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Product Rate Plan Charge fields supported by Custom Logic


Product Rate Plan Charge fields supported by Custom Logic

The following table describes the Product Rate Plan Charge fields supported by Custom Logic.

For more information about conditions and mutations in custom logic, see Objects and fields supported by Custom Logic.

Field name Field type Supported for condition Supported for mutation
AccountingCode String Yes Yes
ApplyDiscountTo String Yes Yes
BillCycleDay String Yes Yes
BillCycleType String Yes Yes
BillingPeriod String Yes Yes
BillingPeriodAlignment String Yes Yes
BillingTiming String Yes Yes
ChargeModel String Yes Yes
ChargeType String Yes Yes
CreatedById String No No
CreatedDate DateTime Yes No
DefaultQuantity Decimal Yes Yes
DeferredRevenueAccount String Yes Yes
Description String Yes Yes
DiscountClass String Yes Yes
DiscountLevel String Yes Yes
EndDateCondition String Yes Yes
ExcludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting Boolean Yes Yes
ExcludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting Boolean Yes Yes
Id String No No
IncludedUnits Double Yes Yes
LegacyRevenueReporting Boolean Yes Yes
ListPriceBase String Yes Yes
MaxQuantity Decimal Yes Yes
MinQuantity Decimal Yes Yes
Name String Yes No
NumberOfPeriod Long Yes Yes
OverageCalculationOption String Yes Yes
OverageUnusedUnitsCreditOption String Yes Yes
PrepayPeriods Long Yes Yes
PriceChangeOption String Yes Yes
PriceIncreasePercentage Decimal Yes Yes
ProductRatePlanId String Yes No
RatingGroup String Yes Yes
RecognizedRevenueAccount String Yes Yes
RevenueRecognitionRuleName String Yes Yes
RevRecCode String Yes Yes
RevRecTriggerCondition String Yes Yes
SmoothingModel String Yes Yes
SpecificBillingPeriod Long Yes Yes
Taxable Boolean Yes Yes
TaxCode String Yes Yes
TaxMode String Yes Yes
TriggerEvent String Yes Yes
UOM String Yes Yes
UpdatedById String No No
UpdatedDate DateTime Yes No
UpToPeriods Long Yes Yes
UpToPeriodsType String Yes Yes
UsageRecordRatingOption String Yes Yes
UseDiscountSpecificAccountingCode Boolean Yes Yes
UseTenantDefaultForPriceChange Boolean Yes Yes
WeeklyBillCycleDay String Yes Yes