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Field Mapping of Subscription and Related Objects


Field Mapping of Subscription and Related Objects

This article shows how the Zuora account and related objects and their fields are mapped and synchronized to Salesforce objects and fields in Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM. Each sync objects pair is marked as <Zuora object> : <Salesforce object>.

Any Zuora field marked as "internal" is a field that is not exposed in the Zuora SOAP API. However, these internal fields are synchronized between Zuora and Salesforce in Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM. 

The descriptions of the "internal" sync fields are provided in this article. For the descriptions of the standard fields, see  SOAP API Object Reference for more information.

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
Subscription Zuora__Subscription__c  
  AutoRenew   Zuora__AutoRenew__c  
  CancelledDate   Zuora__CancelledDate
  ContractAcceptanceDate   Zuora__
  ContractEffectiveDate   Zuora__
  CurrentTerm   Zuora__CurrentTerm__c

To use the field in Order Builder, use Zuora WSDL, Version 80+.

  CurrentTermPeriodType   Zuora__

To use the field in Order Builder, use Zuora WSDL, Version 80+.

  Id   Zuora__Zuora_Id__c  
  id   Zuora__External_Id__c
(External ID)
  InitialTerm   Zuora__InitialTerm__c  
  InitialTermPeriodType   Zuora__

To use the field in Order Builder, use Zuora WSDL, Version 80+.



  MRR (internal)   Zuora__MRR__c Monthly Recurring Revenue for this subscription
  Name   Name  
  NextChargeDate (internal)   Zuora__

An internal date when the charge is to be invoiced next.

The field is usually updated (in bulk) during the Bill Run process and is not synchronized for a performance reason.

If you want to sync this field in Real-time Sync and Turbo Sync, you need to have the tenant level setting turned on. 

Submit a request at Zuora Global Support to enable this feature or service.

If you execute a Bill Run with this setting enabled, you may experience degraded sync performance. 

See below for more information about the field.

  Notes   Zuora__Notes__c  
  OpportunityName__QT   Zuora__OpportunityName
  OriginalCreatedDate   Zuora__
  OriginalId   Zuora__OriginalId__c  
  PreviousSubscriptionId   Zuora__
  QuoteNumber__QT   Zuora__QuoteNumber__c  
  QuoteType__QT   Zuora__QuoteType__c  
  RenewalTerm   Zuora__
  RenewalTermPeriodType   Zuora__

To use the field in Order Builder, use Zuora WSDL, Version 80+.

  SubscriptionEndDate   Zuora__
  SubscriptionStartDate   Zuora__
  ServiceActivationDate   Zuora__
  TCV (internal)   Zuora__TCV__c Total Contract Value of this subscription
  TermStartDate   Zuora__
  TermEndDate   Zuora__
  TermEndDate   Zuora__
  TermType   Zuora__
  Version   Zuora__Version__c  
  SubscriptionStatus   Zuora__Status__c  
  SubscriptionNumber   Zuora__SubscriptionNumber__c  
  Account   Zuora__Account__c  
  BillingAccount   Zuora__CustomerAccount__c  

Note: Zuora Salesforce Connector does an UPSERT action for Subscription records.

The subscription's Next Charge Date is the rate plan charge's Invoice Through Date (Zuora API Name: RatePlanCharge.<wbr/>ChargedThroughDate) in Zuora. For example, if the charge was last invoiced from 05/01/2014 to 05/31/2014, the charge's Invoice Through Date and subscription's Next Charge Date would be 06/01/2014. If the subscription has multiple rate plan charges which have different billing periods, it would be the earliest Invoice Through Date of one the charges.

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field


  AmendmentId   Zuora__AmendmentId__c
  AmendmentSubscriptionRatePlanId   Zuora__AmendmentSubscriptionRatePlanId
  AmendmentType   Zuora__AmendmentType__c
  Id   Zuora__External_Id__c
  Name   Name
  ProductRatePlanId   Zuora__ProductRatePlanId__c
  SubscriptionId   Zuora__Subscription__c

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
SubscriptionRatePlan Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlanHistory__c  
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c  
  Subscription   Zuora__SubscriptionHistory__c  
  Subscription Rate Plan Name (Long Name)   Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlanName__c  
  Zuora Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlanHistory__c, but not in Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlan__c
  Zuora Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlanHistory__c, but not in Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlan__c
  Amendment Type   Zuora__AmendmentType__c  
  Subscription Rate Plan Name (Short Name)   Name  

