  Payment Method Id     Zuora__PaymentMethodId__c  
  Payment Method     Zuora__Payment_Method__c

This field was deprecated in the past due to limitations in Zuora 360 that prevented this field from being populated. However, Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM can populate this field. Therefore, you can use this field with Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM.

Note: If the payment method is external, this lookup field is blank.

  PaymentNumber     Zuora__PaymentNumber__c  
  Reference ID     Zuora__ReferenceId__c  
  Refund Amount (AR Settlement)     Zuora__RefundAmount__c  
  Refund Amount     Zuora__RefundedAmount__c The value of this field is calculated from the invoice payment.
  Second Payment Reference ID     Zuora__SecondPaymentReferenceId__c  
  Settled On     Zuora__SettledOn__c  
  Soft Descriptor     Zuora__SoftDescriptor__c  
  Soft Descriptor Phone     Zuora__SoftDescriptorPhone__c  
  Status     Zuora__Status__c  
  Submitted On     Zuora__SubmittedOn__c  
  Transferred to Accounting     Zuora__TransferedToAccounting__c  
  Type     Zuora__Type__c  
  Unapplied Amount     Zuora__UnappliedAmount__c  
  Updated By ID     Zuora__UpdatedById__c


  Updated Date     Zuora__UpdatedDate__c  

The Payment object holds all of the information about an individual payment, including the payment amount, and the invoices that the payment is applied to. The above fields of Zuora Payment are synced in Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM.

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
InvoicePayment Zuora__PaymentInvoice__c
  Applied Amoount   Zuora__ ApplyAmount__c  
  Unique External Id   Zuora__EXT_ID__c  
  Invoice   Zuora__ Invoice__c Holds a lookup reference to the Invoice object.
  Payment   Zuora__ Payment__c Holds a master/detail reference to the Payment object.
  Refund Amount   Zuora__ RefundAmount__c  
An Invoice Payment is a mechanism to tie a payment to an invoice and indicate how much of the payment to apply to the invoice. The Zuora__PaymentInvoice__c object has a master-detail relationship to the Payment object and a lookup relationship to the Invoice object.

Zuora Object  Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field  Comments
Refund Zuora__Refund__c  
  Account   Zuora__Account__c  
  Accounting Code   Zuora__AccountingCode__c  
  Amount   Zuora__Amount__c  
  Billing Account   Zuora__BillingAccount__c  
  Comment   Zuora__Comment__c  
  Created By ID   Zuora__CreatedById__c


  Created On   Zuora__CreatedDate__c  
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c  
  Gateway Response   Zuora__GatewayResponse__c  
  Gateway Response Code   Zuora__GatewayResponseCode__c  
  Payment   Zuora__Payment__c  
  Payment Method   Zuora__PaymentMethod__c  
  Reason Code Name   Zuora__ReasonCodeName__c  
  Reference ID   Zuora__ReferenceId__c  
  Refund Date   Zuora__Refund_Date__c  
  Refund Method Type   Zuora__RefundMethodType__c  
  Refund Transaction Time   Zuora__RefundTransactionTime__c  
  Soft Descriptor   Zuora__SoftDescriptor__c  
  Soft Descriptor Phone   Zuora__SoftDescriptorPhone__c  
  Source Type   Zuora__SourceType__c  
  Status   Zuora__Status__c  
  Transferred to Accounting   Zuora__TransferredToAccounting__c  
  Type   Zuora__Type__c  
  Updated By ID   Zuora__UpdatedById__c


  Updated On   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c  

The Refund object holds all of the information about each Refund processed in Zuora, including refund amount, refund type, refund date, refund number, and additional information about the refund. The above fields of Zuora Refund are synced in Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM.


Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
Payment Zuora__Payment__c  
  Account   Zuora__Account__c  
  Accounting Code   Zuora__AccountingCode__c  
  Amount   Zuora__Amount__c  
  Applied Amount   Zuora__AppliedAmount__c  
  Applied Credit Balance Amount   Zuora__AppliedCreditBalanceAmount__c  
  Applied Invoice Amount   Zuora__AppliedInvoiceAmount__c The value of this field is calculated from the invoice payment.
  Auth Transaction ID   Zuora__AuthTransactionId__c  
  Bank Identification Number   Zuora__BankIdentificationNumber__c  
  Billing Account   Zuora__BillingAccount__c  
  Cancelled On   Zuora__CancelledOn__c  
  Comment   Zuora__Comment__c  
  Created By ID   Zuora__CreatedById__c


  Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c      
  Effective Date   Zuora__Effective_Date__c  
  Gateway Order ID   Zuora__GatewayOrderId__c  
  Gateway Response   Zuora__GatewayResponse__c  
  Gateway Response Code   Zuora__GatewayResponseCode__c  
  Gateway State   Zuora__GatewayStatus__c  
  Invoice Number   Zuora__InvoiceNumber__c  
  Unique External Id   Zuora__EXT_ID__c  
  Marked For Submission On   Zuora__MarkedForSubmissionOn__c  
  Payment Method Id   Zuora__PaymentMethodId__c  
  Payment Method   Zuora__Payment_Method__c

This field was deprecated in the past due to limitations in Zuora 360 that prevented this field from being populated. However, Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM can populate this field. Therefore, you can use this field with Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM.

