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Product Rate Plan Charge Tier fields supported by Custom Logic


Product Rate Plan Charge Tier fields supported by Custom Logic

The following table describes the Product Rate Plan Charge Tier fields supported by Custom Logic.

For more information about conditions and mutations in custom logic, see Objects and fields supported by Custom Logic.

Field name Field type Supported for condition Supported for mutation
Active Boolean Yes No
CreatedById String No No
CreatedDate DateTime Yes No
Currency String Yes No
DiscountAmount Decimal Yes No
DiscountPercentage Decimal Yes No
EndingUnit Decimal Yes No
Id String No No
IncludedUnits Decimal Yes No
IsOveragePrice Boolean Yes No
OveragePrice Decimal Yes No
Price Decimal Yes No
PriceFormat String Yes No
ProductRatePlanChargeId String Yes No
StartingUnit Decimal Yes No
Tier Long Yes No
UpdatedById String No No
UpdatedDate DateTime Yes No