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
RatePlanCharge Zuora__SubscriptionProductChargeHistory__c  
  Accounting Code   Zuora__AccountingCode__c  
  Apply Discount To   Zuora__ApplyDiscountTo__c  
  Bill Cycle Day   Zuora__BillCycleDay__c  
  Bill Cycle Type   Zuora__BillCycleType__c  
  Period   Zuora__BillingPeriod__c  
  Billing Period Alignment   Zuora__BillingPeriodAlignment__c  
  Billing Timing   Zuora__BillingTiming__c  
  Charged Through Date   Zuora__ChargedThroughDate__c  
  Charge Number   Zuora__ChargeNumber__c  
  Description   Zuora__Description__c  
  Discount Level   Zuora__DiscountLevel__c  
  DMRC   Zuora__DMRC__c  
  DTCV   Zuora__DTCV__c  
  Effective End Date   Zuora__EffectiveEndDate__c  
  Effective Start Date   Zuora__EffectiveStartDate__c  
  End Date Condition   Zuora__EndDateCondition__c  
  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c  
  Is Last Segment   Zuora__IsLastSegment__c  
  List Price Base   Zuora__ListPriceBase__c  
  Model   Zuora__Model__c  
  Monthly Recurring Revenue   Zuora__MonthlyRecurringRevenue__c  
  Number Of Periods   Zuora__NumberOfPeriods__c  
  Original Id   Zuora__OriginalId__c  
  Overage Calculation Option   Zuora__OverageCalculationOption__c  
  Overage Unused Units Credit Option   Zuora__OverageUnusedUnitsCreditOption__c  
  Price Change Option   Zuora__PriceChangeOption__c  
  Price Increase Percentage   Zuora__PriceIncreasePercentage__c  
  Processed Through Date   Zuora__ProcessedThroughDate__c  
  Quantity   Zuora__Quantity__c  
  Rate Plan Description   Zuora__RatePlanDescription__c  
  RatePlan Id   Zuora__RatePlanId__c  
  Rev Rec Code   Zuora__RevRecCode__c  
  Rev Rec Trigger Condition   Zuora__RevRecTriggerCondition__c  
  Segment   Zuora__Segment__c  
  Specific Billing Period   Zuora__SpecificBillingPeriod__c  
  Specific End Date   Zuora__SpecificEndDate__c  
  Subscription Rate Plan   Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlan__c  
  Subscription Rate Plan Charge Name   Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlanChargeName__c  
  Total Contract Value   Zuora__TotalContractValue__c  
  Trigger Date   Zuora__TriggerDate__c  
  Trigger Event   Zuora__TriggerEvent__c  
  UOM   Zuora__UOM__c  
  Up To How Many Periods   Zuora__Upto_How_Many_Periods__c  
  Up To Periods Type   Zuora__UpToPeriodsType__c  
  Version   Zuora__Version__c  
  Weekly Bill Cycle Day   Zuora__WeeklyBillCycleDay__c  
  Zuora Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionProductChargeHistory__c, but not in Zuora__SubscriptionProductCharge__c.
  Zuora Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionProductChargeHistory__c, but not in Zuora__SubscriptionProductCharge__c.

To create features in the product catalog and use them in subscriptions and Zuora Quotes, you need to enable the following:


Zuora Object Zuora Field     Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
ProductFeature     zqu__ZFeature__c  
  Catalog Sync History       zqu__Catalog_Sync_History__c  
  Deleted       zqu__Deleted__c  
  EntityID       zqu__EntityID__c  
  Zuora Id       zqu__ZuoraId__c  
  Feature       zqu__ZFeature__c

Holds a lookup reference to the Feature object

  Full Name       zqu__ZProductFeatureFullName__c  
  Product       zqu__Product__c Holds a lookup reference to the Product object.
  Sync Message       zqu__SyncMessage__c  
  Sync Status       zqu__SyncStatus__c  
  ZProduct       zqu__ZProduct__c Holds a lookup reference to the ZProduct object
See the above table for the field mappings between Zuora RatePlanCharge and Salesforce Zuora__SubscriptionProductChargeHistory__c when Subscription History sync is turned on in Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM.