Note: If the payment method is external, this lookup field is blank.

  PaymentNumber   Zuora__PaymentNumber__c  
  Reference ID   Zuora__ReferenceId__c  
  Refund Amount (AR Settlement)   Zuora__RefundAmount__c  
  Refund Amount   Zuora__RefundedAmount__c The value of this field is calculated from the invoice payment.
  Second Payment Reference ID   Zuora__SecondPaymentReferenceId__c  
  Settled On   Zuora__SettledOn__c  
  Soft Descriptor   Zuora__SoftDescriptor__c  
  Soft Descriptor Phone   Zuora__SoftDescriptorPhone__c  
  Status   Zuora__Status__c  
  Submitted On   Zuora__SubmittedOn__c  
  Transferred to Accounting   Zuora__TransferedToAccounting__c  
  Type   Zuora__Type__c  
  Unapplied Amount   Zuora__UnappliedAmount__c  
  Updated By ID   Zuora__UpdatedById__c


  Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c  
An Invoice Payment is a mechanism to tie a payment to an invoice and indicate how much of the payment to apply to the invoice. The Zuora__PaymentInvoice__c object has a master-detail relationship to the Payment object and a lookup relationship to the Invoice object.

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
InvoicePayment Zuora__PaymentInvoice__c
  Applied Amoount   Zuora__ ApplyAmount__c  
  Unique External Id   Zuora__EXT_ID__c  
  Invoice   Zuora__ Invoice__c Holds a lookup reference to the Invoice object.
  Payment   Zuora__ Payment__c Holds a master/detail reference to the Payment object.
  Refund Amount   Zuora__ RefundAmount__c  
An Invoice Payment is a mechanism to tie a payment to an invoice and indicate how much of the payment to apply to the invoice. The Zuora__PaymentInvoice__c object has a master-detail relationship to the Payment object and a lookup relationship to the Invoice object.

Zuora Object  Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field  Comments
Refund Zuora__Refund__c  
  Account   Zuora__Account__c  
  Accounting Code   Zuora__AccountingCode__c  
  Amount   Zuora__Amount__c  
  Billing Account   Zuora__BillingAccount__c  
  Comment   Zuora__Comment__c  
  Created By ID   Zuora__CreatedById__c


  Created On   Zuora__CreatedDate__c  
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c  
  Gateway Response   Zuora__GatewayResponse__c  
  Gateway Response Code   Zuora__GatewayResponseCode__c  
  Payment   Zuora__Payment__c  
  Payment Method   Zuora__PaymentMethod__c  
  Reason Code Name   Zuora__ReasonCodeName__c  
  Reference ID   Zuora__ReferenceId__c  
  Refund Date   Zuora__Refund_Date__c  
  Refund Method Type   Zuora__RefundMethodType__c  
  Refund Transaction Time   Zuora__RefundTransactionTime__c  
  Soft Descriptor   Zuora__SoftDescriptor__c  
  Soft Descriptor Phone   Zuora__SoftDescriptorPhone__c  
  Source Type   Zuora__SourceType__c  
  Status   Zuora__Status__c  
  Transferred to Accounting   Zuora__TransferredToAccounting__c  
  Type   Zuora__Type__c  
  Updated By ID   Zuora__UpdatedById__c


  Updated On   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c  

The Refund object holds all of the information about each Refund processed in Zuora, including refund amount, refund type, refund date, refund number, and additional information about the refund. The above fields of Zuora Refund are synced in Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM.

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
Refund Invoice Payment Zuora__RefundInvoicePayment__c  
  Refund   Zuora__Refund__c  
  Refund Amount   Zuora__RefundAmount__c  
  Invoice Payment   Zuora__InvoicePayment__c  
  Unique External Id   Zuora__EXT_ID__c  

The Zuora__RefundInvoicePayment__c object represents the relationship object between Refund and InvoicePayment. A refund can be associated with multiple payments for invoices, and multiple refunds can be made for one payment for invoices. This relation is left empty for credit balance refunds. The above fields of Zuora Refund Invoice Payment are synced in Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM.

Zuora Object Zuora Field  Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
Payment Method Zuora__PaymentMethod__c  
  Ach Aba Code   Zuora__AchAbaCode__c  
  Ach Account Name   Zuora__AchAccountName__c  
  Ach Account Number Mask   Zuora__AchAccountNumberMask__c  
  Ach Account Type   Zuora__AchAccountType__c  
  Ach Bank Name   Zuora__AchBankName__c  
  Active   Zuora__Active__c  
  Bank Branch Code   Zuora__BankBranchCode__c  
  Bank Check Digit   Zuora__BankCheckDigit__c  
  Bank City   Zuora__BankCity__c  
  Bank Code   Zuora__BankCode__c  
  Bank Identification Number   Zuora__BankIdentificationNumber__c  
  Bank Name   Zuora__BankName__c  
  Bank Postal Code   Zuora__BankPostalCode__c  
  Bank Street Name   Zuora__BankStreetName__c  
  Bank Street Number   Zuora__BankStreetNumber__c  
  Bank Transfer Account Name   Zuora__BankTransferAccountName__c  
  Bank Transfer Account Number   Zuora__BankTransferAccountNumber__c  
  Bank Transfer Account Type   Zuora__BankTransferAccountType__c  
  Bank Transfer Type   Zuora__BankTransferType__c  
  Billing Account   Zuora__BillingAccount__c  
  Business Identification Code   Zuora__BusinessIdentificationCode__c  
  City   Zuora__City__c  
  Country   Zuora__Country__c  
  Created By ID   Zuora__CreatedById__c


  Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c  
  Credit Card Address1   Zuora__CreditCardAddress1__c  
  Credit Card Address2   Zuora__CreditCardAddress2__c  
  Credit Card City   Zuora__CreditCardCity__c  
  Credit Card Country   Zuora__CreditCardCountry__c  
  Credit Card Expiration Month   Zuora__CreditCardExpirationMonth__c  
  Credit Card Expiration Year   Zuora__CreditCardExpirationYear__c  
  Credit Card Holder Name   Zuora__CreditCardHolderName__c  
  Credit Card Mask Number   Zuora__CreditCardMaskNumber__c  
  Credit Card Postal Code   Zuora__CreditCardPostalCode__c  
  Credit Card State   Zuora__CreditCardState__c  
  Credit Card Type   Zuora__CreditCardType__c  
  Default Payment Method   Zuora__DefaultPaymentMethod__c  
  Device Session ID   Zuora__DeviceSessionId__c  
  Email   Zuora__Email__c  
  Existing Mandate   Zuora__ExistingMandate__c  
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c  
  First Name   Zuora__FirstName__c  
  IBAN   Zuora__IBAN__c  
  IP Address   Zuora__IPAddress__c  
  Last Failed Sale Transaction Date   Zuora__LastFailedSaleTransactionDate__c  
  Last Name   Zuora__LastName__c  
  Last Transaction DateTime   Zuora__LastTransactionDateTime__c  
  Last Transaction Status   Zuora__LastTransactionStatus__c  
  Mandate Creation Date   Zuora__MandateCreation_Date__c  
  Mandate ID   Zuora__MandateID__c  
  Mandate Received   Zuora__MandateReceived__c  
  Mandate Update Date   Zuora__MandateUpdate_Date__c  
  Max Consecutive Payment Failures   Zuora__MaxConsecutivePaymentFailures__c  
  Number of Consecutive Failures   Zuora__NumConsecutiveFailures__c  
  Name   Zuora__Name__c  
  Payment Method Status   Zuora__PaymentMethodStatus__c  
  Payment Retry Window   Zuora__PaymentRetryWindow__c  
  Paypal BAID   Zuora__PaypalBaid__c  
  Paypal Email   Zuora__PaypalEmail__c  
  Paypal Preapproval Key   Zuora__PaypalPreapprovalKey__c  
  Paypal Type   Zuora__PaypalType__c  
  Phone   Zuora__Phone__c  
  Postal Code   Zuora__PostalCode__c  
  Second Token ID   Zuora__Second_Token_ID__c  
  State   Zuora__State__c  
  Street Name   Zuora__StreetName__c  
  Street Number   Zuora__StreetNumber__c  
  Token ID   Zuora__Token_ID__c  
  Total Number Of Error Payments   Zuora__TotalNumberOfErrorPayments__c  
  Total Number Of Processed Payments   Zuora__TotalNumberOfProcessedPayments__c  
  Type   Zuora__Type__c  
  Updated By ID   Zuora__UpdatedById__c


  Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c  
  Use Default Retry Rule   Zuora__UseDefaultRetryRule__c  
The above fields of Zuora Payment Method are synced in Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM.