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Gateway Options fields supported by Payway aka Prisma Gateway


Gateway Options fields supported by Payway aka Prisma Gateway

This payment gateway integration can be requested through the Specialized Payment Connections service at an additional cost.

You can submit additional information to the gateway by using the Gateway Options fields. The following table describes the Gateway Option fields supported by the Payway aka Prisma Gateway integration.

All Gateway Options fields are string fields.

Payway field Zuora API field Description
CardHolderIdentificationType gatewayOptions.CardHolderIdentificationType You can specify this field in the Create a payment method API operation. The default value is DNI.
CardHolderIdentificationNumber gatewayOptions.CardHolderIdentificationNumber You can specify this field in the Create a payment method API operation. By default, it is mapped to IdentityNumber in Zuora.
Description gatewayOptions.Description

You can specify this field in the following API operations:

Here is an example of how to specify the parameters through the “Create a payment method” API operation:

"gatewayOptions": {
    "Description":"descripción de la prueba"