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments


  UOM   Name Unit Of Measure


Zuora Field Salesforce
Salesforce Field Comments
RatePlanCharge Zuora__SubscriptionProductCharge__c  
  AccountingCode   Zuora__AccountingCode__c  
  ApplyDiscountTo   zuora__ApplyDiscountTo__c  
  BillCycleDay   Zuora__BillCycleDay__c  
  BillCycleType   Zuora__BillCycleType__c  
  BillingPeriod   Zuora__BillingPeriod__c  
  BillingPeriodAlignment   Zuora__



Billing day of the charge. Same as BillCycleDay of the ProductRatePlanCharge object.
  BillingTiming   Zuora__BillingTiming__c

Specifies whether to bill this charge in advance or in arrears for recurring charge types. This field is not used in one-time or usage-based charge types.

This value overrides the value inherited from the Product Rate Plan Charge.

Contains one of the following:

  • In Advance
  • In Arrears
  ChargedThroughDate   Zuora__
  ChargeModel   Zuora__Model__c  
  ChargeNumber   Zuora__ChargeNumber__c  
  ChargeType   Zuora__Type__c  




MRR*(number of months in a period)

For example:

For a quarterly charge with MRR=100, complexTotal =100 * 3 = 300.

  DiscountAmount   Zuora__DiscountAmount__c  
  DiscountLevel   Zuora__DiscountLevel__c  
  DiscountPercentage   Zuora__
  Description   Zuora__Description__c  
  DMRC   Zuora__DMRC__c  
  DTCV   Zuora__DTCV__c  
  EffectiveEndDate   Zuora__EffectiveEndDate__c  
  EffectiveStartDate   Zuora__EffectiveStartDate__c  
  EndDateCondition   Zuora__EndDateCondition__c  
  Id   Zuora__Zuora_Id__c  
  id   Zuora__External_Id__c
(External ID)
  IncludedUnits   Zuora__IncludedUnits__c  
  IsLastSegment   Zuora__IsLastSegment__c  
  ListPriceBase   Zuora__ListPriceBase__c  
  MRR   Zuora__
  Name   Name  
  NumberOfPeriods   Zuora__NumberOfPeriods__c  
  OriginalId   Zuora__OriginalId__c  
  OverageCalculationOption   Zuora__
  OveragePrice   Zuora__OveragePrice__c  
  OverageUnusedUnitsCreditOption   Zuora__
  Price   Zuora__Price__c  
  PriceIncreasePercentage   Zuora__
  ProcessedThroughDate   Zuora__
  ProductRatePlanChargeId   Zuora__
  Quantity   Zuora__Quantity__c  
  RatePlanId   Zuora__RatePlanId__c  
  RevRecCode   Zuora__RevRecCode__c  
  RevRecTriggerCondition   Zuora__
  Segment   Zuora__Segment__c  
  SpecificBillingPeriod   Zuora__SpecificEndDate__c  
  TCV   Zuora__
  TriggerDate   Zuora__TriggerDate__c  
  TriggerEvent   Zuora__TriggerEvent__c  
  UnusedUnitsCreditRates   Zuora__
  UOM   Zuora__UOM__c  
  UOM   Zuora__PriceTable__c Calculated from the related RatePlanChargeTier objects
  UpToPeriods   Zuora__UpToPeriods__c  
  UpToPeriodsType   Zuora__UpToPeriodsType__c  
  UsageRecordRatingOption   Zuora__
  UseDiscountSpecificAccountingCode   Zuora__
  Version   Zuora__Version__c  
  WeeklyBillCycleDay   Zuora__WeeklyBillCycleDay__c  

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
Rate Plan Charge Tier Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTierHistory__c  





This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTierHistory__c, but not in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTier__c.


Discount Amount



This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTierHistory__c, but not in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTier__c.


Discount Percentage



This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTierHistory__c, but not in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTier__c.


Ending Unit





External Id





Included Units



This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTierHistory__c, but not in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTier__c.


Overage Price



This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTierHistory__c, but not in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTier__c.







Price Format





Starting Unit










Zuora Created Date



This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTierHistory__c, but not in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTier__c.


Zuora Updated Date



This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTierHistory__c, but not in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTier__c.


Subscription Product & Charge



This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTierHistory__c, but not in Zuora__SubscriptionChargeTier__c.

