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Rate Plan Charge Data Source


Rate Plan Charge Data Source


Use this data source to export charges on subscriptions, representing individual streams of charges that the subscription will generate (for example, usage, recurring, one-time). Each subscription charge represents a row in the export, and this data can be combined with associated data such as Accounts, Subscriptions, and Product Catalog.

Objects Available in the Data Source


Base Object Description

Descriptions for the base Zuora object.

Zuora Object Description

Rate Plan Charge

Fields on a rate plan charge. It includes the following fields. See the field description in the Rate Plan Charge object reference.

  • Accounting Code
  • Apply Discount To
  • Bill Cycle Day
  • Bill Cycle Type
  • Billing Period
  • Billing Period Alignment
  • Billing Timing
  • Charge Model
  • Charge Number
  • Charge Type
  • Charged Through Date - The date through which a customer has been billed for the charge.

Before the charge is billed, the value of the Charged Through Date field is null.

  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Credit Option
  • DMRC
  • DTCV
  • Description
  • Discount Level
  • Effective End Date
  • Effective Start Date
  • End Date Condition
  • Exclude Item Booking from Revenue - Specifies whether to exclude non-revenue related rate plan charges and order line items from syncing to Zuora Revenue. This field is only available if you have enabled the Order to Revenue feature or the Billing - Revenue Integration feature. The Order to Revenue feature or the Billing - Revenue Integration feature only supports the billing-based revenue recognition for fixed-amount discounts. Booking transactions must be excluded from revenue accounting. You can exclude the booking transactions by setting the Exclude Item Booking from Revenue Accounting field.
  • Exclude Item Billing from Revenue - Specifies whether to exclude non-revenue related invoice items, invoice item adjustments, credit memo items, and debit memo items from syncing to Zuora Revenue. This field is only available if you have enabled Zuora Billing - Revenue Integration.
  • ID
  • Invoice Owner ID: the invoice owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
  • Is Last Segment
  • Is Processed - It indicates whether a charge segment has been completely billed for all its relevant billing periods. This is determined by whether the End Date of the charge is earlier than or equal to the Target Date when generating invoices.
  • List Price Base
  • MRR
  • Name
  • Number of Periods
  • Number of Deliveries - dedicated to the Delivery Pricing charges
  • Original ID
  • Overage Calculation Option
  • Overage Unused Units Credit Option
  • Payment Term Snapshot
  • Price Change Option
  • Price Increase Percentage
  • Processed Through Date - The date until when charges have been processed. When billing in arrears, such as usage, this field value is the same as the ChargedThroughDate value. This date is the earliest date when a charge can be amended.
  • Quantity - the value is always 1 for the Delivery Pricing charges
  • Reflect Discount In Net Amount - indicates whether reflects the net amount of  the Delivery Pricing charges after a percentage discount
  • Rating Group
  • Revenue Recognition Code
  • Revenue Recognition Rule Name
  • Revenue Recognition Trigger Condition
  • Sales Price - The sales price associated with the rate plan charge expressed as a decimal. For field explanation, see Retrieve a rate plan charge of Object Query. 
  • Segment
  • Subscription ID: the ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
  • Subscription Owner ID: the subscription owner ID of the subscription that contains the rate plan charge
  • Specific Billing Period
  • Specific End Date
  • TCV
  • Trigger Date
  • Trigger Event
  • Unit of Measure
  • Up To Periods
  • Up To Periods Type
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date - The default behavior is that when Charged Through Date, Processed Through Date, or Is Processed is updated, the value of Updated Date for the Rate Plan Charge does not change. If you want the Updated Date field to change when Charged Through Date, Processed Through Date, or Is Processed is updated, submit a request at Zuora Global Support.
  • Version
  • Weekly Bill Cycle Day

The following fields are only available if you have the Prepaid with Drawdown feature enabled. 

  • Is Prepaid
  • Prepaid Operation Type
  • Prepaid UOM
  • Prepaid Quantity
  • Prepaid Total Quantity
  • Validity Period Type
  • Credit Option
  • Drawdown UOM
  • Drawdown Rate

Related Object Descriptions

Object Description
Account Customer account information
Amendment The amendment that is tied to the rate plan charge, if applicable
Bill To Contact The contact of the entity/person to whom you bill for your product or service
Bill To Contact Snapshot The snapshot of the bill to contact which stores the bill to contact when this Rate Plan Charge is created.

The entity that the data relates to. Part of the Multi-entity feature. Contains the following fields:

  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • Country
  • Created By ID
  • Created Date
  • Display Name
  • Email
  • ID
  • Name
  • Postal Code
  • State
  • Updated By ID
  • Updated Date
Sold To Contact The contact of the entity/person to whom your product or service is sold
Sold To Contact Snapshot The snapshot of the sold to contact which stores the sold to contact when this Rate Plan Charge is created.
Default Payment Method Payment method details, as a credit card, ACH or PayPal
Product Product information
Product Rate Plan Pricing plan information from the product catalog
Product Rate Plan Charge Charge information from the product catalog
Rate Plan Pricing Plan information from the Subscription
Rate Plan Charge Charge information based on the subscription
Subscription Status History

 The status history information of a subscription. Contains the following fields: 

  • Created By ID - The ID of the user who creates the subscription.
  • Created Date - The date when the subscription is created.
  • End Date - The latest date that the status ends.
  • ID - The unique identifier of the subscription.
  • Sort Order - The chronological order of the subscription statuses.
  • Start Date - The effective start date of the status history.
  • Status - The status of the subscription.
  • Subscription Number - The subscription number that uniquely identifies each subscription.
  • Updated By ID - The ID of the user who last updates the subscription.
  • Updated Date - The date when the subscription is last updated.
Accounts Receivable Accounting Code Accounting code for accounts receivable
Recognized Revenue Accounting Code Accounting code for recognized revenue
Deferred Revenue Accounting Code Accounting code for deferred revenue

Find Subscriptions that have a Rate Plan Charge 

You can use the Rate Plan Charge data source to find all the subscriptions or amendments that use a specific rate plan charge. 

  1. In Zuora, go to Reporting > Data Sources.
  2. In the Basic Information section, set the Data Source to Rate Plan Charge.
  3. In the Fields section, select the fields that you want to include in the report, including the Rate Plan Charge, Subscription, and Amendment fields.
  4. In the Filters section, create the filter Rate Plan Charge.ID = 'xxxxx'
    • Where 'xxxxx' is the ID of the specific rate plan charge that you want to report on.
  5. Click export to generate the report.
  6. Refresh the screen until the report's status changes to Completed.
  7. Click the name of the report to download it.