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Product Rate Plan Charge data source


Product Rate Plan Charge data source

Use this data source to export ProductRatePlanCharge data, such as charge model and UOM. Each product rate plan charge represents one row in the export, including Product and ProductRatePlan information.

Objects available in the data source

Base object

Zuora Object Description
Product Rate Plan Charge

Fields on a rate plan charge. It includes the following fields. See the field description in the Product Rate Plan Charge object reference.

  • Accounting Code
  • Apply Discount To
  • Bill Cycle Day
  • Bill Cycle Type
  • Billing Period
  • Billing Period Alignment
  • Billing Timing
  • Charge Model
  • Charge Type
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Default Quantity
  • Deferred Revenue Account
  • Description
  • Discount Class ID
  • Discount Level
  • End Date Condition
  • Exclude Item Booking from Revenue Accounting - Specifies whether to exclude non-revenue related rate plan charges and order line items from syncing to Zuora Revenue. This field is only available if you have enabled the Billing - Revenue Integration feature or the Order to Revenue feature. The Billing - Revenue Integration feature and the Order to Revenue feature only support the billing-based revenue recognition for fixed-amount discounts, so booking transactions must be excluded from revenue accounting. You can exclude the booking transactions by setting the Exclude Item Booking from Revenue Accounting field to Yes.
  • Exclude Item Billing from Revenue Accounting - Specifies whether to exclude non-revenue related invoice items, invoice item adjustments, credit memo items, and debit memo items from syncing to Zuora Revenue. This field is only available if you have enabled the Billing - Revenue Integration feature or the Order to Revenue feature.
  • ID
  • Included Units
  • Is Stacked Discount - Specifies whether the discount percentage will be calculated by stacking with other discount percentages. This field applies only to the discount percentage charge model. For more information, see Discount charge models.
  • Legacy Revenue Reporting
  • List Price Base
  • Max Quantity
  • Min Quantity
  • Name
  • Number of Period
  • Overage Calculation Option
  • Overage Unused Units Credit Option
  • Price Change Option
  • Price Increase Percentage
  • Rating Group
  • Recognized Revenue Account
  • Reflect Discount In Net Amount - indicates whether reflects the net amount of  the Delivery Pricing charges after a percentage discount
  • Revenue Recognition Code
  • Revenue Recognition Rule Name
  • Revenue Recognition Trigger
  • Smoothing Model
  • Specific Billing Period
  • Tax Code
  • Tax Mode
  • Taxable
  • Trigger Event
  • UOM
  • Up To How Many Periods
  • Up To Periods Type
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
  • Usage Records Rating Option
  • Use Discount Specific Accounting Code
  • Use Tenant Default For Price Change
  • Weekly Bill Cycle Day

The following fields are only available if you have the Prepaid with Drawdown feature enabled. 

  • Is Prepaid
  • Prepaid Operation Type
  • Prepaid UOM
  • Prepaid Quantity
  • Prepaid Total Quantity
  • Validity Period Type
  • Credit Option
  • Drawdown UOM
  • Drawdown Rate

Related objects

Object Description


The entity that the data relates to. Part of the Multi-entity feature. Contains the following fields:

  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • Country
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Display Name
  • Email
  • ID
  • Name
  • Postal Code
  • State
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date


Product information.

Product Rate Plan

Pricing plan information from the product catalog.

Accounts Receivable Accounting Code

Accounting code for accounts receivable.

Recognized Revenue Accounting Code

Accounting code for recognized revenue.

Deferred Revenue Accounting Code

Accounting code for deferred revenue. 

Adjustment Liability Accounting Code

Accounting code for adjustment liability.

Adjustment Revenue Accounting Code

Accounting code for adjustment revenue.

Contract Asset Accounting Code

Accounting code for contract asset.

Contract Liability Accounting Code

Accounting code for contract liability.

Contract Recognized Revenue Accounting Code

Accounting code for contract recognized revenue.

Unbilled Receivables Accounting Code

Accounting code for unbilled receivables.