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field
RatePlanChargeTier Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlanChargeTier__c
  EndingUnit   Zuora__EndingUnit__c
  Id   Zuora__External_Id__c
  IsOveragePrice   Zuora__IsOveragePrice__c
  Price   Zuora__Price__c
  PriceFormat   Zuora__PriceFormat__c
  RatePlanChargeId   Zuora__SubscriptionRatePlanCharge__c
  StartingUnit   Zuora__StartingUnit__c
  Tier   Zuora__Tier__c

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field
(referenced through ProductRatePlanChargeId.ProductRatePlanId.ProductId)
  Description   Zuora__Description__c
  Name   Zuora__ProductName__c
  SKU   Zuora__ProductSKU__c
  EffectiveEndDate   Zuora__ProductEffectiveEndDate__c

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field
(referenced through ProductRatePlanChargeId.ProductRatePlanId)
  Description   Zuora__Description__c
  Name   Zuora__ RatePlanName__c
  SKU   Zuora__ProductSKU__c
  EffectiveEndDate   Zuora__RatePlanEffectiveEndDate__c
  Credit option   zqu__CreditOption__c
  Charge function   zqu__ChargeFunction__c
  Commitment type   zqu__CommitmentType__c
  Is Rollover   zqu__IsRollover__c
  Rollover period   zqu__RolloverPeriod__c
  Rollover period length   zqu__RolloverPeriodLength__c
  Rollover Apply Option   zqu__RollOverApplyOption__c
  IsPrepaid   zqu__IsPrepaid__c
  Prepaid Operation Type   zqu__PrepaidOperationType__c
  Prepaid Validity Period   zqu__ValidityPeriodType__c
  Prepaid Quantity   zqu__PrepaidQuantity__c
  Prepaid UOM   zqu__PrepaidUOM__c
  Drawdown rate   zqu__DrawdownRate__c
  Drawdown UOM   zqu__DrawdownUOM__c

Zuora Object Zuora Field Salesforce Object Salesforce Field Comments
Subscription Zuora__SubscriptionHistory__c  
  AutoRenew   Zuora__AutoRenew__c  
  Billing Account   Zuora__CustomerAccount__c  
  Cancelled Date   Zuora__CancelledDate__c  
  Contract Acceptance Date   Zuora__ContractAcceptanceDate__c  
  Contract Effective Date   Zuora__ContractEffectiveDate__c  
  Current Term   Zuora__CurrentTerm__c


  Current Term Period Type   Zuora__CurrentTermPeriodType__c


  External Id   Zuora__External_Id__c  
  Initial Term   Zuora__InitialTerm__c  
  Initial Term Period Type   Zuora__InitialTermPeriodType__c


  Invoice Owner   Zuora__InvoiceOwner__c  
  Notes   Zuora__Notes__c  
  Original Created Date   Zuora__OriginalCreated_Date__c  
  Original Id   Zuora__OriginalId__c  
  Previous Subscription Id   Zuora__PreviousSubscriptionId__c  
  Renewal Term   Zuora__RenewalTerm__c  
  Renewal Term Period Type   Zuora__RenewalTermPeriodType__c  
  Service Activation Date   Zuora__ServiceActivationDate__c  
  Status   Zuora__Status__c  
  Subscription End Date   Zuora__SubscriptionEndDate__c  
  Subscription Number   Zuora__SubscriptionNumber__c  
  Subscription Start Date   Zuora__SubscriptionStartDate__c  
  Term End Date   Zuora__TermEndDate__c  
  Term Setting Type   Zuora__TermSettingType__c  
  Term Start Date   Zuora__TermStartDate__c  
  Version   Zuora__Version__c  
  Zuora Created Date   Zuora__CreatedDate__c This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionHistory__c, but not in Zuora__Subscription__c.
  Zuora Updated Date   Zuora__UpdatedDate__c This field is newly added in Zuora__SubscriptionHistory__c, but not in Zuora__Subscription__c.

Zuora Subscription Field Name Field Value in Zuora Connector for Salesforce CRM

Current Term


Current Term Period Type

Month (s)

Initial Term


Initial Term Period Type

Month (s)

Renewal Term


Renewal Term Period Type

Month (s)

You might find that the fields where their labels indicate that they have been deprecated also exist on Product Catalog objects. For example:

  • Product SKU (Deprecated)
  • Product Name (Deprecated)
  • Product Effective End Date (Deprecated)
  • UOM (Deprecated)

Do not use such fields in your customizations as they are likely to be removed soon and could result in sync failures. Keep in mind that you should always use the fields without the Deprecated suffix in their labels. Therefore, instead of the fields in the preceding list, you should use the following fields:

  • Product SKU
  • Product Name 
  • Product Effective End Date
  • UOM