Rate Plan Charge fields supported by Custom Logic
The following table describes the Rate Plan Charge fields supported by Custom Logic.
For more information about conditions and mutations in custom logic, see Objects and fields supported by Custom Logic.
Field name | Field type | Supported for condition | Supported for mutation |
AccountingCode | String | Yes | No |
AccountReceivableAccountingCodeId | String | Yes | No |
AmendedByOrderOn | Date | Yes | No |
ApplyDiscountTo | String | Yes | No |
ApplyToBillingPeriodPartially | Boolean | Yes | No |
BillingCycleDay | Integer | Yes | No |
BillingCycleType | String | Yes | No |
BillingPeriod | String | Yes | No |
BillingPeriodAlignment | String | Yes | No |
BillingTiming | String | Yes | No |
ChargedThroughDate | Date | Yes | No |
ChargeModel | String | Yes | No |
ChargeNumber | String | Yes | No |
ChargeType | String | Yes | No |
CommitmentType | String | Yes | No |
CreatedById | String | No | No |
CreatedDate | DateTime | Yes | No |
CreditOption | String | Yes | No |
DeferredRevenueAccountingCodeId | String | Yes | No |
Description | String | Yes | No |
DiscountLevel | String | Yes | No |
DMRC | Decimal | Yes | No |
DrawdownRate | Decimal | Yes | No |
DrawdownUom | String | Yes | No |
DTCV | Decimal | Yes | No |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | Yes | No |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | Yes | No |
EndDateCondition | String | Yes | No |
ExcludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting | Boolean | Yes | No |
ExcludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting | Boolean | Yes | No |
Id | String | No | No |
InvoiceOwnerId | String | Yes | No |
InvoiceScheduleId | String | Yes | No |
IsCommitted | Boolean | Yes | No |
IsLastSegment | Boolean | Yes | No |
IsPrepaid | Boolean | Yes | No |
IsProcessed | Boolean | Yes | No |
IsRollover | Boolean | Yes | No |
ListPriceBase | String | Yes | No |
MRR | Decimal | Yes | No |
Name | String | Yes | No |
NumberOfPeriods | Long | Yes | No |
OriginalId | String | Yes | No |
OriginalOrderDate | Date | Yes | No |
OverageCalculationOption | String | Yes | No |
OverageUnusedUnitsCreditOption | String | Yes | No |
PrepaidOperationType | String | Yes | No |
PrepaidQuantity | Decimal | Yes | No |
PrepaidTotalQuantity | Decimal | Yes | No |
PrepaidUOM | String | Yes | No |
PriceChangeOption | String | Yes | No |
PriceIncreasePercentage | Decimal | Yes | No |
PriceUpsellQuantityStacked | Boolean | Yes | No |
ProcessedThroughDate | Date | Yes | No |
ProductChargeDefinitionId | String | Yes | No |
ProductRatePlanChargeId | String | Yes | No |
ProrationOption | String | Yes | No |
Quantity | Decimal | Yes | No |
RatePlanId | String | Yes | No |
RatingGroup | String | Yes | No |
RecognizedRevenueAccountingCodeId | String | Yes | No |
RevenueRecognitionRuleName | String | Yes | No |
RevRecCode | String | Yes | No |
RevRecTriggerCondition | String | Yes | No |
RolloverApply | String | Yes | No |
RolloverPeriodLength | Integer | Yes | No |
RolloverPeriods | Long | Yes | No |
Segment | Integer | Yes | No |
SpecificBillingPeriod | Long | Yes | No |
SpecificEndDate | Date | Yes | No |
SpecificListPriceBase | Integer | Yes | No |
SubscriptionId | String | Yes | No |
SubscriptionOwnerId | String | Yes | No |
TCV | Decimal | Yes | No |
TriggerDate | Date | Yes | No |
TriggerEvent | String | Yes | No |
UOM | String | Yes | No |
UpdatedById | String | No | No |
UpdatedDate | DateTime | Yes | No |
UpToPeriods | Long | Yes | No |
UpToPeriodsType | String | Yes | No |
ValidityPeriodType | String | Yes | No |
Version | Long | Yes | No |
WeeklyBillCycleDay | String | Yes | No |