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Rate Plan fields supported by Custom Logic


Rate Plan fields supported by Custom Logic

The following table describes the Rate Plan fields supported by Custom Logic.

For more information about conditions and mutations in custom logic, see Objects and fields supported by Custom Logic.

Field name Field type Supported for condition Supported for mutation
AmendmentId String Yes No
AmendmentType String Yes No
CreatedById String No No
CreatedDate DateTime Yes No
ExternallyManagedPlanId String Yes No
Id String No No
InvoiceOwnerId String Yes No
Name String Yes No
OriginalRatePlanId String Yes No
ProductId String Yes No
ProductRatePlanId String Yes No
SubscriptionId String Yes No
SubscriptionOfferId String Yes No
SubscriptionOwnerId String Yes No
SubscriptionRatePlanNumber String Yes No
UpdatedById String No No
UpdatedDate DateTime Yes No