The change made to subscription. Contains the following fields:
- Auto Renew
- Code
- Contract Effective Date
- Created By ID
- Created Date
- Current Term
- Current Term Period Type
- Customer Acceptance Date
- Description
- Effective Date
- ID
- Name
- Renewal Setting
- Renewal Term
- Renewal Term Period Type
- Resume Date
- Service Activation Date
- Specific Update Date
- Status
- Subscription ID
- Suspend Date
- Term Start Date
- Term Type
- Type
- Updated By ID
- Updated Date
Entity |
The entity that the data relates to. Part of the Multi-entity feature. Contains the following fields:
- Address 1
- Address 2
- City
- Country
- Created By ID
- Created Date
- Display Name
- Email
- ID
- Name
- Postal Code
- State
- Updated By ID
- Updated Date
The product information. Contains the following fields:
- AllowFeatureChanges
- Category
- Created By ID
- Created Date
- Description
- Effective End Date
- Effective Start Date
- ID
- Name
- NetSuite Integration ID
- NetSuite Integration Status
- NetSuite Item Type
- NetSuite Sync Date
- Updated By ID
- Updated Date
Product Rate Plan
The rate plan coming from the product catalog. Contains the following fields:
- Created By ID
- Created Date
- Description
- Effective End Date
- Effective Start Date
- ExternalldSourceSystem
- Grade
- ID
- Name
- Updated By ID
- Updated Date
Product Rate Plan Charge
The product rate plan charge information coming from the product catalog. Contains the following fields:
- Accounting Code
- Apply Discount To
- Bill Cycle Day
- Bill Cycle Type
- Billing Period
- Billing Period Alignment
- Billing Timing
- Charge Model
- Charge Type
- Created By ID
- Created Date
- Default Quantity
- Deferred Revenue Account
- Description
- Discount Level
- End Date Condition
- ID
- Included Units
- Legacy Revenue Reporting
- List Price Base
- Max Quantity
- Min Quantity
- Name
- Number Of Period
- Overage Calculation Option
- Overage Unused Units Credit Option
- Price Change Option
- Price Increase Percentage
- Rating Group
- Recognized Revenue Account
- Revenue Recognition Code
- Revenue Recognition Rule Name
- Revenue Recognition Trigger
- Smoothing Model
- Specific Billing Period
- Tax Code
- Tax Mode
- Taxable
- Trigger Event
- Up To How Many Periods
- Up To Periods Type
- Updated By ID
- Updated Date
- Usage Records Rating Option
- Use Discount Specific Accounting Code
- Use Tenant Default For Price Change
- Weekly Bill Cycle Day
Rate Plan
Refers to the rate plan or pricing plan information associated with the subscription. Contains the following fields:
- Amendment Type: Note that a filter on this field using the unequal operator cannot return those Rate Plan records with a blank Amendment Type field.
- Created By ID
- Created Date
- Externally Managed Plan ID: a text field. This field indicates the unique identifier of a rate plan purchased on a third-party store.
- ID
- Invoice Owner ID: the invoice owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan
- Name
- Original Rate Plan ID: the original ID of the subscription rate plan, which is the ID of the subscription rate plan in the version-1 subscription
- Subscription Owner ID: the subscription owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan
- Subscription Rate Plan Number
- Updated By ID
- Updated Date
Rate Plan Charge
The charge information associated with the subscription. Contains the following fields:
- Accounting Code
- Apply Discount To
- Bill Cycle Day
- Bill Cycle Type
- Billing Period
- Billing Period Alignment
- Billing Timing
- Charge Model
- Charge Number
- Charge Type
- Charged Through Date
- Created By ID
- Created Date
- Description
- Discount Level
- Effective End Date
- Effective Start Date
- End Date Condition
- ID
- Invoice Owner ID: the invoice owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
- Is Last Segment
- Is Processed
- List Price Base
- Name
- Number of Periods
- Original ID
- Overage Calculation Option
- Overage Unused Units Credit Option
- Price Change Option
- Price Increase Percentage
- Processed Through Date
- Quantity
- Rating Group
- Revenue Recognition Code
- Revenue Recognition Rule Name
- Revenue Recognition Trigger Condition
- Segment
- Specific Billing Period
- Specific End Date
- Subscription Id: the ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
- Subscription Owner ID: the subscription owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
- Trigger Date
- Trigger Event
- Unit of Measure
- Up To Periods
- Up To Periods Type
- Updated By ID
- Updated Date
- Version
- Weekly Bill Cycle Day
The subscription to which the rate plan is associated. Contains the following fields:
- Auto Renew
- Cancelled Date
- Contract Acceptance Date
- Contract Effective Date
- Cpq Bundle Json ID
- Created By ID
- Created Date
- Creator Account ID
- Creator Invoice Owner ID
- Current Term
- Current Term Period Type
- ID
- Initial Term
- Initial Term Period Type
- Invoice Owner ID
- Invoice Separate
- Name
- Notes
- Opportunity Close Date
- Opportunity Name
- Original Created Date
- Original ID
- Previous Subscription ID
- Quote Business Type
- Quote Number
- Quote Type
- Renewal Setting
- Renewal Term
- Renewal Term Period Type
- Service Activation Date
- Status
- Subscription End Date
- Subscription Start Date
- Term End Date
- Term Start Date
- Term Type
- Updated By ID
- Updated Date
- Version
Subscription Status History |
The status history information of a subscription. Contains the following fields:
- Created By ID - The ID of the user who creates the subscription.
- Created Date - The date when the subscription is created.
- End Date - The latest date that the status ends.
- ID - The unique identifier of the subscription.
- Sort Order - The chronological order of the subscription statuses.
- Start Date - The effective start date of the status history.
- Status - The status of the subscription.
- Subscription Number - The subscription number that uniquely identifies each subscription.
- Updated By ID - The ID of the user who last updates the subscription.
- Updated Date - The date when the subscription is last updated.