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ProcessAI user interface


ProcessAI user interface

The ProcessAI feature is in the Early Adopter phase. We are actively soliciting feedback from a small set of early adopters before releasing it as generally available. If you want to join this early adopter program, submit a request at Zuora Global Support.

The main page of ProcessAI consists of four panes:


  1. Analysis: Allows you to identify your business processes from different angles. This pane is displayed in the top left corner of the view. It is the starting point where you can start analyzing your business process data.
  2. Data Filters: Allows you to view a specific range of data by setting up filters. This pane is displayed in the bottom left corner. 
  3. Process Map: Optimized data visualization displayed in the middle pane. You can click the Count, Time, or Amount tab to determine the unit of measurement for the process map.
  4. Process Data: Displayed in the right pane. Your actions in the process maps can also be reflected in this pane.


The following analysis options are available:

  • Process Map
  • Bottlenecks
  • Comparison
  • Anomaly Detection

Based on the selected analysis option, the Process Data pane on the right pane will dynamically change.

Data Filters

All created data filters are stored in this pane. You can click + to create data filters so that you can see only the specific range of data. See Create filters for detailed steps on how to create a custom data filter.

Process Map

In the Process Map pane, you can perform the following actions:

Action Description
View a specific variant Select a variant other than the 100% Variant (default) from the Variant dropdown list, then the end-to-end activity sequence is displayed. The percentage is the ratio of the total cases of this variant against the total cases of all variants. For example, 32.69% Variant 1 indicates that the cases of variant 1 take 32.69% of the total processed cases in the system. The selected variants are highlighted in blue to improve visibility.
Check a specific variant in the process map Click a Process or Decision node (activity), then the right pane displays all variants that contain the activity.
Change KPI Click the Count or Time tabs to change the KPI for the process map, or right-click the process map and select Select Base KPI. With the KPI changed, the number indicated under each link between two nodes in the process map are updated.
Baselining a variant Right-click the process map to set the current variant as a baseline.

In addition, click the following icons to further facilitate your reading or using the process map:

Icon Function
ScaleDown_icon Scale down the process map.
ScaleUp_icon Scale up the process map.
SwitchCalcMethod_icon Change the measurement method based on the current KPI. This icon is applicable only if the KPI is set to Time.
FullScreen_icon View the process map in full screen.

Process Data

The right pane displays process data, statistical plots, or process maps depending on your selection in other panes. To deep dive into each view, refer to the following use cases: